Log of what of Omar Rahman has learned at Techie Youth

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Final Blog Post

Today I continued working on my music production project as my final piece of work for the program. I’m still not done with it and hope I will be able to submit it soon.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Wed. Aug. 10

Today I explored more programming languages: Python and Java. Then, I went into developing mobile apps. I started with IOS apps and how to get started with that. I learned about making sure an app gets approved in the App Store, and how to keep it clean and updated for users. Then I learned the same thing for Android apps. Next, I learned about the different services to use for creating cross-platform apps. I also learned how to monetize an app. Finally, I continued working on my music production project.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Tuesday Aug. 9

Today I learned methods to get clients as a beginner web designer. I also learned about common web design mistakes and how to avoid them. Then I learned about Google analytics and how to add it to my site if its a Wordpress site or coded site. Next, I learned how to code websites. I learned about different coding languages such as JavaScript and node.js.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Beginning the last week of Tech Youth

I started today with learning how to make money immediately. I learned about swagbucks and signed up to try some activities for some money. I am considering signing up for Amazon Mechanical Turk. Then I went into the writing unit and did a final writing piece to Techie Youth since it was the last week, along with a little poem. I learned a little bit about making money by listening to music as well. I worked on the providing services course, and I looked a bit into the transcription section and freelance writing sections. I was most interested in the voice acting section. I already had an upwork profile so I submitted that as well. At the end of the day I learned about databases and SQL and NoSQL

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Changing directions and going back

Today I continued working on my music production assignment. I decided to switch to a new DAW and went back to those lessons to get refreshed on what I needed to know. I plan on researching further into equipment along with a new DAW to use. Then I went over the Getting Paid section to finish the entrepreneurship lessons. I learned about the different ways to charge people other than the ones I knew such as Square and Paypal. I also learned about different bank accounts other than what I knew. I am halfway done with my executive summary for the entrepreneurship assignment.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Thurs Jul. 28

Today I learned about how to obtain funding, lean startups, how to get investors and venture capitalists to invest, MVPs, staying silent, how to win people over, negotiating, and how to handle employees. I finished all the lessons for the Entrepreneurship and Business topic and came up with an idea for my executive summary. I also continued to work on my music production assignment

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Wed. Jul. 20

Today I learned about the basics of a startup business for entrepreneurs. It was focused on the important things to do before even starting the business. I learned about executive summaries, business models, and profit models. I also learned about the importance of sharing your idea with others instead of keeping it a secret in order to receive feedback and know if your idea is really good. I learned about the multiple ways to earn revenue such as freemium models and subscription models. I considered starting web development today as I also continue to work on my music production project. I hope to be done with these soon and move on to app development.

Sat. Jul. 16, 2022

End of Week 2

So far this week has been even more worth my time. Today I learned about the fundamentals of entrepreneurship as well as how to be a leader. I ended the day working on my music project.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Thursday Jul 14 Blog

I continued experimenting with garageband for my music project. It is going good so far. I am still not sure if that is the DAW I want to use for my final submission. I then finished learning about options trading.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Midweek Blog: Getting the routine going

Monday Jul 11 Blog:

I learned about the many things it takes to be a film scorer, which is a passion of mine. I am excited to work with different DAWs and find one thats right for the assignment

Tuesday Jul 12 Blog:

I learned many different ways to market a brand on social media along with ways to make money on platforms such as instagram. In addition, I went more into the life of a digital nomad and learned all the ways to travel on a budget and work from anywhere.

Wednesday Jul 13 Blog:

Today I learned about the different ways to search for the cheapest price on hotels and plane tickets. Then I did more research for my music production project. Next, I did some work on learning a bit about forex and options trading. I ended with experimenting Garageband for my music production project.

Sat. Jul. 9, 2022

End of the First Week

This first week was cool. I learned a lot of interesting things and I am well into my Music Production course. I can’t wait to make my own song for the assignment and look forward to learning more.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Starting Music Production

Today I finished up the rest of the lessons in the prerequisites and then I began Music Production. Everything I learned so far has been very interesting and I am excited to continue the topic.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Techie Youth Update

Today I continued the prerequisites. I am almost done and have 1 more lesson left. It was really interesting to learn about time management, stress management, and being a leader. I also found the video about ignoring bullies to be insightful.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

My intro to Techie Youth

I started my first full day for Techie Youth. I worked on the pre requisite courses. I am almost done with those and I already finished the first one. There were some reallt interesting topics that I went over. For example I really liked learning the negotiation tactics for salary and price. I also thought the lessons on resumes and interviews was helpful. The videos for the remote jobs and the “digital nomad” idea was very inspiring. I look forward to going over the areas I am interested in, starting with Music Production.