Log of what of William Greene has learned at Techie Youth

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Ready And Lead!

Today what I learned at Techie Youth is how to be a leader and what qualities a leader or in person in charge is supposed to have. Leaders play the biggest part in teams and they are trusted to have their team under control. Leaders are supposed to make sure everything goes smoothly and most of the time they have the most experience or knowledge on the team they are.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Video Editor!!

What I learned at Techie Youth today is that video editing software creates video of my own. I'm still pretty new at it but after today I gained many valuable tips to help me advance in editing my videos and making it stand out more to the public's eye. Video Editing is something I really wanna pursue even after this program.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Analyzing Graphs!

Today what I learned at Techie Youth is how to analyze data and the graphs to figure out how the system of money. Today I learned and seen how the flow of money goes and flows throughout the system.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Captain of The Future!

Today what I learned at Techie Youth is how to be a leader and what qualities a leader or in person in charge is supposed to have. Leaders play the biggest part in teams and they are trusted to have their team under control. Leaders are supposed to make sure everything goes smoothly and most of the time they have the most experience or knowledge on the team they are.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Arts and Craft!

What I learned today at Techie Youth is the importance of selling art or creating art online. Art is a visual image, object, or experience that you could make to show to the public eye for them to admire and accept. Exploring art online for your own interest could be fun but making money from the art you do is even more fun and satisfying!

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Professional Writing and Appearance

What I learned today at Techie Youth is how to be more of a Professional for your own business, your job, and anything else you are doing. Your image is very important nowadays and it's very important to show a positive image of yourself to the public. In this day and age, you could get canceled from doing anything and could lose everything you worked for. Additionally, I watched more videos on how to make my writing more professional and accurate to my audience.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Savings is Key!

What I learned today at Techie Youth is tips and tricks to save more money and what I should use my money to buy. I also learned the reasons of why its important to save my money for certain importance to you and the future.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

My Own Creations!

What I learned today at Techie Youth was how to and where to create my own niche in others words my own company. Today provided me with step by step and tips in ways even when I grow business to where it's up and running, it provided how to stay successful and not lose any customers and to be persistent.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Entrepreneurs Point of Views!

What I learned today Techie Youth were tips for being an online influence and entrepreneur. It seems nowadays that everyone has an online presence on some platform and it's a little easier to get yourself out now than in the past with all of social media out there now. What I really gained though from today was tips on how to stay successful and consistent with the content I choose to put out. Also, the videos supplied me with tips and tricks to have better quality in my videos

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Sharing Products

What I learned today at Techie Youth is about how to buy, produce, and sell products online for better prices. You could buy products just to resell them to other people for however price you want but at a reasonable price for the consumers to buy.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Survey Money and Wealth

What I learned today at Techie Youth is the little things I could do to make money. For example doing surveys, taking tests, etc. Some of these I already did and some of them I'm going to start doing.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Future Author Incoming

Writing is what I learned today at Techie Youth. The chapters of becoming a writer and making money from actually inspired me to start wiring my own story. It gave me confidence and tips on where to start off in my writing and gave me ideas. I knew you could make money by being a author but I didn't know there were there ways to make money by just writing which were pretty obvious from the start.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

Stocks of the Future

Building Stocks is what I learned today at Techie Youth. Building and Investing in stocks were the main focus in the topics I discovered. There are different ways and different apps you could use to help start investing and learning more how to be owned by something. Building a portfolio for yourself is also an important thing I learn because it is very useful when I start applying for things.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Musicians Rocks!

Music is what I learned today at Techie Youth. To be more specific, I learned about the value of making beats and the sounds of the songs. Also, I learned little specials ways to make money overtime by creating beats for other people or even sharing them to the public for even them to judge and use. Music is a stress reliever for most people in the world and it's also a great way to enjoy yourself at events, parties and celebrations. Becoming a musician or even song producer/writer could help change the world more than you know it.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Incoming Video Editor

Video Editing is what I have learned today at Techie Youth. This course is actually pretty important to me because it revolves around my actual future goals in the media business. Before this program, I have tried plenty of video editing software's to create video of my own. I'm still pretty new at it but after today I gain many valuable tips to help me advance in editing my videos and making it stand out more to the public's eye.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

Insightful Media Beginnings

What I have learned today at Techie Youth was a more depth way to explore Social Medias that I use to mostly which is Instagram and Snapchat. I found out about facts that I never knew about like making your filters on Snapchat for other people to use so you could get paid from it. From Instagram, making your own pages of any kind then selling it to other creators or people that are interested blew my mind. In addition, I began learning the basics about Techie Youth and tried to explore as much topics that interest me today