Log of what of Zidong Lei has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Acquiring new skills and break into higher paying careers.

Taking your time and investing it for new skills can potentially land you into better paying careers. For example, spending time on free online courses can get you e-certificates that you could put on your resume for better job opportunities. Take digital marketing as an example, you could take free online courses offered by Google through a program called Google Career Certificates and earn an e-certificate on Digital Marketing. Having a certificate helps you stand out among other candidates aiming for the same position. What’s better is that taking online courses means you can study at your own time, which makes it doable for people that are also working on the side but wants to expand their options in life.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Increasing your productivity

Time is an invaluable asset to anyone. Therefore, it is important to utilize yours effectively and efficiently. After all, even if you think you’re young, your time on the world is finite just like everybody else and it will eventually catch up to you. One way to effectively and efficiently utilize your time is by auditing your time, find out where exactly you’re putting most of your time in and focus on what matters, cut down on things that are provide no betterment to yourself and allocate your time to bettering yourself. Plan ahead, set up short term and long term goals for yourself so you have a clear direction to put your time in, even a goal as minuscule as making your bed when you wake up goes a long way when you develop more and more healthy habits like this.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Extracting residual value and becoming a flipper

Almost all electronic devices in the market today depreciate quickly, you might see a smart phone selling for $1000+ on launch, a couple months later you could see it on sale for $50-$100 off, and 1-2 years later, you could just buy it at ~60-70% launch price with an even steeper estimate for android phones. Therefore, if you have an outdated electronics device, it’s best to get it off your hands and get some money on the side. There are many routes one can do this, you can go the popular way which is to sell it online as a second hand device, while it might be tedious to answer all the online inquiries from potential buyers, you can often fetch a relatively sizeable price versus other ways such as selling it a scrape. Sellers can buy your outdated device off your price at a very steep discount while some just flat out recycle it for you for free.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Web and graphic designing

Web and graphic designing offers a decent career to people that likes to work with art as well as computers. As opposed to most jobs, web and graphic designers or just designers in general genuinely likes the work they do because it requires you to be creative and a master in colors. The color wheel is an example of how artists engineer colors that best pleases the human eyes. Artists that didn’t make it by freelancing as a commission artist online may potentially pivot into this career as a full time designer. For most graphic designers, the starting salary may not be as high as people with CS degrees but can go up and compete with CS the longer they do it.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Making money by creating tutorials

One of the many ways to capitalize on your skillset is by creating online tutorials. What’s great about making tutorials is that it often requires little to no preparation. You don’t need to hire other people or rent a studio, a computer with a webcam will suffice. And with more and more ways companies innovating new ways to be creative with our devices, soon, making tutorials will become even more accessible. You can capitalize on your tutorials by selling them on platforms or simply start out by posting free tutorials on YouTube to build up a popularity. A YouTube account with a sizeable following can attract potential buyers that you can then link to your paid tutorials on other platforms.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Becoming a web developer

Being a web developer promises a bright future as we are in the era of technology and advancement, being a web developer will ensure your profession and your job will be highly relevant in the future and thus offer more and more diverse opportunities. Many people have capitalized on this foreseeable future by investing in coding boot camps, these boot camps are a highway to your programming career jam packed with relevant knowledge like computer information systems, basic coding languages like Java, Python, C++, etc. Programming not only be your job, but also help you in your hobbies. For example, investors with a background in programming can create an excel worksheet that automatically tracks the latest prices of stocks while also taking advantage of specific functions in excel that gives the best insights.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Making money by flipping hot commodities

There are many ways one can take advantage of a supply constraint in a market to their benefit. For example, flipping an item, or buying a popular and sought after item at their retail price, then later putting it up for sale on multiple platform with a jacked up price tag for a profit. It’s a simple and relatively effortless way to make sizeable income since you can often raise the initial retail price by 20% while still retaining demand. However, nothing is without risk, there are many possibilities for failure, for example, timing it wrong, by the time you manage to get that item at its retail price and put it up for sale, the market may already be saturated with others trying to do the same. Or, you could interpret the market wrong, an item you thought to be highly sought after may not attract any buyers that are willing to buy it off your hands at even only a 5% markup.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Selling art as your side hustle

For people with a talent in art, there’s no better way than to capitalize on your talent by drawing for a commission online. There are many ways online where freelance artists can expand, many can showcase their work through social media platforms like twitter and reddit where they showcase samples of their work for free and attract people to their paid platforms where these people can pay to commission a drawing of their choice. Besides freelance drawing, you can also draw full time, for example, becoming a comic artist is a decent starting point where you can submit your comic to publishers, and with enough effort and luck, one might sign a contract with you to hire you as a full time comic artist.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

A potential career in stock photo, video and audio

Chances are you have encountered some sort of stock imagery or video in a documentary or a YouTube video. These stock imagery often helps the audience visualize and better connect with the author’s message and/or content. Thus, a career in stock photo, video, audio is a decent career path for someone who is not camera shy since stock media will always be in demand. Unlike most other careers that requires you to be on camera, selling stock imagery, video, and audio does not require you to be very good at acting, since the settings in a stock image is often very barebones and simplistic, an individual with minimal acting skills is sufficient. Plus, overtime, your face will get featured on more and more media pieces as stock media and that comes with more opportunities and fame.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Your potential career in voice acting

When people think of voice acting, the first things that likely comes to mind are cartoons and movies. But there are a lot more to the voice acting industry, the neat thing about voice acting is its specialty and its niche. Meaning that there’s a sizeable barrier from the voice acting industry as not everyone has a nice voice, it’s a talent one cannot acquire no matter how much studying they do, contrary to other skills. The niche in voice acting is another upside in voice acting, voice actors can become more and more specialized and cater to a more specific audience over time from the image they build in the characters they voice over as. It’s a career that offers flexible hours and opens the door to a variety of different clients and audiences.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Career in data entry

Chances are, every company in this world has a huge amount of data that they need someone to sort and file for them, thus, every company needs data entry. This in turn means that if you plan to go into the data entry industry, there won’t be any shortage for jobs. Besides that, upsides of going into the data entry industry include its easy to learn nature, someone with no computer skills today can take months to get used to typing on a keyboard, get familiar with software used in data entry, which are engineered to be easy to use, and start applying to data entry roles. Another upside of a data entry role is its repetitiveness, generally, you will get used to entering data and when you do, it will become a second nature to you. This means your job will become a piece of cake for you and you will have more energy to spend on enjoying your life.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Making money with skills you can acquire in months

Taking your time and investing it for new skills can potentially land you into better paying careers. For example, spending time on free online courses can get you e-certificates that you could put on your resume for better job opportunities. Take digital marketing as an example, you could take free online courses offered by Google through a program called Google Career Certificates and earn an e-certificate on Digital Marketing. Having a certificate helps you stand out among other candidates aiming for the same position. What’s better is that taking online courses means you can study at your own time, which makes it doable for people that are also working on the side but wants to expand their options in life.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

How to better manage your time.

Time is an invaluable asset to anyone. Therefore, it is important to utilize yours effectively and efficiently. After all, even if you think you’re young, your time on the world is finite just like everybody else and it will eventually catch up to you. One way to effectively and efficiently utilize your time is by auditing your time, find out where exactly you’re putting most of your time in and focus on what matters, cut down on things that are provide no betterment to yourself and allocate your time to bettering yourself. Plan ahead, set up short term and long term goals for yourself so you have a clear direction to put your time in, even a goal as minuscule as making your bed when you wake up goes a long way when you develop more and more healthy habits like this.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Why a mentor is important.

As someone who is very new to the real world, I recognize that my lack of experience can be a hindrance to what I do but can also help me learn and adapt to the real world. This is why mentors exist, mentors, like all of us, were once beginners as well. Through overcoming their difficulties and learning through their experiences, mentors offer invaluable experiences that everyone should strive to learn from. Many of us are hesitant of stepping out of our comfort zone and taking that first step, mentors can help us take that first step by offering encouragement and just being there while we learn. Perhaps some people prefer to learn on their own and thinks that mentors are irrelevant to them, mentors can still serve an important role by helping them make connections in the real world.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

How to make money through ads.

Passive income is an income source that is acquired automatically, often requiring no work or just a little work. While it definitely sounds attractive to everyone, creating a sizeable source of passive income is where the challenge is at. One way one can acquire a source of passive income is by selling ad spots to advertisers aka backlinks. Backlinks in definition is a link that leads a user from one website to another. So in order to get the clicks advertisers want, the content of your website must be relevant enough, almost no one will click on a link for drinking cups when reading an article on animal conservation. In order to ensure a quality website that can attract advertisers to place their ads in, it is crucial to ensure your website has the relevance, uniqueness, etc. which can be achieved through methods like click baiting, although it is not a long term solution.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

How to salvage items you don’t need anymore.

Almost all electronic devices in the market today depreciate quickly, you might see a smart phone selling for $1000+ on launch, a couple months later you could see it on sale for $50-$100 off, and 1-2 years later, you could just buy it at ~60-70% launch price with an even steeper estimate for android phones. Therefore, if you have an outdated electronics device, it’s best to get it off your hands and get some money on the side. There are many routes one can do this, you can go the popular way which is to sell it online as a second hand device, while it might be tedious to answer all the online inquiries from potential buyers, you can often fetch a relatively sizeable price versus other ways such as selling it a scrape. Sellers can buy your outdated device off your price at a very steep discount while some just flat out recycle it for you for free.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

What are work from home scams?

Most people aspire to work from home because it gives them increased control of their schedule, leading to more free time to spend on oneself and in turn getting more control over the work/life balance. However, some people have taken this aspiration and made it into targeted scams specifically designed to scam people out of their hard earned money. One example is by offering insanely good remote work or business system that claims to make over six figures while investing minimal time and effort. What the scammers do is to first hook the potential victim by making an insanely good offer, then slowly reel the victim in through a combination of sweet talk, persuasion, and scare tactic. The less susceptible victims will get brainwashed into believing it and hand over their credit card details and other compromising personal information.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

How to get more flexible with your work/life balance.

While working remote gives you a more flexible schedule as you no longer have to commute for work, you are most likely going to work a set schedule given by your superior anyway. Those who want an even more flexible work/life balance might want to look into freelancing. Freelancing allows you to work whenever you want because you get to choose when your work begins. If you feel like it, you can choose to accept a request or outright deny it and enjoy some time off for yourself. Freelancing used to be difficult to start up due to its nature being all you, which means you have to rely on yourself for the whole process of finding work and actually doing the work. Modern technology makes this a lot easier for freelancers as it allows freelancers to advertise to the world and exchange information quickly, like prices, service period and other relevant details. By using the internet effectively, one can start their freelance business with enough time and effort and begin working on their own accord.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

How to make quick bucks by doing remote work

Contrary to traditional beliefs, technology has made it possible for anyone with a basic understanding of the internet and relevant skills (using a computer, etc.), to kick start their careers fully online. In NYC, chances are you speak two or more languages, one example of how you can start your career online is by doing freelance translation work. It only requires you to know how to use a computer and the rest should come natural to you as you’ve been most likely speaking the language growing up. Or, if you do not know more than one language, that’s totally fine too as there are work for anyone. One example is transcribing where you listen and transform spoken words into written or typed words, it only requires you to know how to use a computer and the rest should come natural. As technology advances, it will make work more accessible to people everywhere, companies can outsource to other countries, people can have a conference meeting from anywhere in the world, there is only going to be more and more opportunities for people like you and me.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

How to trade stocks & crypto

Although many people back off from touching stocks and/or crypto because of their high volatility, they can be another viable way for anyone to make money anywhere in the world as long as there is reasonably good internet. That doesn’t mean you can make money every time you trade stocks, you are bound to losing money in the stock market, after all, no one can predict the future at a 100% every time, even with the most up to date insight information, there are too many variables in the real world. However, as long as invest consistently with reasonably good returns, you are bound to get sizeable returns.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

How to improve one’s lifestyle.

It is important to properly separate work and life. After all, the reason people work is for a better life for them and their family. While money does give your life more happiness, there are tricks which you can use to make to make your life happier now. For instance, developing healthy habits can really help to relax and ease one’s mind. For most people, a habit can be developed in as little as 20 days as long as you have the determination to keep doing up the habit. And the habit doesn’t have to be hard or time consuming either, a habit that can make your life happier can be as simple as making your bed in the morning, when you come home after a long day’s work, you’ll definitely be more happy to see an already made bed versus a bed that’s unorganized and displeasing to look at.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

How to make quick cash doing remote work (continued)

In addition to the ability to earn quick cash by performing simple tasks online, some people may like the added possibility of expanding their supposed temporary quick buck remote work to building a full time career around it. For instance, writing can be a viable temporary work that you can work remote and earn some quick bucks. If you find it to be interesting and a viable career path that you want to follow, you can very well expand into it by becoming a full time writer. There is no shortage of the many different writing positions available on the market, based on my research, you can be a writer for a magazine company, publishing companies, or if you want to stay only for the quick cash, you can always become a ghost writer for students and content creators alike.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

How to make quick cash by doing remote work

While there are endless possibilities in remote work, most of the opportunities require you to put in the hours. For people that just wants some quick bucks while doing remote work, there are also many opportunities in that regards. For instance, Amazon Mechanical Turk is a program offered by Amazon that allows people to work online by completing small tasks and get paid for it. For those that doesn't like repetitive tasks, you can also accept music review tasks online, all you have to do is listen to music and write a review about, and the music is different each time which keeps you hooked. For those that are more on the creative side, you can also express your creativity and humor by writing greeting cards which the company will review and pay for the ones they like. All these are simple ways one can make quick cash online wherever they are.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

How to protect yourself from scams

While working online has many benefits like increasing productivity while improving one's work life balance, there are unavoidable risks like getting baited by a really attractive remote offer that's specifically engineered to scam desperate people that are trying to hop on the remote work trend and enjoy its benefits like many others. There is a general guideline for avoiding scams like this. Firstly, if a an offer seems too good to be true, such as requiring little to no experience while paying above market price or offering a really high position while requiring no experience, then the offer is likely a scam as there are many people in the market that have the qualifications and is willing to take less, there is no reason why the employer would want to pay extra for a loss. Another rule of thumb is if a position requires payment up front before a job offer, then the position is likely another bait as any respectable employer would not charge fees to employ people.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

How to avoid burnout

Although working remote brings increase flexibility to your schedule and better work life balance. Many remote employees often report increased work hours and increased work and life overlap due to working remote. Therefore, it is important to avoid this burnout by properly allocating work hours and being efficient to truly enjoy the benefits remote work brings. For example, using special communication tools like Slack can promote better communication in your workplace while also strengthen relationships with your coworkers as working remote doesn't really allow for real world face to face communication. It is ok to say no when your workload is just too difficult to complete on schedule. This sets a boundary for yourself and you're more likely to enjoy your job rather than burning yourself out trying to meet every expectation.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

How to ace an interview

Most people believe having a strong academic background will get you into just about any position you desire. While a strong academic background is preferable for many employers, there are many other important factors that tie into getting your dream job. For example, doing research on a company is crucial because it shows your potential employer that you've done your homework and you care a lot about this position. Looking up the company 10k if it is available is also a great way to impress your potential employer because it often gets overlooked by a lot of job seekers. Being responsive and taking the first available interview spot is another great way to show your aggressiveness as it may very well be that one factor that convinces your potential employer to take you over another applicant that chose a later spot.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

How to make people remember you

Although it is crucial to work hard in life to get what you want, it is more important to work smarter. As many say, "work smarter not harder", it works wonders to cut your workload significantly and give yourself time to think about where you are and where you want to go, figuratively speaking. This can be as simple as constantly looking for new opportunities, and making sure your interviewer remembers you by being more straightforward and aggressive than other candidates. One takeaway I got from a video is to always reach out and never wait for a response.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

How to stand out

When competing for a potential client or a potential job, it is important to stand out by being the most responsive individual. Standing out increases your chance of getting noticed by your person of interest and thus giving you a higher chance of achieving your goal. Being responsive can include responding to emails as soon as you finish reading them, returning a phone call as soon as you see one, or even just scheduling your interview at the earliest time possible. It is easy to put things off and procrastinate but this also gives your competitors an edge over you and could very well be their winning factor.

Tue. Jul. 5, 2022

How to monetize your audience

Although starting out when building a theme page can be slow and unrewarding, after you have built a sizeable audience you can monetize them by reaching out to companies and through promotions and shout outs, things can snowball. Your page will start to self promote and going viral which only leads to greater opportunities and bigger deals. There are resources that helps content creators to self promote and build their audience, although some require a sizeable following and a fee. Overall, building an audience can be tough, but if you can get through it, you can make money from anywhere in the world.