Log of what of Sameer Abdullah has learned at Techie Youth

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

learning to trade

today i learned about how to use robin hood to buy and sell crypto currencies and strategies to use when trading stocjs.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

intro to stocks

today i started the units on stocks and cryptocurrencies and so far i learned what stocks and crypto basically are and how they earn people money

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

branding/physical presence

today i learned about how to brand your business while being online and the importance of having a set spot that you can call your business factory, warehouse or store.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

how to target an audience

today i learned about targeting a specific audience for your business. people like steve jobs or jeff bezos all had a specific audience that they went for when advertising their business ideas. they would go for people interested in technology similar to apple to make more profit and make money off of people interested in it

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

making a good business

today i learned about business models and how to make or start a business that will be successful and one that people will like. your business has to be something that people will want to buy or will help people and make lives easier and by having this youll earn more money which will make you a good entrepreneur.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

how to be a good boss

today i learned about how to be a good boss and when to be strict and when to be lenient. the videos talked about when you need to put your foot down and tell someone what they need to do because how you treat your employees will effect your business, but they also talked about rewarding employees when its well deserved. and by doing all this things you will have hardworking workers and an overall successful business.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

how to become an entrepreneur

today i learned about how people can successfully start their businesses and the things you need to do to be a good leader for yourself and your workers and overall how to make a profitable business

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

how to turn old things into money

today i learned about how you can take old used parts of anything to make new profitable items such as turning a vhs into a toaster.,

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

How to promote you business and sell items

today i learned about places where you should be selling the items you make such as wix or website makers to advertise and sell you product while setting a good example for them

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

How to use photoshop correctly

today i watched videos on how to photoshop and how to do it like a professional and what buttons and features do to your photos.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

how people scam you during online jobs

today i learned about what to stay away from when working online/remotely and how to always avoid scams that can harm you in many ways

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

how to get jobs and work remotely

Today i watched videos and articles on how to get job interviews by acting professional

and what to say and not to say in them. i also learned how to correctly work remotely by having daily schedules and controlling your emotions around coworkers in meetings.

Sat. Jul. 16, 2022

different ways to make money

today my videos and articles were focused on ways to make items to sell on the internet for profit. one of the ways were to make shirts with your own designs and sell them. we also learned how theres many more ways to make profit.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

making money with old electronics

today i focused on how to retrofit old electronic items. in this unit it showed many old items like playstation controllers old parts to computers and cd players and how you can turn these items into new and up to date electronic items to use for working or playing. by doing this you can make money while only using old things that are cheap.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

laser cutting and how to make money off of it

Today i learned websites you can laser cut on and how to use them and it ties into the unit because its something you can sell to make profit.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

How to sell electronics and make profit

today i learned how to market things that you can make using electronics and also how to make models that you can 3d print which can slo be sued to make profit.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

how to get your dream job

Today i learned how to get the job you want and different ways to find jobs when your stuck. some ways are to make accounts on sites like linkedin. i also learned the best ways to get into dream jobs and its by preforming well on interviews and also what to say and what not to say to employers.