Log of what of Pree Parker has learned at Techie Youth

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Remote Hiring

Today I learned how to hire people remotely and how to get hired remotely. Also What to say during on the phone interviews and in person interviews. Also how jobs look for key words on your resume To pick Canadettes. Also that they want to hear the accomplishments you made from doing your job instead of just what you did at the job.

Sat. Aug. 6, 2022

Getting A Transcription Job

Today I learned How to get a transcript job. You can get a transcript job easily by doing typing test and applying them to your resume. The more computer experience you have the easier you can get the job.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Investing In Commodities

Today I learned how to invest in commodities by first learning the different types of commodities to invest in such as Uranium, Nft's and other commodities. Each is worth different prices and the prices go up and down during the year just like stocks. With that being said you have to know which one to buy around a certain time to make money off your investment.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Trading strategys

Today I learned a variety of trading strategies and different algorithms involving the strategies. In order to learn the strategies you have to learn the algorithms which are hard to learn and complex. However if you do learn them you will earn the maximum amount of money trading every time.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Forex Trading

Today I learned more methods for buying and trading stocks. The methods I learned was how tell how much each stock was worth. Also about the different types of traders day and night. How each type of trader has it's advantages and differences.

Sat. Jul. 30, 2022

Trading With Forex

Forex is a company that allows you to buy and trade stocks. You can make a lot of money off trading stocks if you learn how to do it correctly. In order for you to know how to do it correctly you need to know when stock prices goes up and down. Today I watched the videos that techie youth provides in order to make money off of forex. In these videos they teach you how to calculate when the stocks you are going to buy go up and down. Learning these methods from the video can make you a profit every time you invest.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Creating Mobile Apps

Today I learned how to create mobile apps through use of various applications. To make the mobile apps you have to use coding and make sure you implant the right codes in the right areas. This was very useful because if I start to create apps I can make millions just off a simple game. Making simple applications can be done easy when starting off.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Get A Job With No Experince

Today I learned how to get a job with no experience. You can get a job with zero experience by just listing The skills you have. Such as speaking multiple languages or Being good with computers. Another way is to take courses online such as typing test or customer service test so that you can add them to your resume. Also you can list simple jobs that you have done off the books on your resume such as babysit or work for some.

Sat. Jul. 23, 2022

Remote Customer Service Jobs

Today I learned about how I can get a remote customer service job. This lesson was great for me because I love working remote. For example working at techie youth is one of the best things to me beacause it allows me to handle college and work at the same time. The lesson provided websites for me to sign up to get a remote job and even told me some of the requirements that I have to have to get certain remote jobs. Techie youth is the best for teaching people stuff like this these types of lessons are golden!

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Copyright Jobs

Today I learned that you can write articles and short stories for companies or websites as a job. These type of jobs are called copy write jobs. Different companies have different sort of papers you can write such as magazines or blogs. Pay depends on the company and quality of your content.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Music Production

Today I learned how to start and master music productions. Their are a variety of apps you can use such as logic pro, garage ban e.t.c. Using these apps you can make beats and edit musical tracks just like inside of a recording studio. Using this skill you can save a lot of money if you sing or rap due to you not having to go to studios and being able to record and edit tracks from home. This also can make you a lot of money because you can get people to pay you to edit their songs.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Organize Emails

Today I learned how to organize emails in my Gmail by putting colored labels next to them. With this lesson you can find your most important emails even if you have tons of emails in your Gmail. This was a very important email because sometime I have trouble finding the email I am looking for with so many emails in my Gmail. Now I can find it easy by just looking for the email with the label. This is something I will be using for a little while due to my Techie Youth logging being amongst hundreds of emails. Now it is way easier for me to find this and any other important emails I need.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

How To Get Clients for created apps

today I learned that you can get clients for apps you created by posting advertisements and promoting apps on your social media. Another way to get clients for your app is paying people and websites to promote the app. Choosing people who already have a large number of followers is perfect. Another way is to try to get an add for your app on as many platforms as possible such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

How To Get Clients New Websites

Today I learned how to get clients for if I ever make a website. Tips to get clients is to tell your story and tell what your website has to offer and describe yourself. Another tip is to work for free the more people you work for the more experience you have and can get people to join from your hirers job or website while you work. Also this helps your income because the more experience you have the more high paying jobs you can get.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

How The Internet Runs

Today I learned about different things that make the internet smoothly such as DNS. Things like these which are mentioned commonly around the internet help the internet run smoothly and helps us browse the internet. The job of DNS's are to connect web browsers to the internet. This helps you transition into websites faster. Simple things like this help the internet run smoothly that we use everyday that we don't know about.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

How To Hire The Best Person For The Job

Today I learned how managers and hirers hire people. Also how to hire people myself. In order to find the best person for the job, the descriptions for the job that your hiring people for needs to grab the attention of the best people for the job. Not many employers have good job descriptions so this is a key component to getting the best employees. Also the amount the job is paying comes into question to, the more a job pays the more it will attract the best employees with great skills. Another tip is to include the skills that you want in a employee so that only people with those skills will apply such as speaking more than one language.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

9 Advanced AI Robots

Today I learned that actual robots really exist and not just one or two of them their are nine really advanced robots that exist and many other robots. Some of the robots I learned about was a robot by the name of spot this robot took the shape of a dog and it walked like a dog and did dog like activities. Another robot I learned about was a gymnastic robot this robot could do back flips and other incredible flips. Also the robot could make it's own decisions in the air so that it could land these incredible flips such as turn it's body or bend it's legs.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

Learning How to Develop AI's

Today I learned that helping develop AI's can be a job. The video I was watching also taught me how to get one of these jobs. It also taught me a lot about AI's. AI's are used everywhere and are being developed everywhere. Helping develop AI's will not only make you some money but help make the world easier and advance technology.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Making Money Selling Photos

What I learned today was how to make money through a variety of different apps selling photos. These apps pay you for photo you take such as photos of trees or different things. What i also learned was using key word such ass the country the photos in or the location of the photo can help you sell it. Also that the better the quality of the photo the more money you can sell it for and the easier it is to get the photo sold.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

Traveling For Less

Today one of the things I learned was how to spend the least amount of money while traveling. They taught me things and sort of like skills such as you can work for someone in exchange for a place to stay. Also to limit unnecessary expenses. This was really helpful info because it showed me how to limit my expenses and tricks to save money.

Tue. Jul. 5, 2022

Physical And Mental Care

Today at techie youth I learned many things one of the big topics that caught my eye was physical mental health care. It gave me information on how working out and doing simple things such as brushing your teeth is physical health care. It also told me that physical health care is very good for you such as exercising can make you live longer and can help you feel better all together. The more you exercise the better your body will get and the more stamina you will have. It also told me ways I can take care of my mind by doing things such as learning new skills. Also by eating healthy.