Log of what of Tom Wang has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Selling Art - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the eleventh of August 2022, I was given able to learn -- through the platform Techie Youth -- an abundance of knowledge centered around selling art.

First and foremost, I did some research as a part of my Stocks, Crypto unit assignment and learned a quite a bit on certain companies and their wellbeing.

Then I entered the art unit, where I was first foretold that anyone can sell art, not even artists. With that in mind, the beginning of the unit is mostly in regard to artists -- something that might come in handy in the future. I was able to learn about how artists use platforms such as Etsy to start off their business in a simple manner, then as their customer base expands, they would move to Shopify.

I also learned about the possible customer base that is the corporate world, and how, in order to sell to corporations, artists must keep in mind that art must have some tangible benefit -- the main one being morale boost.

Then I learned various tips for selling art from people who've followed this route such as the optimal way to handle shipping.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Options Risks & Commodities - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the tenth of August 2022, I was given able to learn -- through the platform Techie Youth -- an abundance of knowledge centered yet again around stock options trading but also including commodities trading.

As the day began, I was yet again taught further options trading strategies. Then my lesson delves into the risks of options and how investors should ideally treat options contract premium as the risk tolerable on conventional stock investments. That is, if you're only comfortable in losing $5,000 in the stock market, then your options premium should match that $5,000. Furthermore, I was able to learn about binary "all or nothing" options scams and how scam sites can swindle investors out of their money through refusing to transfer invested funds over to cliental control. I will be sure to check with the Securities and Exchange Commision's list of registered trading platforms before diving headfirst into the wild.

Then I learned about the possibility of trading commodities, what commodities were exactly, and how commodities can act as a protection of funds against traditional market crashes. For instance, if the stock market crashes due to a housing bubble ( a la '07 & '08 ) then the value of stocks will plummet, however, the value of a commodity such as gold would see less of an impact.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Stock Options - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the tenth of August 2022, I was given able to learn -- through the platform Techie Youth -- an abundance of knowledge centered around stock options trading.

First and foremost, I touched up on my knowledge of executive summaries yet again. Then I was able to reinforce my learning of what stock options were and how they center around the concept of a contract agreeing to buy a stock at a set strike price. Then my knowledge of puts and calls were reinforced, where puts are purchased in situations where the buyer of the option thinks the stock price is going to go down and calls are purchased in situations where the buyer of the option thinks the stock price will go up. Finally, the risks of buying options were again taught as to be limited to the premiums paid on acquiring the options contract.

Finally, I am currently being taught options strategies such as the short strangle, the sale of both an out of money put and an out of money call as to maximize the success of earning a profit. Furthermore, in learning about options strategy I learned a plethora of indicators for "exits" so to say, for instance, options should generally be sold at 50% credit or 21 days left to expiration.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Business Management - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the ninth of August 2022, I was given able to learn -- through the platform Techie Youth -- an abundance of knowledge centered around leadership behavior in running a business.

I learned leadership skills such as:

I also learned that it is better to let your employees resign rather than fire then because: 1) the employees could contest the firing in court if a reason was supplied, 2) you're on the hook for unemployment as the fired employee searches for a new job. I've also learned the importance of at-will-employment.

Finally, I touched up on executive summaries and stock options.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Deploying A Business- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the eighth of August 2022, I was given able to learn -- through the platform Techie Youth -- an abundance of knowledge centered around the deployment of a business.

I started off the day learning about branding, specifically learning about how the importance of a non-trademark infringing business name and how I can easily check for possible infringement on the federal and state level of government through their respective commerce sites.

Furthermore, I've learned the importance and the guidelines for creating a good slogan and mission statement. I've learned how slogans are akin to memorable catchphrases to implant in the consumer's mind whereas mission statement are succinct ( < 100 words ) sentence(s) that describe the company and thereby employee's purpose.

In addition to slogans and mission statement, I've learned about good logo designs and the tools in which I can make/hire someone to make a company logo. For the latter, I've been forewarned of scams that involve dragging the company into trademark infringement.

Finally for branding, I've learned about Wix and how it's a great tool to make a professional business website.

In addition to branding, I've learned about financing. I've learned about ways to finance out of pocket, through credit cards, angel investors, and venture capitalists as well as which one is the best. I've learned the steps of financing where shares are created and sold to private investors in series.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Forex & REIT Trading - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the fourth of August 2022, I was given the opportunity to learn an abundance utilizing the platform Techie Youth. Specifically, the day centered around the lesser-known trading options of Foreign Exchange ( ForEx ). Real Estate Investment Trusts ( REITs ) and stock options.

In regard to ForEx trading, I was taught what exactly ForEx trading was and how it utilizes the strength of a currency as well as its conversion rates to net a profit for traders, the best platforms to learn and conduct ForEx trading, the best practices in conducting trading, how to maintain a levelheaded mindset and disregard emotions in the heat of the moment, as well as the top ForEx traders. I was surprised to learn George Soros was the current highest profiting ForEx trader and was intrigued by how he netted a handsome profit through shorting GBP contributing to Black Wednesday.

In regard to REIT trading, I was taught what exactly a REIT was and how it differed from investing in real-estate. Specifically, how REITs are more akin to investing in portions of real-estate where 90% of the profits that incur from loans/rent/mortgage-backed securities are paid back to investors as dividends.

I also delve into the shallow end of stock options and are intrigued by the seemingly low risk nature of calls and puts, with the only risk being the premium paid on the contracts for said calls and puts.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Cryptocurrency - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the third of August, in the year of our lord 2022, I was given the opportunity to learn an abundance utilizing the platform Techie Youth. The education continued on Cryptocurrency, a topic touched on yesterday, and delve into the three coins that hold the most market shares, what makes them unique, and how they operate. Specifically, these three coins are: Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum's Ether.

Furthermore, I was warned to watch out for "shitcoins" the industry's name for cryptocurrency whose values are backed by speculation. Of course, I've learned definition of shitcoins vary based on the expert asked with some even suggesting that the titan of crypto: Bitcoin is in itself a shitcoin, but I was also taught that only time could prove such a deal.

Then my studies turned towards blockchain technology: what it is, and what are it's uses. I've learned about how secure blockchains are through utilizing a distributed peer to peer network that incorporates backwards hash checking as well as proof of work in preventing fraud as well as the fact the only real way to fraud blockchain would be to perform a 51% Attack where 51% of the nodes in the distributed peer to peer network must be hijacked to perform the same changes in order for frauding to occur. I also learned about how blockchain enables technologies such as Crypto, Smart Contracts, and DApps.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Entrepreneurship, Stock Market, Cryptocurrency - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the 27th of July 2022, I've learned an abundance over the platform Techie Youth. I started off by continuing the entrepreneur course and learned the importance of a contingency plan and in-place redundancy for every scenario -- even ones that no one would ever think about a la covid. I also learned the importance of knowing a loss threshold as to cut losses with a mind set on facts rather than emotion. Furthermore, I learned about the importance of having partners in developing a business and the types of businesses: sole proprietors, co-ops, LLCs, C-Corps, non-profits, etc.

Then I delve into the world of stocks and learned the fundamentals of trading and common lingo: broker, bid, interest, bull/bear market, shorts, preferred/private/common stocks; as well as types of stock market orders: limit order, sell stop order, market order, etc.

Finally, I touched onto the cryptocurrency section and explored what exactly they are.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Starting a Business - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the 27th of July 2022, I've learned an abundance over the platform Techie Youth with a primary focus on the concept of starting your own business and the process of doing so.

I've learned the importance of an executive summary, and how that piece of document summarizing the business plan is the most important aspect of coherently building a business.

I've learned the importance of a team assembled to fulfill required roles and the importance of various chief roles such as CFO, CMO, CEO, CIO, CTO, etc. It's important to not just buddy up with friends because, while your team's dynamics may be good, the team won't necessarily have all the skills it needs to succeed.

I've learned the importance of scoping out the environment, i.e. learning the competition and the market. This is so my business can avoid the pitfalls or innovate on top of successful competitors as well as gauge how the market would actually respond to a product proposal. Furthermore, I've learned about the myth of not telling others your ideas because you're worried it'll be stolen.

I also learned the importance of producing a minimal viable product so the hassles of failure will be minimalized while profits maximized.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Entrepreneurship - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the 27th of July 2022, I've learned an abundance over the platform Techie Youth with a primary focus on the concept of entrepreneurship: what it is, what is required to become one, and the life of one. Specifically, I learned what an entrepreneur is: a person that manages his own business and in doing so gains greater rewards at a cost of greater risk. In what is required of a person to be an entrepreneur, I learned the greatest trait would be passion. It's a trait espoused by numerous successful entrepreneurs from the Zuck to Bezos and to Musk and they do so because ( to paraphrase Steve Jobs ) "Passion is what allows the surpassing of hardships where normal sane people would stop". I also learned leadership traits that would be helpful in representing oneself as an entrepreneur.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Digital Nomads & Getting Life Together - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the 27th of July 2022, I've learned an abundance over the platform Techie Youth. The bulk of content learned today centered around a digitally nomadic lifestyle. I did not previously know that such an option exists for people and was delighted to hear how people could live their lives around the world, subsiding on the good will of others and local work. Furthermore, I learned that most digital nomads have a career length ranging from a few months to a decade, so it is not exactly a life-long career aspiration but something for people in the prime of their lives to do; something that I may one day embark on.

Then my education went into motivation and tips on getting your life together so that I may take the initiative and become successful. The resources provided were instrumentally helpful.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Health, Productivity, Mentors - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the 27th of July 2022, I've learned an abundance over the platform Techie Youth. I started off the day finishing the segment on investment that I didn't get to yesterday. It was a fortification of what I had learned and reviewed the best steps to take when receiving a paycheck.

Then my educational experience segway into time management. I really appreciated this topic as I had been hoping to create a set schedule where my time was better managed, and a daily routine set for the upcoming school year. I covered various methods of budgeting time as well as learned the fact that multitasking reduced productivity, who woulda seen this coming? The lessons I learned in managing time today will surely be spent over the remainder of my educational career.

In covering health, I learned the importance of health as well as easy ways to incorporate it into day-to-day life. I've learned that daily exercise reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases as well as depression and diabetes. The overall strengthening of health, both physically and mentally, will contribute to overall productivity increase. I plan to include daily regiments in my upcoming schedule.

Finally, I got started on mentors, both finding mentors and what they can do for you. Mentors are an important aspect of a person's career. Even Dick Cheney, former Vice President, had Donald Rumsfeld as his mentor during the Nixon and Ford days.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Remote Work, Scams, Investing - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the 26th of July 2022, I've learned an abundance over the platform Techie Youth. The day was complex and rich in subject matter seeing as I started off with learning about succeeding in a remote working environment. I was able to cover the many tools that remote work utilises and how everything together was able to produce results of immense productivity increase relative to in-person work. I was also able to cover the challenges of remote work, namely the lack of a social aspects and how companies are combating that through different but virtual friendly onboarding processes, virtual office like experiences, etc.

I was also able to learn about easily spotting a scam disguising itself as a remote work opportunity. I will be adamant in following the common mantra of "If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't".

Furthermore, I dipped into investing and learned about the difference between liquidity and illiquidity in investments. I've been eyeing some stock options recently so I think this will really help me in the future.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Getting that Job - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the 26th of July 2022, I've learned an abundance over the platform Techie Youth. The day was rather condensed in subject matter as I was able to learn "how to get that job" through going over the importance of resumes, cover letters, interviews.

I've learned the importance of resumes and learned ways to format resumes in circumstances where one's experience may be minimal or in a diametrically opposite situation. I've learned that most conclusions on the hire-ability of an applicant comes after just 6 seconds of seeing a resume.

I've also learned the importance of cover letters. I had been under the presumption that a cover letter needs to be long and detailed but today I've been elucidated that the best practice would be for a short, concise, and to the point letter. I've also been introduced to resu-letters.

I've also learned the importance of social media in both setting up a background for yourself and in its ability to taketh given your conduct is less than sublime.

Furthermore, I was able to learn many facets of the interview process and go over how to handle the different forms of interviews nowadays: in-person, phone, and online. As well as learning how to best sell myself during an interview.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

How to use Techie Youth, Financial + Life Tips - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, the 25th of July 2022, I've learned an abundance over the platform Techie Youth. I started off my day still a bit confused on the premise of what I would be doing over this program, but that confusion was quickly dispelled.

I followed with the program's prerequisites and learned an abundance about remote work, and how it may not be suitable for everyone but definitely has its upside.

I also learned financial and life advice. One of the financial tips I believe I will follow would be the "Jay Leno" strategy for investing, where someone with two sources of income would live off the smaller source and invest the other. Of course, I was also told repeatedly to make a budget and cut expenses where possible. As well as elucidated the differences between needs, wants, and luxury.

Furthermore, I learned about various different checking accounts, how to write a check, how to endorse a check, and the numerous online alternatives to standard checking and savings account.

In the event that I start a small business, I've learned about payment aggregator services compared against merchant account -- as well as using cryptocurrency.