Log of what of Nicole Zhan has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, I learned how to use different software packages for laser cutting. Adobe illustrator is a software that most people use to create digital art and people who do commissions often use it. I watched a 3 hour video which showed different techniques. Autocad is more popular for 3d renderings and I watched a three part tutorial.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, I learned how to use different software packages for laser cutting. Adobe illustrator is a software that most people use to create digital art and people who do commissions often use it. I watched a 3 hour video which showed different techniques. Autocad is more popular for 3d renderings and I watched a three part tutorial.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

August 9 and August 10

August 9

Today I learned how to use different websites to earn money. These websites were solidworks and autocad. 3D printing is pretty expensive and requires a lot of learning to successfully make a profit.

August 10

Today I learned the basics for laser cut products. It is basically using laser technology to engrave or cut different material. A laser cutter works by a laser beam being directed to the laser head and focused on the material surface. Motors then move the laser head to cut or engrave whatever design into the material.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Today I learned!

Today, I learned how to use technology to make money. By using websites such as tinkercad and blender, I can sell 3D printed products online.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned how to write an executive summary. I had to include what I learned about financing, hiring, and getting client/sales.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, I learned about what goes into financing and setting up a business. Branding is one of the first steps to becoming a well established business. It's important to be original and to create something that represents you brand well. With financing, it is important to keep up with your expenses and profit to obtain funding.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, I learned about identifying your customer and market. It is important to do this before getting into starting a business so you can understand what people want/needs and how you can help those wants/needs. It is also important to identify your competition so you are able to go above and beyond in attracting customers.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

August 1 and August 2 - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

August 1

Today, I learned about the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. For example, I learned what goes into starting your own business and how to be a leader. I also watched different videos that show the day to day life of corporate workers. This helps me decide if entrepreneurship is good for me or not.

August 2

Today, I learned about business models, profit models, and revenue streams. These topics are a little bit tricker for me to understand. I learned what a profit model is and different types of business models. A profit model is a company's plan to make profit and different companies may follow different approaches in doing so.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Life quality - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, I learned different ways to improve the quality of my life. I learned how to manage my time better by using planning my day and tracking how I spend my time. I also learned about how to manage stress and how to be physically and mentally healthy. Lastly, I learned about the difference between role models and mentors.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Financial awareness & financial management - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today, I learned how to make smart financial choices. One skill that helps me with this is budgeting. By creating a personal budget based on how much I make and how much I spend on necessities, I am able to (hopefully) stay out of debt. Another helpful skill I learned is minimizing unnecessary spending. There is a difference between wants and needs so if I limit the amount of wants I purchase, I can save more money than usual. Some purchases can also just be unnecessary so I will be sure to avoid those. By learning this valuable information, I am able to become more financially independent and smart.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

July 25, July 26, and July 27 daily assignment // Working a remote job, scams, and networking - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

July 25

Today, I learned how to use the Techie Youth website. I learned what the requirements are to graduate, what the courses are made up of, and how to complete quizzes and assignments. I also learned the basics to remote learning such as how to know if remote working is right for me, different reasons to work from home, and different jobs that you can do from home. I also learned different things about currency like how to use a check, the basics of cryptocurrency, and other online payments.

July 26

Today, I learned how to prepare for a job. I learned the importance of having a LinkedIn, a resume, and cover letter. I also created my own LinkedIn account, resume, and cover letter for an assignment. Moving on, I learned the importance of public image because employers do check a persons social media before hiring them. I also learned how to prepare for interviews and tips for getting hired.

July 27

Today, I learned about different aspects that come with working a remote job and how do so successfully. With remote jobs, it is harder to communicate effectively so using virtual meetings and setting up appropriate schedules is very important. Productivity and collaboration is also important to promote healthy relationships and positive experiences. Working at home can also be overwhelming so understanding how to manage those feelings can make a difference. I also learned that working online can be risky because of scams. To make sure I don't fall into one, I've learned how to detect scams from really good offers. Lastly, I learned how to network and how to use networking to my advantage.