Log of what of Tieana Kelly has learned at Techie Youth

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

What was learned today

Today I continued from yesterday though we moved on to Instagram ads. I learned how to create Instagram ads through Facebook through a video. Then I read an article that went deeper into that. I also learned how to set up an Instagram business account. And how to use Instagram for business and the different type of ads you can post. I also learned about using hashtags and the importance of them.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

What was learned today

Today I learned how to make money on Facebook and how to create a Facebook in 10 minutes. I also learned how to get paid at Amazon for referrals and things like that. I learned how to copyright photography even learned how to buy crypto. I learned how to buy and sell cards and even trade.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

What was learned today

today i learned what is a sales funnel i learned how to sell digital products and ebooks online. i also learned how to create a membership site and ideas for the site and possible incomes.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

What was learned today

Today I learned about webinars and what they are and the meaning of them. Also podcast and the different thing people may talk about in one based on how they feel or sometimes what the viewers want to see. Then oddly enough I learned how to start an online course even though it was a lot of reading it was very informational. Then I learned how to develop my own video game which I won’t do but it is still good to be informed on how to do it if I ever wanted to.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

What was learned today

I did what I did yesterday which was trying to go back and redo some lessons to redo the quizzes that I failed. and I did some of the material in my product manager section. and even though I'm reading everything and watching the videos I keep failing. I don't understand maybe I'm having a comprehension problem.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

What was learned today

Today i just tried to go back and redo a couple of quizzes which meant going over the whole curriculum again. and then i also learned about grant workers and writing and what they are and what they do.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

What i learned

So today i learned quite a bit i learned what a copywriter is and how to write a powerful pitch. i also learned what copy writers do and watched a day in the life of one. Then i learned about blogs and what a quest blog was and its meaning. also learned how to make money from just typing and learned about customer service jobs and so much more.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

What was learned today

Today I finished learning about editing videos and I made my own and edited it put music and everything. though it wasn't me in the video I wouldn't have been able to complete the assigned without completing the curriculum. then I started the writing journey today so far, I learned the difference between a magazine and a journal. I learned also some tips to a good journal article, and I learned about publishing.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

What was learned today

i learned about editing and an app i can download to edit and shortcuts to use during editing to make it easier.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

What was learned today

I learned about video editing still today was a continuation from yesterday. I watched a few master class videos on it and learned about different editors etc.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

What was learned today

I learned about videoing editing and different things with cameras and filming

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

What was learned today

Learned how to do bleach drawings on clothing. Learned how to start a clothing line with no money I learned what wearables are and so much more.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

What was learned today

I just learned things in the field of digital art and watched videos on it and read articles.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

What was learned today

today i learned about robotic products and like the meaning of it and what you need to get started. i watched a couple of videos on it also.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

What was learned today

i learned about how to do adobe illustrator for beginners and i also learned auto CAD for beginners.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

What was learned today

i just really watched 3D videos and learned sites i can make 3D things on it was fun and informative.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

What was learned today

i learned about the things i want to accomplish and i am currently making a business well not literally but talking about a business i could make. and looking at 3d models.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

What was learned today

I learned how to manage my time better and how too better make use of my time. and how to be healthy with my body and my mental health and things along those lines.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

What was learned today

i learned about resumes and cover letters. i also learned about job interviews and how best to be at one. i learned about how to make a linkedin account.etc