Log of what of Sajida Aktar has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Learning more about fundraising and other ways to make money

Over the past few days, I learned more about ways to fundraise for organizations and make money doing so. There are numerous ways to promote an organization and it is often important to create an emotional story that will appeal to the donators. When pitching to donators, it is recommeneded to provide background information of the organization, describe the problem they are trying to solve, and include call-to-actions for others to contribute to the cause. Some companies also allow their employees to donate to a certain cause, which is known as coporate giving. These employee-driven programs allow employees to give to philanthropic corporations that then contribute even more to a certain campaign. There are also numerous websites that exist to help people find donors that can provide an adequate sum of money for them. Some other ways to make money that does not require too many technical skills involves taking surverys for different companies in exchange for money. One such site is called Swagbucks, which is a popular site that allows you to Watch videos, play video games, search online and take surveys to collect points.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Learning about Fundraising

Today I started the elective fundraising unit because I have never before considered that as a possible career. I feel that many people may not look into fundraising as a job option since it is not always a distinct position. People with other job titles often participate in fundraising for ogranizations as a part of their job tasks. I think this unit is very interesting because there are numerous aspects to writing elevator pitches to convince doantors to contribute to the cause included in an organization's mission statement.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Creating My Own Niche Website

Today I continued the nich website unit and began learning more about what to include on my website in order for it to reach more people when certain keywords are searched. When I reached the end of the unit, I decided to use Wix to complete my assignment and created a niche website of my own regarding earning income as a teen. I thought this would be a great way to include Techie Youth's Learn to E-Earn program as one of my very first posts on the site. Firstly, I made an introductory post on my site speaking about why it is important for teens to be financially stable and why remote options might be better for others. I then went on to create a separate post dedicated to Techie Youth where I added backlinks, pictures, and discussed the resources offered here.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Finishing up Selling Art Online

Today I finished up the content of the selling art unit by first reviewing the lesson on how to connect with buyers and promote art on different platforms. I explored various websites including Etsy, where people can sell all sorts of handmade or otherwise produced items from the comfort of their home. I also chose this website to sell some of my own art and used it to work on my assignment for the end of the unit. The website is very customizable, so any art that is being listed can be adjusted to the artist's preferences and prioritize how much effort they put into their work so that it i priced accordingly. I even had a chance to ask my friend if I could list her art on my page once it is fully published to the Etsy community.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

More About Selling Art Online

I started the day by watching more videos about expanding the audience of art pages on social media. It's important that someone considers what type of niche they would participate in, how they will attract potential customers, and communicating with an art advisor to help aid in the selling process. When creating an art page, the artist should post regularly and watermark their content so that others cannot easily steal their work and claim it as their own. It's good to engage with the artist's audience by using interactive features of social media such as stories, polls, livestreams, etc.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Ways to Sell Art Online

Today I began the selling art unit as an elective because I have always wanted to sell handmade cards for holidays or celebrations online. The unit began with an introduction as to how to make profiles on sites such as Shopify and Etsy so that others can actually purchase my products. In addition, I learned that there are many aspects of social media to take into consideration as well. For instance, I have to analyze what kind of audience I am hoping to reach and how I will promote my business on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Providing Specialized Services

Today I learned more about providing specialized services such as voice acting, selling photographs, artistry, online modeling, website design, and graphic design. What really interested me the most was graphic design since I hope to pursue graphic design in my future career and somehow incorporate it into my everyday life. I found the videos explaining what skills and software are needed in order to make a living out of graphic design as I can now venture out to familiarize myself with those programs. I also found online modeling to be fascinating since it has been a dream of mine to appear as a model for a beauty or clothing brand at least once in my life.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Making Money Off of Services

Today I started the providing services since I believe I could possess a few skills that people would pay for. One of the most interesting category of skills that stood out to me was the online research lesson since people can often make a decent amount of money even within one hour. They also don't necessarily require many skills as they can participate in feedback surveys for different companies. Online tutoring was another option that appealed to me since I can help younger kids improve their skills in certain areas and prepare for standardized exams.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Product Plan On My Own

Today I learned a lot more about product planning and how to go about each phase even after the launch period. The three main stages of planning a product include a product strategy with the vision and creation of the product, a product roadmap with an overall timeline of the product, and a product backlog of day-to-day tasks for each team involved. For my assignment, I decided to plan for a business simulation that would help students enrolled in Techie Youth have a fun way to truly experience what it is like to open a business down to the very initial stages. I found this to be a very interesting and challenge tasks as I had to take into account which teams I would like to create so that there isn’t much overlap on the tasks and that one team isn’t doing the bulk of the development.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Introduction to Product Management

Today I completed the virtual assistant unit and created a Wix website for my portfolio assignment. I thought this was a cool assignment since it allowed me to reflect on the skills I already have that are suitable for doing the job. I was even able to attach some of my work that demonstrates the skills I listed. Afterward, I started the product management unit since I had only ever heard of project management, which I learned is actually a very different job as the manager only oversees the project after it is planned. Product managers are present from the very first developing stages of their project and go from discovery to planning to execution. Each working day is different for them as they are usually stuck in a different phase of their product's development. Additionally, I learned a lot about customer feedback and the importance of conducting relevant surveys that are short but engaging at the same time. The concept of live interviews is interesting as well since product managers get the chance to verbally interact with their customers, which looks good for their audience.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Foundational Skills for a Virtual Assistant

Today I dove deeper into the various skills it takes to be a virtual assistant, a lot of which include using Google programs for organizational purposes. I also took a transcription test at the beginning of the office skills lesson and realized that is something I definitely need more practice with since I am not fast enough. Going back to the Google programs, I learned the importance of answering emails promptly and organizing them with different tags on Gmail so that I know which emails to prioritize getting back to. I even watched some videos that summed up the features of Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, and more, which was helpful since I don't happen to know all of the tips and tricks despite using them for a while.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

An Official Blog

Today I finished the writing unit and was able to start writing my own blog post about my experience at Techie Youth. Firstly, I made a website through Wix to actually open my blog. I decided to keep my theme more minimal and only included one picture that I feel really resonates with who I am. After a few edits, I finally started writing my actual blog post, which was a fun process as I was able to spill out all my thoughts and feelings into my very own website. I even learned that Wix has a feature where people who read my blog can leave comments and even contact me. Lastly, I began to start the virtual assistant unit since I did not have much knowledge about it and it seems like a job I would actually enjoy doing from home.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

More Ways to Make Money by Writing

Today I learned about copywriting, types of blogging, and SEO backlinks. I initially thought that copywriting would mean the same thing as copyright, but they are obviously different words. Copywriting actually refers to concise, persuasive writing to market a product or service for a company. I also found it interesting that people can earn money through a blog since I formerly thought that people only wrote blogs for personal purposes only. Much like social media, blog writers can also collaborate with other companies through affiliate marketing and use PPC (pay-per-click) ads within their writing to monetize something they actually enjoy doing.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Making Money Out of Writing

Today I learned about magazine writing, journal writing, and authoring books. All of these topics were relatively new to me so I enjoyed being able to learn more information about them and possibly seeking a career in the writing field. It was fascinating to read about the various differences between magazine writing and journal article writing since many people may think they are similar. However, magazine articles are typically shorter in length, cover broad topics, and are for entertainment purposes as opposed to educational journal articles. I also found out that self-publishing books can lead authors to make more profit off of their book sales. They also don't seek literary agents but look for an editor and hiring team.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Monetizing Social Media Platforms

Today I learned a ton about using more social media platforms to make money through the creation of a niche/theme page. One of the most common factors among all platforms is the fact that people can become influencers by collaborating with companies through affiliate marketing. This helps both the influencer and the company grow their audience as the influencer has more content to put out and can gain commission from links that are clicked to purchase certain products. Another fascinating aspect of social media is cool filters that can make creators lots of money when others continuously use them. For example, on Snapchat, users can produce Geofilters that are customizable and can fit numerous themes.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Interesting Social Media Platforms

Today I learned more about creating theme pages on Instagram, TikTok, and WeChat. One tip that I found particularly fascinating is affiliate marketing on Instagram as it allows someone to gain a larger following and collaborate with famous brands to try out fun products while making a profit. I also thought WeChat was a cool platform as well since it combines everyday digital services into one app that is used by millions of people in China and other countries. In addition to communicating with friends and family, people can attach their bank accounts to the app and transfer money or make purchases.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Attracting Followers

Today I learned about utilizing various social media platforms in order to promote content. One of the first skills that stood out to me was photo editing, especially through programs such as Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop as well. It was interesting to see how much a photo can improve in quality and come alive from very dull to bright and bold. I also learned a bit about how to use Instagram to get the best experience out of it so it captures more attention and allows people to actually engage in the content that is being released.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Branding a Company

Today I learned a ton about the importance of branding and ensuring that a company's logos and advertisements are original. This is important so that other companies that may potentially be competitors do not take action against one's company, which impacts not only the designer involved but also the founder of the business. It is necessary to choose a designer that is trustworthy, which can be done by contacting the other businesses they have worked with to ensure that there are no scams involved and that they are actually dedicated. Having a catchy or bold moto is also great for promoting a business as they can tell a lot from just those few words.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Profit and Customers

Today I learned about different business and profit models an entrepreneur should consider when planning their business. It is important to do this in order to have a solid foundation for one's company so all gains and losses can be properly dealt with. One model I found particularly interesting that many companies such as Amazon use is the long tail model. In this model, the owners of a company aim to sell a product that is not obtainable in other markets and may be costly. By doing this, the customers will likely come back to continue purchasing items in that category because it is unique, thus increasing defensibility as well.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022


Today I learned a ton of information about entrepreneurship that I was not aware of before. Firstly, I reviewed the actual definition of entrepreneurship, which refers to the creation of a business with all risks and rewards taken into the hands of the entrepreneur. I believe one of the most important factors of entrepreneurship or opening one's own business is having solid leadership skills and a strong support system. If someone wants to be able to hire employees and take numerous initiatives, they should not be afraid to pursue their dreams and should also be confident in their business.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Managing Time and Health

Today I learned a lot about time management and how to take care of one's mental and physical health. Firstly, I reviewed some content about how to organize a daily schedule and effectively plan a day so that necessary tasks are completed with priority. One thing I found interesting is the claim that free time should not be wasted on things such as video games or television because they do not necessarily bring us money. When it comes to time management and well-being, the two are very heavily connected and it is important that one does not overexert themselves as a result of their workload. In order to maintain one's health even throughout a relatively busy schedule, is to find time to do some exercise, and perhaps make that a new habit slowly.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Financial Awareness

Today I learned tips on how to properly budget when I finally make money. I watched and read a lot of content about how I can organize my money and set priorities within my personal budget. One of the most important takeaways from this lesson was that I should learn how to separate my needs and wants while also making sure that I am not trying to spend every single penny I make and live for myself. I can do this by thinking about my absolute necessities and trying to find ways to purchase them in a more sustainable manner, meaning finding options that prioritize longevity and I can use for a long time in the future. I also learned a bit about liquidity, namely investing my excess money into stocks or even crypto, which is a bit of a high risk but can be manageable and worthwhile.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

Applying and Interviewing for Jobs

Today I learned a ton about applying to jobs and what to say during interviews. Firstly, I watched videos regarding resume making and cover letters, which should be precise and formal. If my resume does not meet a certain standard, then recruiters will likely skip over it. Also, I should be able to answer questions about a company I am interviewing for by doing previous research. It is important to maintain a good social media image and ensure that I do not have any inappropriate content out there as well.

Tue. Jul. 5, 2022

How to get paid and working remotely

I began the day by learning about what it is like to work remotely and whether or not I would suit a remote position. One thing I took away from the videos and articles is that remote working is highly flexible, meaning I can work wherever I want to and create my own schedule. I also would not have to deal with commuting or burning out from working long hours at a workplace. Additionally, if I decide to open my own business online, that would count as remote work, but I would also have to figure out how to set up a payment system online. Even before that, I should create a checking account that would allow me to deposit and withdraw money that I earn from working easily. In order to cash checks that I receive, I would have to be sure to endorse them by signing them on the back in various different ways. Going back to payment systems, there are a variety of options such as PayPal, Square, or even Cryptocurrency. I did not have much knowledge about Crypto before, so this was a very eye-opening experience where I learned that I need to have access to a wallet and also realize the value of Crypto can change very quickly.