Log of what of Oscar Wang has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Fundraising - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about fundraising. I learned how people can raise money to support various causes either through online sites like GoFundMe or in public, like The Salvation Army. These fundraisers are used as a way to support a certain group of people or to help support a non-profit group that relies on these donations. People also host events as a way to garner attention for a fundraiser.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Java - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about the programming language Java. Java is a high-level programming language that is class-based and uses object-oriented programming. It is a general-purpose programming language that lets users write their code once, and it will run on every device. Java is ran on almost every device, including TVs.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Python - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about the programming language Python. Python is a very versatile programming language and can be used to code websites and it can even do machine learning. Python is very beginner friendly because it writes almost like English. For making websites, the most popular python package is Django. A lot of big companies like Amazon and Instagram use this for their sites.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Web Design - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about web design. Most websites have designs that make them stand out and more appealing so that more people click on them. It is a skill that requires a lot of creativity and still falls under web development. Most web designers will have a portfolio that shows off their work, however, you can still get started without one. You can also market your services to get potential clients you can design websites for.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Relational Database - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to set up a relational database. There are many systems to manage a relational database, some of which include Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft SQL. A relational database organizes data into tables, which are made up of rows and columns. The SQL programming language was designed to work with these databases. To create a relational database, you would need to know the purpose of what you're going to be using it for and what type of data you're handling. You then have to gather the data and create the primary key which defines the data. You would then have to create relationships with the data. Some data could be one-to-many, meaning that it cannot be defined in only one column of data and can be used elsewhere. Many-to-many means that multiple parts of a column of data are used in other parts. Last but not least, one-to-one means that the data type is only related to one column.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Databases - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about some databases and how they work. There are 2 common types of databases, SQL and NoSQL. SQL databases are generally relational and use the SQL programming language. NoSQL databases are distributed, and usually do not use SQL as the programming language, meaning it can be more flexible based on your project. These databases have their own advantages and disadvantages. NoSQL databases have a dynamic schema, so you would be able to change it after you create it, while SQL databases' schemas are usually static or predefined. However, SQL databases are better at handling complex queries than NoSQL databases are. Some SQL databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and some NoSQL databases include MongoDB, GraphQL and Neo4j.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Version Control - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about version control. Version control is a system you use to manage files on your website or any coding project. It also can show you the history of changes made to your files. The two most popular version control clients are Subversion and GIT. Subversion and GIT make it easy to manage your files on your website. It also allows collaborators to work on your project and upload it using the command line. It will enable everybody to work on a project at once.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Web Development - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I was introduced to web development. Websites are built on a few fundamental things: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML or Hypertext Markup Language is used to display materials on a webpage. CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is used for the webpage styles, like fonts, borders, and padding. Javascript is a programming language that is most used in web development, and it allows you to implement complex features into a webpage, like graphs and maps.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Music Production - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to make music with my computer. I knew how you could make music without any instruments and only use mouth sounds and then modify it electronically. Making music does not require you to leap over many barriers; all you need is a person, a computer, and some musical talent. Some people have made amazing music by themselves.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Social Community Organizing - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to organize a community on social media. You can create a presence on many social media platforms, like Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter. Some of these platforms even offer creators a way to earn money by selling a product or service. Many influencers use social media as a way to connect to their fans and promote their products too.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Selling Art Online - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to sell art online. I learned the prerequisites to sell art and how to start a business online to sell said art. I learned about sites I can use and social media platforms where I can show off my art to attract potential buyers. I also learned how to make money with digital art, which is something that I want to do when I learn how to do digital art.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Business Models - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about business models and the common types of business models. These are selling digital products, subscription services, and a freemium long-tail profit model. Selling digital products online is like selling any ordinary product; you would need a category to put the product in and a way to draw attention to your product and outperform your competitors. A subscription service is when you pay a set amount of money every month/year, and with it, you will get benefits. Some subscription services include Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. A freemium business model is one where your product is free, but people can pay money to get access to more benefits/features.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Wordpress - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to make WordPress themes and HTML templates. I learned about WordPress and how you can create themes with minimal coding. I also learned about creating templates with HTML, which requires more coding, but the result can be better and more customized to fit people's needs. You can also sell your WordPress theme at the WordPress theme marketplace and make money.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Digital Assets - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to create digital assets. Digital assets are online things, whether it be a mobile app, ebooks, or video games. There are many ways to create digital assets, like writing an ebook and selling it on Amazon or making an online course of publishing on Udemy. You can also design media pieces and try to sell them as stock photos. Many ways exist to create and sell digital assets to make money.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

Cryptocurrency - What I learned at Techie Youth today.

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about cryptocurrency and how you could invest money in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and make money out of it. I also learned how cryptocurrency is mined through your computer by mathematical operations to solve a hash. There are many prevalent cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. Anyone can create a coin, but it can be tough to maintain a community for that coin. There are also pump and dump schemes, where someone makes a coin, gets a lot of people to invest in it, and then takes all that money for themselves.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Selling your products - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about different platforms and ways I can sell my products. I knew how you could sell products on an online marketplace or sell them on a website you made. Both of these ways have their benefits and disadvantages. It might be easier to sell things on an online marketplace because you do not have to do any sort of setting up, and it is usually very cheap. You also get access to an audience instantly. However, there is typically a lot of competition, and you must share profits with the marketplace. If you make your website, you get access to a lot more customizability, making your brand look more unique. Competition isn't visible, so you wouldn't have to worry about customers switching to a competing brand. However, making your website requires a lot more work and money to pay for your domain and server hosting.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Robotic Products - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to use robotics to make products. I learned about how to make a robotics kit and create useful things with robotics to sell. You need many different things to make the products, but the most important would be the microcontroller to control the robotics. Some microcontrollers include the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino. These microcontrollers also have programs you can use to code them and make them do various things.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Laser Cut Products - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to make laser-cut products. I learned about a few applications used to design items, like Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD, and Inkscape. I learned about different services you can use to get your things laser-cut, like Ponoko and Sculpteo. Laser-cut products are usually small, like earrings and small figurines, since the laser cutters are exact. You can generally sell these small items for a premium price.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Making Computer Designed Objects - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to design objects with a myriad of programs on a computer, like TinkerCad, Blender, and Autodesk Meshmixer. These programs allow you to model 2D or 3D objects with many tools to form and shape them. With these models, you can publish them online for others to see or print them out if you have a 3D printer.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Entrepreneurship and Leadership - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about entrepreneurship and leadership. Launching a startup has many things you need to do, from creating a business model to an exit strategy. Many thoughts and ideas have to go into that, and you have to be able to generate profit from your model. You would also need some means to get funding to support your business until it reaches the break-even point, where your gain outweighs your spending.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Video Editing - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I was introduced to the job of a video editor. A video editor is responsible for making the final product of a film or movie, given all the clips they must work through. They use applications like Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere to achieve this. I learned about many different transitions and cuts that video editors use to make the film flow better. They also use sound design to add sound effects to the films and color grade to make the scenes look better.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

Time Management- What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned about time management. I learned how to use my time to get work done, rest effectively, and stay healthy. Being able to manage your time wisely can help you get the job done faster and in a more practical matter, working smarter, not harder. It also gives you time to do other things, like resting, exercising, or hanging out with friends and family.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

Earning money online - What I learned at Techie Youth today

Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to earn money online. I learned about remote jobs and their advantages and disadvantages. Some benefits of remote jobs include no commute, a schedule you can work on, and the fact that you can work in the comforts of your home. There are disadvantages to this, though. You could be distracted while working at home, and you'd be isolated from people too. Remote work also enables you to travel without worrying about going to an office to get the job done. It increases the overall flexibility of your job and allows you to do other things.