Today I leraned about Fundamentals of web development and I learned the bacis web developement concepts by wathching video and reading article and I learned steps by steps how to do wed developement.
Today I learned about Entrepreneurship & Business Leadership I learned the skill that a business person and a Entrenuershoip person should have for example I learned how atract more traffic to your business, I aslo learned about how to create artenaative plan so I can be prepared for facts of my business not preceeding as a expected.
Today I learned how to use the Robin Hood app for investment and I learned a lot about stocks marketing steps by steps. I also learned about how to start building a company and the process of it and how to hire the right people for the company and much more.
Today I learned a lot for example a learn about video editing and also learned about stock and how to invest, I also learned how he leader and how to hires the best qualified peoples for you company and the most fun park about today is that I get to learn how to edit video in a professional way and I got to see how is a day in the life of a professional video editor and how you get pay doing video editing. Today