Log of what of Taniya Ingram has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

What Is A Recruiter

A recruiter finds qualified candidates for a job opening and works to meet the demands of both the employer and the employee throughout the hiring process. The recruiter owns the end-to-end process of talent acquisition. Some of the key responsibilities of the recruiter include:

Meeting with the hiring manager after the organization opens new job requisition

Attracting and sourcing candidates, pre-screening and presenting qualified job candidates to the hiring manager

Serving as the employee brand ambassador, while internally and externally soliciting employee referrals

Serving as the main point of contact for all parties throughout the collaborative hiring process

Conducting reference checks and background checks

Managing the job offer process

Delivering an exceptional candidate experience

Participate in employee onboarding to ensure the new hire is prepared to begin work.

The recruiter is often relied on to keep the transactional steps of the talent acquisition process moving smoothly, but a successful recruiter also focuses on building relationships with candidates and hiring managers alike.

Ultimately, recruiters help people find jobs. However, they can also help candidates hone their résumés, prepare for interviews, and manage salary negotiations.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

The Difference Between AI and Robotics

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that creates machines that are capable of problem-solving and learning similarly to humans. Using some of the most innovative AIs such as machine learning and reinforcement learning, algorithms can learn and modify their actions based on input from their environment without human intervention. Artificial intelligence technology is deployed at some level in almost every industry from the financial world to manufacturing, healthcare to consumer goods and more. Google’s search algorithm and Facebook’s recommendation engine are examples of artificial intelligence that many of us use every day.

What is robotics?

The branch of engineering/technology focused on constructing and operating robots is called robotics. Robots are programmable machines that can autonomously or semi-autonomously carry out a task. Robots use sensors to interact with the physical world and are capable of movement, but must be programmed to perform a task.

Where do robotics and AI mingle?

One of the reasons the line is blurry and people are confused about the differences between robotics, and artificial intelligence is because there are artificially intelligent robots—robots controlled by artificial intelligence. In combination, AI is the brain and robotics is the body. Let’s use an example to illustrate. A simple robot can be programmed to pick up an object and place it in another location and repeat this task until it’s told to stop. With the addition of a camera and an AI algorithm, the robot can “see” an object, detect what it is and determine from that where it should be placed. This is an example of an artificially intelligent robot.

Artificially intelligent robots are a fairly recent development. As research and development continue, we can expect artificially intelligent robots to start to reflect those humanoid characterizations we see in movies.

Self-aware robots

One of the barriers to robots being able to mimic humans is that robots don’t have proprioception—a sense of awareness of muscles and body parts—a sort of “sixth sense” for humans that is vital to how we coordinate movement. Roboticists have been able to give robots the sense of sight through cameras, sense of smell and taste through chemical sensors and microphones to help robots hear, but they have struggled to help robots acquire this “sixth sense” to perceive their body.

Now, using sensory materials and machine-learning algorithms, progress is being made. In one case, randomly placed sensors detect touch and pressure and send data to a machine-learning algorithm that interprets the signals.

In another example, roboticists are trying to develop a robotic arm that is as dexterous as a human arm, and that can grab a variety of objects. Until recent developments, the process involved individually training a robot to perform every task or to have a machine learning algorithm with an enormous dataset of experience to learn from.

Robert Kwiatkowski and Hod Lipson of Columbia University are working on “task-agnostic self-modeling machines.” Similar to an infant in its first year of life, the robot begins with no knowledge of its own body or the physics of motion. As it repeats thousands of movements it takes note of the results and builds a model of them. The machine-learning algorithm is then used to help the robot strategize about future movements based on its prior motion. By doing so, the robot is learning how to interpret its actions.

A team of USC researchers at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering believe they are the first to develop an AI-controlled robotic limb that can recover from falling without being explicitly programmed to do so. This is revolutionary work that shows robots learning by doing.

Artificial intelligence enables modern robotics. Machine learning and AI help robots to see, walk, speak, smell and move in increasingly human-like ways.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Skills Needed to Get a Job in Artificial Intelligence:

Automation, robotics and the use of sophisticated computer software and programs characterize a career in artificial intelligence (AI). Candidates interested in pursuing jobs in this field require specific education based on foundations of math, technology, logic, and engineering perspectives. Written and verbal communication skills are also important to convey how AI tools and services are effectively employed within industry settings. To acquire these skills, those with an interest in an AI career should investigate the various career choices available within the field.

Skills and Abilities Helpful to Careers in AI:

The most successful AI professionals often share common characteristics that enable them to succeed and advance in their careers. Working with artificial intelligence requires an analytical thought process and the ability to solve problems with cost-effective, efficient solutions. It also requires foresight about technological innovations that translate to state-of-the-art programs that allow businesses to remain competitive. Additionally, AI specialists need technical skills to design, maintain and repair technology and software programs. Finally, AI professionals must learn how to translate highly technical information in ways that others can understand in order to carry out their jobs. This requires good communication and the ability to work with colleagues on a team.

Educational Requirements for Careers in Artificial Intelligence:

Basic computer technology and math backgrounds form the backbone of most artificial intelligence programs. Entry level positions require at least a bachelor’s degree while positions entailing supervision, leadership or administrative roles frequently require master’s or doctoral degrees. Typical coursework involves study of:

Various level of math, including probability, statistics, algebra, calculus, logic and algorithms.

Bayesian networking or graphical modeling, including neural nets.

Physics, engineering and robotics.

Computer science, programming languages and coding.

Cognitive science theory.

Candidates can find degree programs that offer specific majors in AI or pursue an AI specialization from within majors such as computer science, health informatics, graphic design, information technology or engineering.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Applying Psychology Principles to Mobile UX Design

Mental Model:

The users’ mental model is what they expect from your website or product based on their past experiences with similar websites. For example, let’s say you’re trying to purchase tickets for an upcoming concert on a website or app you’ve never been to before. Because you’ve done this in the past, you already have a general idea of what that site will look like and how the process will work. You have a mental model of purchasing tickets on a mobile site or app, even if you’ve never done it on this specific one.

When designing for mobile, you never want to stray too far from the users’ mental model. When you do, you’re asking them to re-learn how to complete a task they already know, which takes away the simplicity. The functionality and design of your website or mobile app can still be unique and use the latest UX design trends; however, the most important tasks should not confuse the user for the sake of creating a new and flashy design.

Change Blindness:

In mobile web design, change blindness occurs when a visual change takes place but the user doesn’t notice. This could be the page reloading, missing a cue from blinking, an alert message that isn’t clear and other changes in visual details.

It’s all too common that forms are designed in a way that doesn’t properly alert users to errors or successes due to change blindness. If your alert to the user, such as a red notice that the user left a required field blank, isn’t obvious, it won’t get noticed. This causes confusion and again, takes away the simplicity of converting.

On mobile, you don’t have as much real estate to work with, and you have to fit a lot of information on the screen. This gives you less room to bring attention to changes that occur on the page, but it’s an important usability principle.

Dual-Coding Theory:

Use the dual-coding system to make your website, mobile app and content more memorable to users. According to the dual-coding theory, memory has two systems: one for verbal information and the other for non-verbal information. This means that when you pair visual and text information, it can improve memory and learning.

People picture images for words in their minds based on what they know from the real world. For example, if you think of the word “house” your brain probably automatically imagines a pointed roof above a square with a door or something along those lines.

On mobile devices, users are typically looking to complete their task even more quickly than on desktop. When designing a website or application for mobile, pair icons or images with text, instead of only using one or the other, to help users retain the information.

Hick's Law:

Hick's Law is well-known among designers and web developers. This psychology principle states that more choices lead to an increase in the amount of time and effort it takes to make a decision. Imagine you’re sitting in a restaurant, looking at a massive menu. It takes a lot more time and effort to narrow your options down than if you had a list of the day's specials, and most people have been in the situation where they've had to ask for more time from the waiter.

On a mobile website or app, it's essential for users to feel confident and at ease, not confused, as they complete their task. This psychology principle is why having a small number of options for website visitors reduces friction and keeps users more focused on their task and more likely to convert. Minimize choice by making the primary next step very clear to the user, and removing links, buttons and content that isn’t essential.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Some Ways To Monetize Your App:

Premium Apps:

Premium apps charge users a fee to download and are usually bought through the app stores. For this method, you’ll be able to set your own price, typically starting at $0.99.

This is money in the bag. Guaranteed revenue for every download means less stress over conversion rates and impressions.

Setting a budget for marketing your app is often straightforward. Assuming you only have one paid app to promote, if your app costs $0.99, and the app stores take around $0.30, you make $0.69. Don’t spend more than that to acquire a new customer.

Premium apps usually have higher engagement rates. Since people are paying for your app, it’s clear they really want your solution.


In this monetization model, advertisers pay you to place advertisements in your app. You’ll then tailor which ads to show to your users based on their interests, location, demographics, and other selected signals. You could work out an arrangement directly with advertisers or work with an ad network that has relationships with many advertisers, making it easy for you to start showing ads in your app right away.

This allows you to release your app to users for free. With the right number of people downloading and using your app, this revenue stream can be significant.

Ads have evolved to become more relevant, meaning a better overall user experience.

There are a lot of different ad types now (videos, full-page, banner, etc.). It’ll be easy to find and incorporate the right advertisement that fits with the look and flow of your app.

There are easy-to-implement tools and ad platforms (like AdMob) that let you start making money from ads quickly.


Freemium apps are a combination of the free, ad supported model and paid, premium model. The app is free to download, however users can upgrade to a premium version of the app with more features for a fee. This model lets you attract a large group of users, get them hooked on your app, and provide the most engaged users with premium services.

It’s easier to build up a large user base since the app is offered for free. • Users are able to test your service before committing, which means less risk for them.

For many app types, you’ll be able to charge for the premium version monthly.

Predictable, recurring revenue is the holy grail in business.

This is a flexible model that can be adapted to almost any kind of app – gaming, utility, messaging, productivity apps and more.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

6 Simple Steps To Follow When Making An App

Step 1: understand what your app is aiming to deliver:

Set the goals for your app: research the market and define your concept. To do that, it would be helpful to answer these questions:

What is your target audience? Your app should be specifically designed to add value to your target audience

Which features are most desirable and will help you keep your users engaged.

Find out if other mobile apps on the market are performing the same business /concept

Check out your competitors, their review, get inspiration for your design

Will you monetize your app?

Plan your App Design: create a mockup. App design plays a vital role in creating an engaging experience for your users. Main factors that determine this decision are Visual Complexity and prototypicality : the complexity of the visual design and the representativeness of a design for a given category of websites. In other words, if you want to be successful with your app design and deliver a great user experience for your app, you need to keep your app design as simple and clear as possible, not overloaded, fluid. At the same time, you would avoid unusual / uncommon layouts and opt for a familiar look and feel typical of a given type of mobile apps.

Step 2: Build a Native app or a PWA, based on your needs

When it comes to mobile app development, there are several approaches that all have their pros and cons, benefits and constraints. However, it is worth mentioning the 2 main app development approaches for our purposes: Native and PWA.

Native app:

A native mobile app is a software application developed to run on a specific type of device and operating system. Because it was designed to run on a given platform, a native app has the ability to use that device's hardware and software resources. Native apps allow for better performance

Progressive Web App:

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is an app that uses web features to give users a very similar experience to a native app. Unlike native apps, PWAs are a hybrid of regular web pages and mobile apps. The term "progressive" refers to the fact that they introduce new features and are initially perceived as traditional websites by users but, progressively, behave more and more like cross-platform mobile apps

Step 3: Make your app using the right method for your business

Once you have chosen which type of app best suits your business needs, it is time to choose how to create your own app.

Mobile app development is the process of developing software suitable to run on mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Although it allows you to design a perfect match between your app idea and device capabilities, app development requires lots of skills and expertise, and is highly time consuming. Furthermore, it's quite an expensive service. On the other hand, an App Builder provides a cost-effective option to make an app without coding.

Step 4: Test your app on iOS and Android devices

After assembling all the pieces of the app creation process (concept, design, and technology), you’ll reach a version that is nearly ready to be released. But before sharing your new app with the world, carry out a series of tests to check if everything is running as you've planned. You’ll need to test all versions of the app that you’re planning to publish (native iOS, native Android, PWA, etc.), using different OS and different browsers as well. Be sure to recruit a couple of beta-testers as well—a fresh perspective will bring elements or points to your attention you may have overlooked or may have a biased view on.

Step 5: Submit and Publish your app on the stores

Once your app is ready, it is time to think about publishing it. It’s a good idea to publish your app on as many platforms as possible as it will allow you to reach as many users as possible.

Step 6: Improve and update your app continuously

Another duty that every app owner should do regularly is to always release new content and features. Whether releasing new content or upgrading existing features, it's the most effective way to keep users engaged and avoid deleting low-use apps. Make sure your users are aware about new releases by including them in your marketing strategy: you can alert them via push notifications or showcase these new features on the most visible part of your app, the home screen.

You can update your app in the stores as many times as you want, although in some cases you’ll be required to submit a new version of the app if larger modifications have been made.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Want To Make An IOS App, Check Out SwiftUl

SwiftUI is Apple's brand new framework for building user interfaces for iOS, tvOS, macOS, and watchOS. Apple introduced SwiftUI in 2019 and the framework has been evolving at a rapid pace ever since. Unlike UIKit and AppKit, SwiftUI is a cross-platform framework. With SwiftUI, Apple offers developers a solution for rapidly building applications.

The framework offers everything you need to build user interfaces, such as lists, stacks, buttons, pickers, and many more components you are already familiar with through UIKit and AppKit. It also provides the tools you need to create custom views, add animations, and integrate gestures.

Support for core technologies, such as accessibility and adaptive layouts, is built into the framework. The idea underlying SwiftUI is to provide the tools you need to build user interfaces easily and rapidly so you can focus on the features that make your application stand out.

Though SwiftUI is still new to most developers, now is the right time to learn and incorporate the framework into your new project. Along with the release of Xcode 13, Apple has made the SwiftUI framework more stable and feature-rich. If you have some personal projects or side projects for personal use or at work, there is no reason why you shouldn't try out SwiftUI.

Having said that, you need to consider carefully whether you should apply SwiftUI to your commercial projects. One major drawback of SwiftUI is that the device must run at a minimum on iOS 13, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13, or watchOS 6. If your app requires support for lower versions of the platform (e.g. iOS 12), you may need to wait at least a year before adopting SwiftUI.

After you create a project, you can build and run your app on a simulated or real device without needing to lay out the user interface or write code. You may connect a real device to your Mac using a cable, or for iOS or tvOS apps, connect it over Wi-Fi after you pair it with Xcode. For macOS apps, choose a scheme, then click the Run button in the toolbar. When your app experiences a crash, exception, or runtime issue, it can be challenging to pinpoint exactly what code is causing the problem because the stack trace for the crash doesn’t always point to the line of code that causes the crash.

Once you’ve developed an iOS app, you’ll need to submit it to the App Store. Submitting your app successfully to the App Store can provide numerous rewards, but the process includes plenty of challenges. According to Apple, 62% of common app rejections occur due to non-compliance with the main Apple guidelines.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Thinking About Freelance Writing, Check These Jobs Out

Article/Feature writing

As an article or feature writer, you’re able to write about things that interest you, things you’re an expert on, things you’re passionate about. You’re able to chase the stories you want to write and carve yourself a niche, if you so desire. However, if you’re considering going down this road, you will most likely need to diversify your income stream to supplement the money you make from article and feature writing. Yes, there are established feature writers who make enough money with this as their sole freelance focus. But the reality for most freelance writers is that you’ll need to take on other writing jobs in addition to feature writing.


If you’re wondering whether this is still a viable freelance path in the digital age – we can assure you it is! Don’t be put off by the myth that print journalism is dying. While of course it isn’t as widespread as it once was, there is definitely still a place for freelance writers in the world of print publications.Magazines are usually created with a specific or niche audience in mind.

There are several different types, including:

Consumer/popular magazines – produced for the general population; you’re likely to see these at your local newsagency or supermarket

Industry/trade magazines – produced for members of specific industries or professions, who maintain subscriptions

Custom publications – magazines produced by businesses for their customers/clients as part of a marketing strategy

Many of these types of magazines rely on pieces contributed by freelance writers. Articles need to be well-researched and written to a specific brief; if you’re writing for a trade magazine, obviously you will need to be extremely well-versed in that particular industry or topic. Newspapers, on the other hand, are less likely to take on freelance writers for general news stories. However, many newspapers have columns or supplementary sections, such as an entertainment or lifestyle liftout, which will often contain pieces from freelance writers.


For many freelance writers, writing pieces for websites is a more viable and lucrative option than concentrating solely on print magazines or newspapers. There are thousands upon thousands of websites out there, covering every topic and type of audience, and this makes it a little easier to find freelance writing work online.

Social media content creation

We are living in the age of social media. Every business has (or should have) a social media presence these days, and as a freelance writer, you can really capitalize on this. While a lot of businesses manage their social media presence in-house, many choose to outsource their content creation to freelancers. Planning, writing and scheduling social media posts across a variety of platforms can be a tricky and time-consuming job – one that’s perfect for freelance writers.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Some Websites To Check Out When Thinking About Selling Your Book Online:


Payhip is an e-commerce website that offers you to sell any type of downloadable digital material, including ebooks. You create a customizable sales page on Payhip for free and it gives you the tools to sell your product, such as discount coupons, share buttons, affiliate program and flexible pricing options. Payhip will simply keep 5% of all the sales you make.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publish

You can easily publish your ebooks on the biggest online store Amazon for free. You will get a huge exposure on Amazon and you get to keep up to 70% of the total sales price.


Blurb gives you reliable tools to create that perfect ebook. You can create reflowable ebooks or fixed layout ebooks and blurb will automatically format the book for you in your choice format. You can sell the books to different markets, including Blurb, Amazon, and Apple iBooks Store.


Lulu offers a complete guide on creating perfectly formatted ebooks and then converting them into EPUB or PDF format. If you can’t do it yourself, then Lulu also offers personal service of doing it for you for a tiny fee. Your ebooks can be sold on different publishers with each offering their own royalty.


Tradebit is very similar to Payhip as it lets you create a sales page and then helps you sell your ebooks (or any other downloadable material). You can use an affiliate program, set custom prices, take advantage of social media integration and sell ebooks on popular markets such as eBay.

NOOK Press

Barnes & Noble offers this self-publishing tool to write and publish your ebook. NOOK Press offers all the tools for free to create and publish your ebooks. The created ebook will be published to millions of NOOK and Barnes & Noble readers.

Kobo Writing Life

A really easy to use self-publishing platform, Kobo lets you publish your ebook in 5 simple steps. Your books will be published on the Kobo website for millions of readers. Kobo charges no fee for creating and publishing ebooks, but it does keep a commission on the sales.


Smashwords gives you huge visibility by publishing your work over multiple distributors, including Kobo Barnes & Noble, OverDrive, and Smashwords. There is no fee in the publishing process and you get free tools to protect and format your ebooks. You will get 80% royalty on sales from Smashwords and 60% on other distributors.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Watch Out For Scammers!

Scammers using email are always tweaking and improving upon their techniques so they can increase the percentage of people they trick into giving up their money and/or goods. In a way, artists are not a new target for scammers. Everyone is a target for scammers and there is just an increase in the customization of their emails for different audiences. In the case of artists, it is often that they have found you somewhere online - your website or your participation in a message board community or someplace where they can then send you an email. They often even mention the actual names of some of your artwork pieces and say they are interested in buying them. They try to avoid mentioning certain things in the first email that would give them away as a scammer. At first, they just want you to reply, because even if they don't end up tricking you out of your money or artwork, they at least have validated your email as "active" and can then sell that to scam database email collectors for more spam.

They typically have one or more of the following clues:

They say they are interested in buying a piece (or several pieces), provide you the name and say they are interested in more information and prices (and in many cases, they reference artwork on your website which clearly already has the prices referenced). Sometimes the target of their email is your teaching skills versus your artwork - that their children need art lessons they will pay for.

They reference that they are moving (and in the first or later email exchange will typically reference they are out of the country and moving to the U.S. or vice versa). Or they may ask if you ship to some bizarre place like Belarus.

They reference in the first (or typically later) email that they have a shipping company or agent arranging for moving of all their possessions.

Very often, the email has horrible misspellings, grammatical or word-wrapping formatting problems. Sometimes (but not always) it kind of sounds like English is not a language they have any command over.

In the first (or typically subsequent emails if you do reply) they will mention they will pay via (or ask do you accept) check or money order.

If you use a tool online to look up the IP number revealed in the header of the email, it almost never matches where they say they are from.

If you google the name they are using in their email, sometimes you are lucky and see that other artists have started to compile a list and have also received an email using the same name.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Websites To Sell Your Artwork:

Fine Art America

Fine Art America is the world's largest art marketplace and print-on-demand technology company. They have been helping artists sell wall art, home decor, apparel, and other products since 2006 and are home to hundreds of thousands of artists, photographers, graphic designers, illustrators, and iconic brands. In addition to providing an online marketplace and fulfillment service, Fine Art America provides artists and photographers with sales and marketing tools to help simplify and accelerate their careers. These tools allow artists to set up branded web stores, sell prints on Facebook, create e-newsletters, and much more. More than 500,000 living artists and photographers currently offer ten million images for sale on FineArtAmerica.com - with thousands of new artists and images being added each week.


Etsy is a global online marketplace, where people come together to make, sell, buy, and collect unique items. They’re also a community pushing for positive change for small businesses, people, and the planet. There’s no Etsy warehouse – just millions of people selling the things they love. They make the whole process easy, helping you connect directly with makers to find something extraordinary.


Storenvy is home to emerging brands and inspired goods. It's a place where you can launch a custom store in minutes, and a place where you'll discover amazing, one-of-a-kind things you can't find anywhere else.


Minted has been an inclusive artist forum where anyone can submit ideas. A marketplace to discover, advocate for and buy exceptional work. Energized by design lovers and powered by technology, this community-driven marketplace is building the future we want to live in.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

How To Sell Your Artwork Online

There are two fundamental approaches to market your work online: through a personal store, commonly on a personal or business website, or in an online art marketplace, where you are one of many artists selling work. At first glance, most artists would presumably wish to sell from their own store because there is no competition and they would have complete control over how their site looks and feels. Plus, there are no commissions on sales, so artists can maintain all the profits. Nevertheless, there are still disadvantages for you when selling through your own store that doesn’t exist when selling through an online art marketplace. Here are various belongings to deem before determining to use an online skill forum, a personal website, or both when selling your art online.


Construction of a personal site may be expensive and take serious development time to mount and run perfectly. While website platforms, like Shopify, have made constructing personal or business websites a lot effortless, that doesn’t mean construction one is easy. If you have the fundamental abilities you can build the site yourself, alternatively, you may need to employ a web developer. The average web developer hourly rate is about $80 but those rates can fluctuate fiercely. On the bright side, you won’t need to employ a developer from your local city as website development can effortlessly be accomplished remotely. Many developers will still charge a monthly maintenance fee to maintain and update your store. Future changes may also require compensating the developer supplementary expenses. If you do employ a developer, be sure that the process for adding and removing art is easy and can be accomplished by you outside the help of the developer.

An online marketplace, on the contrary, will get your artwork out for sale sooner. The process is mostly elementary with minimum setup expenses, if any, and doesn’t call for the need for a developer. Uploading or eliminating artwork and changing the artwork details is rather clear-cut. Nevertheless, you won’t have much control over the look and feel. Additionally, some online art marketplaces only authorize works over a certain price and may have high sales commissions, raising the costs of membership over time.


There are various robust eCommerce solutions for private stores. Connecting to a secure merchant account, such as Stripe, because consumers can pay with a credit card, allowing consumer account logins and guest checkout, one-click refunds, inventory and order management, email templates, and customer notifications, are just various of the features that clients expect from an online store.

The range of features depends upon the platform. WooCommerce for WordPress is one of the most feature-filled eCommerce solutions with dozens of add-ins that can reinforce the consumer experience and make it easier for you to control sales and connect with customers. Nevertheless, while possessing a plethora of features, WooCommerce will be more troublesome to redistribute than a simpler platform, like SquareSpace, with longer development times and costs.

Shopify is a favorite for many artists because it has an assortment of features and is rather simple to build and maintain. However, its simplicity also means that there are inadequate alternatives as compared to WordPress.

An online art marketplace is normally easier with a limited number of features as compared to a personal store but for many artists, simpler features are enough to sell their work. Many state-of-the-art features, such as inventory management or tax reporting, are only critical when selling hundreds of items. An online art marketplace will be a more up-to-date experience for both the artist and the customer. Plus, the shorter development and maintenance period necessary when utilizing an art marketplace to sell your artwork will leave you free to conceive new artwork, not paperwork.

In a personal store, you are exclusively responsible to guarantee that all parts of the buyer’s transaction are finalized accurately, including any returns or refunds. As you will see later, you will also need to constitute legal documents, such as contracts. These are generally built into the sales process of an online art marketplace.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Two Methods To Use To Program an ATmega328

You can use an Arduino Uno to load the sketch onto the ATmega328, but only if you have the right kind of Arduino Uno.

The original Arduino Uno, as well as several clones, use a 28-pin DIP version of the ATmega328. The same type of ATmega328 that we are going to be programming.

This chip was mounted in an IC socket and thus can be removed. And the ability to remove the chip from its socket provides us with two methods of using the Arduino Uno to program an ATmega328 for our stand-alone configuration.

Method 1 Using ATmega328 from Arduino:

Simply use the Arduino Uno as you normally would and program your sketch onto it. Then carefully remove the ATmega328 from your Arduino Uno and use it on the breadboard.

The ATmega328 holds your sketch in its Flash Memory. So when it is powered up it will start running it, just as if it were in an Arduino Uno.


You now have an Arduino Uno without an ATmega328.

The IC socket on the Arduino Uno is not really made for repeated removals and insertions. Eventually, you will degrade or damage it if you do this a lot.

You run the risk of damaging the ATmega328 if you aren’t careful. This point can be avoided by using a chip removal tool and by observing anti-static precautions. Be very careful to examine the ATmega328 to be sure that you haven’t accidentally bent one or more pins when removing it or inserting it into the IC socket or the breadboard.

Method 2 – Using Arduino as a Serial Connection:

The second method also requires an Arduino Uno that has a 28-pin DIP version of the ATmega328. As with the first method you’ll need to remove the processor from the Arduino board. Unlike the first method, however, you will just be putting the ATmega328 aside. After we are done you can put it back into the IC socket.

This method will make use of the USB to serial converter that is built into the Arduino Uno. The outputs of this converter are always available on pins 0 and 1 of the Uno’s digital I/O connecter. With this method we will just send those outputs to our ATmega328 on a breadboard.

When you are loading your sketch you should notice that a few of the LEDs on the Arduino Uno will blink, just like they do normally. It’s a good indication that everything is working properly.

This method has many advantages over the first one, the main advantage being that you can still use your Arduino Uno after you are done.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

What Is a microcontroller?

A microcontroller is, in some ways, a cross between a microprocessor and a microcomputer. Like microprocessors, the term microcontroller refers to a single device; however it contains the entire microcomputer on that single chip. Therefore a microcontroller will have a processor, on-board memory as well as a variety of IO devices. While using a microcontroller instead of a microcomputer simplifies the overall design, to accomplish this it sacrifices the flexibility. A microcomputer can be configured to have specific quantities of memory or devices attached.

Microcontrollers are generally limited to the memory sizes and peripherals that the manufacturers dictate. There are a great many choices in microcontrollers and their capabilities, however this still can be a limitation in some circumstances. Because microcontrollers are designed more to be standalone data collection and control devices, rather than for the human interaction or networking tasks that microcomputers often handle, their standard IO devices differ. Analog Digital converters (ADCs), timers and external interrupts are common peripherals found on microcontrollers, while keyboards, monitors and other devices used daily to control a personal computer are not.

The features and functionality of microcontrollers are unique to each brand/model. Before coding a microcontroller for your project, you must select a model that meets all the requirements of your design. Common features people look for in a microcontroller include I/O pins, clock frequency and storage memory, however a countless number of other specifications exist. Writing code is pointless if the hardware can’t interact with your circuit the way you need it to.

For beginners, Arduino is a brand of microcontroller commonly used amongst hobbyists and professionals alike. Its software is open source, meaning anyone can contribute to the growing pool of resources available to its users. A simple Google search will yield countless threads, blogs, and forums with examples, documents, and tutorials on how to write code for a desired application. The development suite used to program the Arduino is available for free on their website, Arduino.cc

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Software Packages to Looking Into For Laser Cutting

AutoCAD is computer-aided design (CAD) software that is used for precise 2D and 3D drafting, design, and modeling with solids, surfaces, mesh objects, documentation features, and more. It includes features to automate tasks and increase productivity such as comparing drawings, counting, adding objects, and creating tables. It also comes with seven industry-specific toolsets for electrical design, plant design, architecture layout drawings, mechanical design, 3D mapping, adding scanned images, and converting raster images. AutoCAD enables users to create, edit, and annotate drawings via desktop, web, and mobile devices. Price: $5315 paid every 3 years, $1865 paid annually, or $235 paid monthly

Adobe Illustrator is the industry-leading graphic design tool that lets you design anything you can imagine – from logos and icons to graphics and illustrations – and customize it with professional-level precision, as well as time-saving features like Repeat for Patterns or Global Edits. You can use the graphics you create with Illustrator in any size digital or print format, and be confident they’ll look exactly the way you designed them. Price: $20.99 a month, or $54,99 a month for Creative Cloud All Apps with 100GB

Inkscape is a Free and open source vector graphics editor for GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS. It offers a rich set of features and is widely used for both artistic and technical illustrations such as cartoons, clip art, logos, typography, diagramming and flowcharting. It uses vector graphics to allow for sharp printouts and renderings at unlimited resolution and is not bound to a fixed number of pixels like raster graphics. Inkscape uses the standardized SVG file format as its main format, which is supported by many other applications including web browsers. Price: Free

LibreCAD is a free Open Source CAD application for Windows, Apple and Linux. Support and documentation are free from the large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers. Price: Free

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is your fully loaded professional design toolkit for delivering breathtaking vector illustration, layout, photo editing, and typography projects with total efficiency. A budget-friendly subscription provides incredible ongoing value with instant, guaranteed access to exclusive new features and content, peak performance, and support for the latest technologies. Price: $22.42 for a monthly subscription which includes Subscription-exclusive features such as the latest version, collaboration tools and more or $549 one time purchase, does not include the latest version.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Learning More About Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is a type of digital manufacturing technique acknowledged as “subtractive”. It uses a manifold of energy produced by a laser, fixed on a very narrow region, in order to cut or embed a material. There is an extensive range of materials that possibly cut accompanying a laser: wood, plastic, cardboard, textile... Laser cutting works by guiding the product of a high-power laser through optics. They direct the laser beam to develop on a limited area of the material. The material next either melts, burns, vaporizes continuously, or is dazed by a jet of gas, leaving some border accompanying a good quality surface finish. The laser can cut as far as a 20mm-dense material, contingent upon the type of laser.

Frequently used in the production, laser cutting machines operate from mathematical orders, establishing the topographic instruction controlled in a vector file. They cut or embed the material plate indifferent points, so acknowledging an item’s surface is expected to be delineated and beautified. To use the laser as a cutting tool, you need a 2D vector file, formed on a devoted software. The designer enters all the information about his pattern -material, density, shape - before sending it to the machine. When those pieces are ready, you just need to construct!

The laser-cutting method is regularly developing: materials, diversification, increasing denseness of the cut, and a better-looking complete condition fashioned laser-cutting, one of best appealing industrialized techniques of the past few years! It is immediately very universal on the production line, to cut parts in automotive and aeronautical factories, but likewise to build solar panels, or to design pieces for fashion shows. It is common by architects, also in sign manufacturing.

The laser developed from a laser resonator that sends out a beam of forceful light that reflects through a system of mirrors to the cutting head. Inside the cutting head, the laser is fixed through a lens and reduced down to a highly thin, condensed beam


The active laser medium can be:

(1) a solid, to a degree a crystal. Maiman literally built his first laser utilizing a crystal, a ruby in his case.

(2) a gas combination. The oxygen is the most common type, accompanying a combination of arranging of carbon dioxide (Colorless odorless gas).

(3) fiber, most of the time glass fibers.

The laser resonator constructs the energy at the inception of the beam. It maybe:

(1) light, thanks to diodes or lamps.

(2) an electric discharge.

This beam is launched downward at the material to cut it on account of an optical system that is poised of mirrors and lenses.

Laser-cutter systems can be:

Gantry system accompanying a laser beam consistently located perpendicularly to the cut materials, on account of a plotter correlated to three mirrors: one fixed mirror, and two mobile ones.

Galvanometer system accompanying a laser beam in the direction of different angles to the materials, utilizing angled mirrors. It can accelerate to 1 meter per-second, but this method is generally used as an inscription tool because it doesn’t administer clean cuts. The laser beam, that is placed at the center of the device, conforms with mirrors on the material and cuts it in bias. Especially if the object is wide and its borders are far from the laser beam.

Lasers are an ideal tool for cutting because:

Its strength is completely adjustable and accurately fixated on the material.

The great focus and the good consistency between the electric and magnetic elements gives the laser beam better energy.

The minimum diffraction or turning around acute corners upholds its energy levels over a distance.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

Get Into Technical Writing

Technical writing is frequently delineated as simplifying the complex. Owned by aforementioned, a short and dishonestly natural description is a whole range of abilities and traits that address almost each field of human endeavor at a few levels. A meaningful subdivision of the more extensive field of mechanics ideas, mechanics novel includes corresponding complex facts to those that need it to achieve few tasks or aim.

Accompanying these definitions in mind, it’s smooth to visualize that mechanics document has experienced because skilled have happened to have inscribed words. Up-to-date remarks to technical writing and technical communications as a declaration start about the moment of truth of World War I as technical developments in warfare, manufacturing and science started to progress quickly. Even though many community contemporary plan mechanics novel as forging manuals for calculators and spreadsheets, the practice of mechanics novel takes place in some field or manufacturing place complex plans, ideas, processes or processes need expected ideased.

Really, the US Office of Labor Enumerations delineates technical writers as those who “…assign technical facts into surely comprehensible language. They work generally in information-technology-related corporations, relating the happening and distribution of technical content for a variety of consumers; nevertheless, an increasing number of technical communicators are utilizing technical content to resolve commerce communications complications in a diversifying number of enterprises.”

Good technical writing results in appropriate, valuable and precise knowledge equip to expressly targeted hearings so that allow a set of conduct in consideration of the hearing succeeding of a delimited objective. The objective may be utilizing a program application, operating mechanical supplies, avoiding accidents, harmlessly absorbing a bundle cuisine, evaluating a medical condition, complying with a legislation, instructing a sports organization, or any of an immense range of attainable endeavors. If the venture demands proficiency or ability to act, then technical writing is an essential component.

Only a limited percentage of technical writing is literally proposed at the approximate buyer market. Enterprises and institutions give boundless amounts of technical writing to expound within processes, design and produce merchandise, implement processes, market output and aids to added companies, or delineate procedures. The superior professional association representing technical writing, Society for Technical Intelligence, hosts a number of distinguished interest groups for these diverse views of the occupation.

Technical writing contains the largest portion of technical communications. Technical writers cooperate with editors, graphic designers and illustrators, document consultants, content managers, instructional designers, trainers, and analysts to produce an astonishing assortment of deliverables.

Massive changes have arisen in the field of mechanics in the last 20 years, specifically accompanying how technical content is examined, and how it is composed and brought. Subsequently, more associations are evolving unified technical communications to adequately accomplish the knowledge that must be broadcasted. They too build a content administration method that contains distribution of technical, commerce and promotion, within and additional communications ideas between the arranging and its consumers, suppliers, financiers and workers.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Copywrite Like A Pro

Skilled are apparently as many definitions of copywriting as skilled are copywriters. Each copywriter’s work is various, as is the habit they approach it. First, copywriting is all about verdict, the best habit to correspond. The professional copywriter continually expects the right answer: the right distance of copy, the right makeup, the right pitch, the right wording. Persevering copywriters are convinced that skill is the sole best resolution, and they’re compelled to find it. Next, use displays that copywriting is a ‘beneficial cunning’: an imaginative venture accompanying an efficient purpose. Opposite to ‘clean’ artistic calligraphy – literature mainly to regale, or stimulate hope – copywriting is all about obtaining the consequence in the here and now. The profit of copywriting is the range at which point it assumes the allure purpose.

Language is the nudity material of the copywriter. It may likewise contain visual expression in addition to spoken: the copywriter will frequently be going to influence circumstances and performance (a process of reproduction, design, metaphors) to intensify the impact of their copy. Most copywriting lives in consideration of advanced entities: amount or aids mainly, but still new plans (as in rebranding exercises) or points of view (as in governmental shopping). The copywriter’s aim is to search out ideas, the substances, benefits or benefits of anything they are advancing so their hearing buys into the ruling class – either exactly or metaphorically. (Promoting copywriting’s other side to personality, ‘knocking copy’, aims to belittle a rival commodity, duty or plan).

Persuasion means getting a crowd to contemplate, feel or act in the habit. Productive copywriting leads the hearing for one help across the stepping stones of version, thinking, impression and acting – within order. It’s all about utilizing indefinite forms – conversation and hopes – to reach a consequence in the here and now. And this, eventually, is the enchantment of copywriting: making belongings occur with something as weak as conversation on a page.

Your headline is the first (and possibly only) feeling you create on an anticipated reader. Outside a headline or post title that turns a skimmer into a reader, the rest of your conversation may as well not even survive. But a head grant permission as well utterly catches consideration. An excellent head can further correspond an entire idea to allure engaged hearing, and it certainly must lure the reader into your party theme. At allure of the heart, an irresistible head must promise few somewhat benefits or rewards for the reader, in work for the valuable period it takes to express more. There are many types of headline techniques that can be used to create an audience grabbing headline.

Types of Headlines:

Direct Headlines reform to the basic facts, outside some attempt at ingenuity.

An Indirect Headline takes a more subtle approach. It uses interest to raise doubt in the reader’s mind, that the carcass copy answers. Frequently an ambiguity is applied, that is valuable connected to the internet.

The Tribute Headline is remarkably persuasive because it presents outside evidence that you offer excellent profit. This requires being attracted to what other people have pronounced about you, your output or help, and utilizing their real conversation in your head. Citation marks allow the reader to see that they are studying a tribute that will resume in the party copy.

A News Headline is pretty obvious, because the revelation itself is news. A product report, an enhanced version, or even a content scoop may be the support of an irresistible news headline.

The How-to Headline is ubiquitous, online and off, for individual reasons only – it works like a charm.

A Question Headline must do more than merely request a question, it must be a question that the reader can feel compassion for or would like to observe answered.

The Command Headline eagerly communicates the prospect that they need commotion. The first statement needs to be a powerful verb demanding action.

The Reason Why Headline. Your body paragraph consists of a numbered list of merchandise features or tips that you formerly included into the headline. This method is indeed the fundamental policy behind the ever-present blogger “list” posts.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Traditional vs Self Publishing

Most traditionally published authors have to go through two hoops of gatekeeping before they get a verdant light for their book’s publication they've to detect an agent first. A publishing house must also accept their handwriting, submitted by a spoke agent. In both stages of the process, authors contend with thousands of others who also dream of a publishing deal. For this argument, numerous take months, if not years, before they can get their book into product — if they deliver at all. Stripes like poetry or short story collections are especially tough to publish the traditional expressway, since utmost publishers do not know their request for supplication, especially when they come from debut authors. Still, with tone- publishing, there’s no question as to whether your book will be published since no one can tell you “ no. ”

A monumental portion of a book deal is having a platoon of professional editors, contrivers, and marketers working out on your book, making it a top- notch compilation. Although this is great, a collaboration of this scale can be frustrating and time- consuming, with numerous emails transferred between you, your agent, and the in- house professionals. More importantly, a fragile publishing house works on at least a sprinkle of titles at a time, and bigger bones work on hundreds of them. Your book must be fitted into their wider publication and marketing program, meaning you’ll probably have to stay longer than a time before your work is published. On the other phase, if you take to tone- publish, the timeline only depends on how snappily you and the professionals you hire to edit, project, and vend your book, can get effects done. The message between each party is important, simpler and more effective this expressway. And the sooner you polish, the sooner you publish.

An apparent benefit of self-publishing is the sovereignty rate. Traditional publishers are likely to present you with 5-20% of the procedure's price originally requested after your advance (generally, various thousand currency rewarded once your book is captured) has been accounted for. The rate further changes established the plan: hardcovers have a bigger reporter sovereignty rate than paperbacks — though you'd wanted to trade fewer copies. On the other hand, self-written authors frequently receive 50-70% sovereignties, contingent upon procedure layout and the publication or disposal podium you use.

Going down the traditional publishing route, you should grant the belief of many artists from miscellaneous areas. You frequently won’t have much to suggest for parts of the process including consumer research and science, like crafty procedure cover or establishing shopping material. By contrast, self-publishing admits you expect complicated results in all facets of the procedure's result. You concede the possibility to befriend and deceive the response of expert editors and designers. The one believes your type and aims to advertise, but they’ll work towards understanding your apparition and none else’s. In the course of time, you disturb the conclusion over entirety, from procedure's content to allure cover.

As opposed to the significance of the cost of self-publishing, as a rule written authors aren’t necessary to pay all. The typesetter will oppose the commercial maturity of refining, plotting, bearing, and shopping your book — really, they’ll pay you and close in on the nobilities. This advance is customarily a sign of how well they remember your book will auction. The advance again on the typesetter’s breadth, the competitiveness of your type, and your existent columnist floor — containing. Entirely pronounced, what’s most influential to keep in mind here is that when occupied accompanying a typesetter, you shouldn't push the economic accountability by yourself, different accompanying self-issuing.

If you’re not writing in alcove sub-genres like sci-fi movie adventure or techno-mystery, you can benefit from an inventor's broader reach. Publishers have both the budget and the relations accompanying bookstores, connected to the internet reviewers, and news outlets to catch your book ahead of a larger population than you usually would on your own. The article of what a typesetter would help your book likewise depends on their arrangement. Usually, the large shopping shotguns (gossipy newspaper designs, compliance to book boxes, baseball hits high in the air stalls, etc.) are silent for lead titles — books that the inventor thinks will likely enhance hits. Whether your book comes close to being a lead title depends on how it appeals to the stock exchange: bearing an excellent authorial prestige may be a plus. Nevertheless, determinants like your book rapport accompanying current study styles matter a lot, also.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

The Depths of Solidworks

Solidworks is one of the best CAD solid modeling software, which enables to draw 2D, or 3D designs in simple and cost-effective wayIt also increases the productivity of engineers by providing all the helping data and support to them. It provides better design visualization, design better products, Faster design iterations, improved communications, design with fewer errors, create more aesthetic design & products and also meets the clients / customer requirements. Solidworks have a wide range of applications in industries such as Aerospace, Defense, Automotive, Transportation, Consumer products, Electronics, Process Plant, Energy conservation, Construction, Heavy equipment, Machinery, Medical tools, Mold & Tools design, Product design and other engineering services. helps to design various products and services, testing them in a very cost effective way like Model and prototype testing. As a result, they can easily save both money and time as compared to designing in the past. It opens wide opportunities to both engineering and education. If you are passionate and interested in the design subjects, Solidworks learning will be a great value to your career future.

The main Functionality of Solidworks 3D modeling software are, Parts & Assembling of Products, Solidworks 3D Interconnect, Power of Modeling, Improved surfacing, Magnetic mates, Interference Checking, Simulation & Analysis, Animation & Rendering.

Parts & Assembling of Products: A basic modeling interface of Solidworks In "Parts", you can just draw or create different parts of your equipment or product. Try to create one part in single part file. Like that, create all other parts in different part files and save them all. Then using Assembly" feature, you can assemble all the single parts of your equipment into one. The cad library enables to download, share, locate and access the commonly shared CAD data.

SolidWorks 3D Interconnect: A new feature made to support other imported native CAD files to the new Solidworks interface. It helps to integrate the CAD files directly from the commonly used CAD softwares such as Autodesk Inventor Siemens NXSolidEdge and CATIAIt treats like your solidworks file and helps to make direct modifications without affecting the source acd file.

Power of Modeling: Is a high improvement in the modeling speed and performance. With these features you can fast up the design process with improved technology and feature improvement like chamfer, fillet and advanced hole specs etc. The advancement in both fillet and chamfer options helps to do it in a single step. You can select multiple edges for filleting and chamfering.

Improved Surfacing: These features are very interesting and have improved wrap features that help a lot in surface applications.

Magnetic Mates: Improved handling of large assemblies and helps to make lightweight complex designs.

Interference Checking: The interference check gives complete information about the fit and ensures that the assembled product is working correctly. You can ensure that your product is completely free from any misfit or mismatches. It helps to reduce the manufacturing cost by reducing the scraps of materials. It contains the interference detection methods are 2D and 3D Collision Detection, Hole misalignment and thread mismatch check and Tolerance analysis

Simulation & Analysis: The simulation and analysis, you can test your designed product in the real environment by using it. The testing takes place in a virtually created environment, which meets the real world environment with most accuracyIn the simulation process, you can test your product against the parameters like durability, assembly motion, static & dynamic response, fluid dynamics, heat transfer etc. It also supports featured analysis for structural, thermal, fatigue, electronics cooling and motion analysis.

Animation & Rendering: In 3D Another cool feature of Solidworks software is that you can animate the part or assembly files. You can create animations and images of your design within seconds and help to check the product functionality. The rendering animation tool saves our time, increases productivity and supports the marketing of your design. You can easily communicate with your clients by showing the animations with ease. These are under the Solidworks visualization feature, which enables the creation of high quality and realistic images and animation with less effort. The helping features are PhotoView 360, Walk- through/Fly through and CAD animation

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Ways To Make Money With 3D Printing

People use 3D printers for a variety of things, from adding features to their walls to increasing their productivity. Some are just looking to try something new, others may be professionals working in a variety of artistic fields. There are a lot of advantages to starting a business this way. If you already own a 3D printer, you can make money with it.You don't have to spend much to create and market a website with a variety of Marketplace channels to sell your 3d prints. Even if you know the source of the product, it doesn't give you peace of mind that it will be found in an online store.

For many reasons, a 3D printer is the perfect micro-factory. New designs and revised products can be printed automatically, keeping inventory up to date in real-time. It doesn't matter whether you have a physical inventory or not. There is a great variety of complexity from simple to complex, like printing and sending is easy or high-end prints need some finishing. Should go toward something in your range of complexity, it’ll help you in the long run.

There are some important things to keep in mind before purchasing a 3D printer. Although 3D printed items can be used to make new items, the legal implications of being able to sell items akin to copyrighted works is what is first of all important to this topic. As for figurines of famous characters that are auctioned off for a profit, it is really fine for personal use, though it can have legal consequences. It's important that you know the laws surrounding fair use of copyrighted material before you try to sell your work.

Marketing It:

Most online sellers place their products on social media. Most online stores will tell you to avoid inundating or putting up pages that will bother customers, and you need to brush up on your marketing skills so that potential buyers won't notice. Selling 3D printed items requires good presentation as is the case with many artforms. High quality photos, in-depth descriptions, and any necessary instructions for assembly make your work look better and make it more desirable to consumers. The new way that artists reach their market is by cutting out the middleman and starting a site that they can use to show off their work and sell their 3D printed goods.

3D Printed Ideas To Sell:

Cosplaying Clothing and Accessories. Cosplaying has seen a huge surge in popularity in recent years, with conventions popping up for just about every fandom from comic books and video games to TV and film. Cosplayers take pride in their referential outfits, and many choose to make their costumes themselves to add a layer of uniqueness to the homage of their chosen hero (or villain). Selling 3D printed cosplay items means providing cosplayers with the clothes and accessories they need to really feel like their favorite characters. There are plenty of 3D printed stuff to sell that will delight cosplayers of all kinds.

Statuettes and Figurines. Like cosplay, officially licensed likenesses of these characters can be pricey, and so they make for some popular 3D printed items that sell well on the internet. Figurines don’t have to be representations of fictional characters, and you can 3D print and sell likenesses of celebrities, animals, and even fictional creatures. People are always looking to make their home or workspaces as personal to them as possible, which makes custom decorative figurines all the more popular with online shoppers.

Jewelry And Ornaments. Jewelry is one of those universal likes of which almost everyone owns at least a piece or two. Many people who wear jewelry regularly like to have pieces that are unique to them, especially if they’re custom made. Selling 3D printed jewelry can be a nice way to earn some extra cash by following templates and simple patterns that can be found all over the internet, or by creating your own. If you’re open to exploring your creative side, 3D printed jewelry can be made in different ways including pendants resembling famous logos.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Be The Master Negotiator

Many inexperienced negotiators think of the negotiation process as akin to entering a long, dark tunnel. They are moving into a process that they don’t understand, and they have no idea what is going to happen. Feeling out of control—often because they fear conflict or confrontation—these people do a number of foolish things.

You can avoid these common errors, and many more, by preparing carefully for the negotiation and by walking through it step by step. Usually there is a recognition period in which you become aware of and concerned about a conflict of interest. Instead of leaping to a premature effort to close or resolve, the master negotiator explores the conflict at this stage, sounds out the other party, gathers information, and explores his or her own feelings and needs as well. Next, the master negotiator selects an appropriate style and approach to reach the goals most productively.

You also don’t want to win every negotiation. Sometimes it’s wiser to avoid a conflict. Sometimes it’s better to split the difference and go on to something more important. And sometimes it’s a good idea to cooperate with the other parties instead of trying to “kill” them. And even when you decide it’s right to compete and try to outmaneuver the competitor, remember this secret of great competitive negotiators: always leave something on the table. You don’t have to clear the field to win a battle, and you don’t have to win every aspect of every negotiating point to win the negotiation. People who don’t allow the other side's dignity in defeat are resented and cultivate revenge down the road. Nobody wants to do business with them. And the deals they cut are resented too and tend not to stick. If you want a durable win—a deal or agreement or understanding that the other party can and will live with—then leave a little something on the table for them.

There are people and organizations you can’t really afford not to negotiate with. If your boss disagrees with you about an important issue, it’s a good idea to try to negotiate through to a solution that makes both of you happy instead of playing a high-stakes game. Competing with your boss has only two likely outcomes: you score a victory that leaves your boss angry and looking for payback opportunities, or you lose and feel defeated and unappreciated and start polishing your résumé. Actually, you better work on your résumé either way, because bosses generally don’t like to be treated to competitive negotiating tactics.

Collaboration is the opposite of competition in most ways: you share information instead of concealing it, you focus on the other side’s concerns over your own, and you sit side by side instead of negotiating at arm’s length. Collaboration requires rich, ongoing communication, and it relies on joint problem solving. Good collaborators sound very different from good competitors. They talk more, they listen more, they ask a lot more questions, and they make a lot fewer declarations. The negotiating game is very different when the goal is to make sure both sides win. It’s not like the games we watch on TV or most of the games we played as children.

The master negotiator moves from the competitive to the collaborative negotiation with ease. He or she must also know how to compromise, avoid, or accommodate with grace as the situation demands. Flexibility is the greatest asset of the master negotiator. All other skills are secondary, although they are nevertheless important in their own right. Style flexibility is one of the hallmarks of the master negotiator. To master every negotiating situation and resolve varied conflicts, you need to adjust your approach to each.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

What Really Is A Mission Statement?

The aim of a mission statement is to achieve a goal distinct to an organization's competitive advantage and emphasize its values. Mission statements can drive strategic focus and priority on items such as goals and resources, but they must be specific enough to focus the time and attention on activities like salaries and other expenses. The mission statement should usually be several sentences long. Mission statements intend to answer the question “Why do we exist?” Mission statements help management to organize the hierarchy of priorities that an organization must face in daily and long-term operations.

Mission statements must be based on the ethical values of the organization. Those values normally include concepts such as honesty but become more specific in a mission statement. For example, do the ethical values of the organization drive behavior toward: innovation, cost savings, prestige market leadership or low-cost volume, high-value consistency? Which stakeholders should be prioritized by the organization? Is it okay for its industry, its market position, or all of them to have the same commitment to the consumer public and business stakeholders? A well-organized mission statement can clarify the organization’s competitive advantage, management strategy based on core values, strategic stakeholders, and priorities. In a management core of competing perspectives and limited resources, a well-defined mission statement itself can add to competitive advantage

A successful mission statement must have the ability to prioritize the priorities and time resources necessary to ensure a strong competitive advantage. A mission expresses the organization's philosophy with the intention of decreasing or eliminating extraneous activity, allowing focus and teamwork, and driving organizational priorities and activities. There are several factors that go into the construction of a mission statement, each discussed below:

Founder vision;

Vision statement;

Research (internal stakeholders; external stakeholders and publics);

Analysis of core competencies in relation to competitive environment;

Environmental factors (regulatory, industry, technological, etc.);

Leadership and management style;

Core ethical values.

Mission statements are investment in the organization's future for a number of reasons. They allow the prioritization of operations and resources. Mission statements help to foster a relationship between employees and each other and encourage commitment in internal public. A voluminous amount of research has been published that shows the relationship between committed employees and overall organizational effectiveness. A strong organizational culture, organized by a mission statement known to all and driven by core ethical values, creates more effective employees and larger efficiencies of scale and cost reduction for the organization.The team effort must be driven by the mission statement so that they can offer a competitive advantage.

An even greater value of mission statements is that they encourage the

long-term formation of relationships with stakeholders/public by allowing the organization to be known. A visible and often-referred-to mission statement allows both internal stakeholders and external public to understand the priorities and rationale for management decisions.

Mission statements also have relationship outcomes because they underscore the

credibility of the organization. An astute mission statement encourages consistency among management and in organizational behavior, minimizing distractions and forays into potentially problematic decisions. When a mission statement is used to organize and prioritize operations, a consistent focus on mission emerges. That consistency allows management to be known by external public and internal stakeholders alike. Over time, consistency allows the organization to meet the expectations of public/stakeholders.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

Do You Want To Be An Entrepreneur, Learn More

To be an entrepreneur, you have to act. Being an entrepreneur is not only in our hearts, but in our actions. We act in the belief that we have a chance. To reach that determination, we must first believe that the idea is an opportunity for someone, and then that opportunity for someone is an opportunity for us personally.

As entrepreneurs, we are faced with many important decisions. We can improve our business decision making by thinking about how we approach these important decisions. In particular, we can improve our business decision making by:

(1) realizing that we filter information so that only part of the environmental information is processed

(2) enabling our sources of thinking when faced with new situations

(3) thinking about other ways to approach problems

(4) seeking and using feedback to assess progress and adapt when necessary

(5) questioning self (and others) to stimulate thought.

Be more innovative. When managing our business to be more innovative, we need to encourage the generation of new ideas, especially highly novel ideas. New ideas are often generated by experimenting with new products, new markets, and/or new processes. Some (or many) of these ideas will be discarded, but others will represent important innovations for the business, innovations that help us adapt to the environment, beat out competitors, and

enhance performance.

Be more proactive. We need to develop capabilities and a preparedness to anticipate and act on opportunities. This requires fast decision making and a readiness for change. It requires us to pioneer—to be the first to offer new products, implement new processes, and/or enter new markets. Therefore, it is about being first and leading rather than following competitors.

Expect more project failures. With a high entrepreneurial orientation, we are more innovative, proactive, and willing to take risks with the projects we create and decide to exploit. Although some projects will be successful, others may fail. We must accept higher rates of project failure as we become more entrepreneurial, realizing that by minimizing the costs of failure and learning from failure experiences across our portfolio of projects, our firm will perform better overall.

Assess the industry. Although our personal motivations and abilities go a long way in explaining the outcomes we achieve, the environment also has an impact. Some industries are relatively static, providing few opportunities for new products/services or less access to new markets. In contrast, some industries are highly dynamic and have changing demand, which opens up growth opportunities for those in that industry. A dynamic environment provides the market conditions for us to be able to achieve our desired growth outcome.

Advantages and disadvantages of business partnership:

A business partnership is one of the most common forms to run a business in the world. The business partnership offers a lot of advantages to those who choose to use it.

So advantages of a partnership are as follows: less formal with fewer legal obligations, easy to get started, sharing the burden, access to knowledge, skills, experience and contacts, better decision-making, privacy, ownership and control are combined, more partners, more capital, prospective partners, easy access to profits.

While there are lots of benefits of a partnership business, this model also carries a number of important disadvantages. So the disadvantages of partnerships are as follows: the business has no independent legal status, unlimited liability, perceived lack of prestige, limited access to capital potential for differences and conflict, slower, more difficult decision making, profits must be shared, personally demanding, taxation, limits on business development.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

The Importance Of Being A Better Leader In Your Workplace

A powerful leader has a bunch of characteristics and traits that rouse colleagues to follow the person in question. Group leaders are brought into the world with specific characteristics like empathy and honesty, or get them through proper preparation and experience. Being a decent leader can expand your group's efficiency, add to the outcome of your specialization, and increment your confidence in your group. The accompanying breaks down why authority is fundamental in the work environment and how individuals gain administration abilities.

Leadership qualities are learned. As people reach leadership positions, they need to look to improve their skills. The qualities needed to understand these skills are patience, an open mind, and a willingness to put what you have learned into practice. Management skills are practiced primarily by executives in the implementation of specialized tasks. For example, if you are a college dean, you need to pay attention to the number of jobs and activities. These are part of their work. Therefore, leadership skills are said to be practiced primarily in the performance of work tasks and the achievement of organizational goals. In some cases, it is difficult to acquire leadership skills and individuals face many challenges. Leadership positions are usually challenging, allowing leaders to experience difficulties and challenges. Therefore, leaders need to be well armed in terms of behavior and approach to overcome challenges and barriers and perform their duties in an organized manner.

The Importance of Leadership in a Workplace:

Leaders gives concentration to the group by obviously characterizing

objectives and making sense of targets so every part in the group comprehends the ultimate objective they are attempting to accomplish. They additionally keep the group on target and push ahead by setting and authorizing cutoff times. One way that a powerful leader does this is by minding each colleague's advancement and assisting them with settling any issues before they become large issues.

Decent leader knows the abilities and capacities of his/her colleagues and can relegate them undertakings that exploit their assets. A leader likewise supports correspondence and constructs connections among colleagues with the goal that they might work effectively and gain from each other. Moreover, a leader knows how to propel and empower his/her colleagues to take care of their best responsibilities through affirmation and commendation.

At the point when the group can't go with a decision between different choices, a leader moves forward and pursues a choice for the entire group so that work isn't deferred. They do this by having a decent equilibrium of profound and consistent thinking, to go with a fair decision that helps the venture and the group. Simultaneously, they assume a sense of ownership with the choices they make and don't move the fault onto their colleagues when something turns out badly, however rather work to fix the issue.

Developing your Leadership Skills:

Volunteer for new undertakings. Volunteer for new undertakings when your administrator or manager requests extra assistance. This permits you to master new abilities and you can likewise rehearse how to respond while confronting new difficulties. You will figure out how to stay cool and practical when confronted with new work and figure out ways of social occasion additional data from accessible assets to assist you with finishing your job. This is valuable practice since pioneers are frequently confronted with tough spots and need to keep their poise to pursue reasonable choices.

Educate and impart data to other people. Showing others assists you with preparing your understanding, thinking according to someone else's point of view, and increasing your insight into the topic. At the point when you show another person, especially somebody that is a novice, you look at and sort out the data in

various ways with the goal that they can comprehend it all the more without any problem. This is equivalent to being a pioneer, to discuss well with your colleagues, you might have to re-sort out and make sense of data in manners they can undoubtedly understand.

Grasp your assets and shortcomings. Look at your assets and shortcomings so you know which qualities you can exploit and which shortcomings you want to get to the next level. For instance, assuming that your solidarity is that you're friendly and coexist well with others, this can form into an influential position where you're ready to rouse others to finish an undertaking. Then again, your shortcoming might be that you find it challenging to think reasonably as far as the "10,000 foot view," so you might need to improve by working on meetings to generate new ideas on what a choice means for the workplace half-year, one year, furthermore, five years down the line.

Initiative characteristics can be drilled at all levels, no matter what your title. These are significant abilities since great leaders can underscore the best abilities of colleagues and rouse them to cooperate to accomplish shared objectives. Great leaders are likewise coordinated to get the group on target and concentration to keep away from delays. You can rehearse your administration abilities by attempting a portion of the ideas above.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

It's All About Time Management

Time is an irreplaceable product. The wealthiest people in the world cannot buy back the wasted time. Sometimes people waste a lot of time on good faith efforts to save money, and it actually costs them money, but usually they are unaware of it. Every day is a new opportunity to expand your skills, grow your wealth and grow. The daily free time that remains after completing a job should be used in a fun and exciting way to grow and grow personally.

Time management is the ability to use time effectively or productively. This is the key to working efficiently and is often regarded as an important skill in today's world. There are many time management techniques you can use to hone your skills and improve efficiency and productivity. Finding the best time management strategy for you depends on your personality, your ability to motivate yourself, and your level of self-discipline. An important element of efficient time management is organization and planning.

Keeping a schedule for your day will help you manage your time more efficiently. You can get more done and are less likely to forget tasks or become sidetracked. Although it may seem simpler to take things on as they come, you may find yourself overwhelmed, disorganized, and forgetting things. Making and keeping a schedule can take a little getting used to, but soon you'll be glad you did--it will help you decrease your stress and make you feel more in control of your life. Scheduling your day allows you to self-regulate and track your own behavior by keeping records of what you need to do and have done. There are many free online tools available to help you plan your daily, weekly or monthly schedule, establishing your long and short term goals along with ways of achieving them, such as, trello, toggl plan, canvas personal planner, my life study.

Poor health can limit productivity. Physical and mental well-being is an important factor influencing the willingness to work and the performance of assigned tasks. A healthy lifestyle can greatly increase your desire to work, increase your productivity and your professional success. Health is directly related to your overall performance, which affects your physical energy and mental concentration and reduces the "downtime" associated with your illness. One of the free ways of taking care of our physical health mentioned in the article is exercising, which along with having a balanced diet is one of the most common ways of looking after your physical health.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Remote Work Etiquette

Working Remotely at Home:

It's up to you to make it fit your work and your lifestyle. So the most important aspect of your home office is having a quiet and productive space for you to get your work done. Escaping the corporate office is great, but this is still work and you need to treat it as such sure, spending more time at home with the kids, the dogs, or the roommates might be a perk, but those can be huge distractions. So make sure you have a private and quiet room, or you can close the door if need be. Since you'll be spending lots of time in your office, you also probably want to make sure your space is comfy. The most crucial supplies consist of a strong internet connection, a computer and a phone. Some people like to have a standalone monitor to expand their screen real estate and a dedicated keyboard and mouse if you work from a laptop. Also, it's really nice to have a good pair of headphones, particularly one with an attached mic for conference calls. And of course you get to choose your favorite pens and notebooks without worrying about them disappearing from your desk. You'll be spending a lot of time in your home office. So thinking about your desk and chair should be a priority. One last note, if you'll be doing a lot of video conferencing, it's a good idea to think about the lighting and background of your home office. You're literally inviting people into your home. So try to think about how you present yourself. These small considerations will really help and honestly, it's whatever helps you stay comfy, healthy, and productive.

Working Remotely Around Town:

One of the many things about not having to work in an office, besides not going into an office, of course, is you get to work from awesome places. Like cool coffee shops, coworking spaces, or even while visiting friends or family. Not only does this freedom allows you to be mobile and check out new spots, but it also helps you to avoid feelings of isolation or loneliness which you would not feel if you were in an office surrounded by people. But you want to keep in mind that while this is a nice perk, staying productive is going to be key to making this sort of working style work for you and your employer. There are a few things you'll want to know. First things first, if you're going to be mobile and working around town, you need to have a portable office which means portable gear. Here's a breakdown of what you'll need. Step one, your laptop. Hard to get much done without that. It's also important to make sure you have your power supply, but you can't always count on access to an outlet. Try to arrive with a fully-charged laptop. Step two is headphones. The earbuds that come with your phone are fine, but I really suggest some over-the-ear headphones that help tune out all that ambient noise. If you want to level up your kit or make lots of calls, then spend the money for ones with a noise-canceling microphone so that people won't hear the conversations from the table next to you. If you work with large files, it's nice to have an external drive that pulls power from your laptop so you don't have to plug into an outlet. If you're used to having two displays, there are portable options out there which are easy to pack and take with you. If you're interested in working in places like coffee shops or a cafe, then you'll want to make sure they have strong internet and access to power outlets. There's a nice resource called workfrom.co that rates things like noise levels, access to WiFi and power outlets. Checking out Yelp can help as well. If you do decide to park yourself at a coffee shop or a cafe, it's common courtesy to buy something every two hours or so and you'll also want to make sure you're not taking up a table of four if it's just you working there. If you're uncertain if a place embraces remote workers, just call ahead and ask if it's cool to hang out for a few hours.

Remote Work Productivity:

You first want to figure out who all the stakeholders are for your job. So, you have to ask yourself, who is supposed to be clearly defining the goals here. And what you will find out is that it is up to all the stakeholders to clearly define everything together. And if you don't know who all those people are, have a call with everyone who will be counting on you and get to know what their expectations are of your work. Understand how their work might overlap with yours and be clear on how you plan to communicate while you work together. Okay, so let's assume that you've identified all the people involved in your roll and you all have a clear understanding of your goals. Now, you have to figure out how you're going to track towards those goals and stay on the same page. Every company will have its own to do list, goal tracking system, et cetera. And oftentimes, you'll have to conform to what's being used or at least make sure that your to-do list is transparent. A recommendation is to set timelines to your tasks and run them by your team every week. And that way when you are at home working alone, you know that you all are tracking together. Another recommendation is talking through your task tracking methods with your boss to make sure you're both on the same page.

One of the big perks of working remotely is that you get to avoid all those pesky office annoyances and distractions like office gossip, noisy cube mates, annoying coworkers, and pointless meetings. That being said, there are plenty of other distractions while working remotely that you should be aware of. So if you have roommates, or a family at home while you're working, be aware, they will try to distract you. So set boundaries. Also in the office, you probably never have to deal with your neighbor doing construction on their home, a random sales person knocking on your door or that dog down the street who barks all day long. And beware of those little distractions like chores. These are things like trading in work time for cleaning the dishes, doing laundry, or generally doing errands around the house. These are all important things to do, but they impact work productivity and would rarely creep into your life if you were sitting in an office.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

Tips on acing a job interview and getting noticed by hiring managers

Ways to Improve Your Image to Job Recruiters:

Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date.

Tip 1: have a recent high quality photo that sends good vibes to the job recruiters. Make sure you are smiling and looking professional and the picture is bright. For men, a suggestion would be to wear a collared shirt, suit jacket, and a tie (if you can) in your LinkedIn profile picture. For ladies, a suggestion would be to wear a blazer or a nice fitted blouse that is appropriate for the office. Try to have a specific photo for LinkedIn, preferably a photo that is not from any family event or has other people in the picture.

Tip 2: Use an appropriate headline. Put your job title as your headline. For example, if you are a Senior Financial Analyst, put that as your headline because it makes it easier for the job recruiter and hiring managers to find you.

Tip 3: Have a “What I can do for you” oriented profile summary. Having a profile summary helps you get noticed by job recruiters when they are searching for keywords. A profile summary should be short and sweet, while also talking about what you can do for a company. An example of a good profile summary sentence, “I help organizations perform budgeting, forecasting, and financial analysis over their revenues and expenses budgets to ensure profitability targets are met at minimum cost.”

Tip 4: Make your work experience short and sweet. You don't want to mention all of your job experiences and accomplishments because that is what your resume is for. You could have one bullet point that explains the overall responsibilities within each of the jobs you’ve held.

Tip 5: Show off your recommendations. This is a simple way that you can make your profile stand out. Make sure the recommendations are from people that you’ve worked for, such as, an old boss or manager, as opposed from a peer.

Tip 6: Put out your contact details. Make sure you include your contact information in a visible area on your profile because it makes it easy for a potential job recruiter or hiring manager to reach out to you regarding information about an opportunity.

Tips on Writing a Winning Resume

Name and contact information (phone number, email) should be at the top of your resume. If you can, include a website or portfolio about you.

Work experience. Make sure you put your most relevant work experience first, given the job you are applying for. You should be tailoring your resume to every position that you are applying for.

When you are listing out your job descriptions, highlight achievements rather than duties, and if you can, back up those achievements with numbers. If you don't have work experience, look for internships or showcase that work related experience online. For example, if you want to be a film scorer, learn to score films and post that on the internet, you can now list film scorer on your resume.

Education. Strategically place your education on your resume. If you are in college or recently graduated college, you might want to place that before your work experience. If your gpa is a 3.2 or above, put that on your resume next to your field or study.

Skill section. You should include a skill section on a resume if you have a specific type of skills that a job is looking for. If you have a CPR certification, you should include that in your resume, if you are applying for a job that requires CPR certifications.

Extracurricular and awards. You should list any extracurricular that you have partaking in or awards such as honors, scholarships, and any awards that you have won as well. These sections are essentially a non-pathetic way of writing “hard worker” on your resume. They might not convey specific skills but they do convey certain traits that recruiters are searching for.

4 Sentence Cover Letters That Will Get You The Job

Effectively introduce yourself. When introducing yourself, you want to make sure it is short and brief. The reason for doing this is because on average,job recruiters receive 150 emails regarding resumes and cover letters. A long cover letter could possibly be overlooked, forgotted, or discarded.

How to address the introduction. “Dear (name) or to whom it may concern, I’m writing to inquire about the opening for (job position/title).” Go to the next break, make a new paragraph. This paragraph is the “what you offer” and “why you're qualified”. Sample sentence, “I offer (amount of years) of experience in (whatever your specialty is), which make me a strong candidate for this opening.”

Create intrigue. Tell the reader exactly where they can find the information they need in order to know whether or not you’d be a good candidate, and it won’t take very long for them to see it. Sample, “The top portion of my attached resume highlights my career profile, and three significant accomplishments that are also in alignment with this position.” Make a break, and the last sentence could be, “I’d welcome the opportunity to speak with you if you feel I’d be a strong candidate for this or any position in your organization.”

How to make a great impression during an interview:

Research the company and interviewers. Understanding key information about the company you’re interviewing with can help you go into your interview with confidence. Using the company’s website, social media posts and recent press releases will provide a solid understanding of the company’s goals and how your background makes you a great fit.

Practice your answers to common interview questions. Prepare your answer to the common question: “Tell me about yourself, and why are you interested in this role with our company?” The idea is to quickly communicate who you are and what value you will bring to the company and the role—it’s your elevator pitch.

Reread the job description. You may want to print it out and begin underlining specific skills the employer is looking for. Think about examples from your past and current work that align with these requirements.

Use the STAR method in answering questions. Prepare to be asked about times in the past when you used a specific skill and use the STAR method to tell stories with a clear Situation, Task, Action and Result.

Prepare a list of references. Your interviewers might require you to submit a list of references before or after your interview. Having a reference list prepared ahead of time can help you quickly complete this step to move forward in the hiring process.

Be prepared with examples of your work. During the interview, you will likely be asked about specific work you’ve completed in relation to the position. After reviewing the job description, think of work you’ve done in past jobs, clubs or volunteer positions that show you have experience and success doing the work they require.

Prepare smart questions for your interviewers. Interviews are a two-way street. Employers expect you to ask questions: they want to know that you’re thinking seriously about what it would be like to work there. Here are some questions you may want to consider asking your interviewers:

Can you explain some of the day-to-day responsibilities this job entails?

How would you describe the characteristics of someone who would succeed in this role?

If I were in this position, how would my performance be measured? How often?

What departments does this teamwork with regularly?

How do these departments typically collaborate?

What does that process look like?

What are the challenges you’re currently facing in your role?

Make a great first impression. Don’t forget the little things—shine your shoes, make sure your nails are clean and tidy, and check your clothes for holes, stains, pet hair and loose threads. Display confident body language and a smile throughout.

Treat everyone you encounter with respect. this includes people on the road and in the parking lot, security personnel and front desk staff. Treat everyone you don’t know as though they’re the hiring manager. Even if they aren’t, your potential employer might ask for their feedback.

Practice good manners and body language.

Practice confident, accessible body language from the moment you enter the building. Sit or stand tall with your shoulders back. Before the interview, take a deep breath and exhale slowly to manage feelings of anxiety and encourage self-confidence. The interviewer should extend their hand first to initiate a handshake. Stand, look the person in the eye and smile. A good handshake should be firm but not crush the other person’s fingers.

Tue. Jul. 5, 2022

Deciding on remote work, here is the ins and outs

Three different ways to make money online :

Immediately required, find very little round balls that you can probably do by tomorrow. These are going to need mechanisms to earn money online a lot of money so that's the catch.

Second method is to work a remote job that can be done online with many different options and opportunities and those that have very lucrative long-term career opportunities.

Third option is internet entrepreneurship, running your own business online through a computer. These are businesses that you can manage entirely through the internet and through your computer working from anywhere you are in the world. There is absolutely no limit to how much you can earn doing that but like any business there's no guarantee.

Becoming a master of your own time:

Not to be afraid I don't be afraid of what other people say.

Take a calculated risk, go through a process where you actually are competent leader

Something that will make you happy, do it, don't worry.

Some people like to be told what to do. These people are “not leaders”.

Why working from home is a good business:

Changing the distributor Workforce is the most effective way to build a company. The key is how to approach it cautiously.

Few things you can do to fill distributive capability

Document everything in an office. It's easy to make decisions in the moment in the kitchen in the hall, but if people work remotely and some members of the team have conversations they don't have access to fill or see these decisions be made without understanding. This is why I always leave a trail of where you were and what you were thinking about. This allows others to pick up where you left off that's great for online people in different time zones

try to have as much communication as possible online whenever thing shared online allows the new people

Find the right tools, whether its video conferences, communication, project management

Create a productive face to face time

Help people create their ideal space

Benefits from working from home:

No commute


Increased sense of loyalty from your boss, company, or team

Increased productivity

Mobility, allowed to work from anywhere, as long as a stable connection is present

Common remote jobs:

Sales jobs through Upwork

Writing jobs

Virtual Assistant jobs

Bookkeeping jobs

Graphic design jobs

Transcription jobs

The harsh reality of remote work:

Overworking yourself

No clear boundaries

Being the only remote worker

No social interaction