Log of what of Mya-Ling Black has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 19, 2022

Today at techie youth my last day I learned about business and leadership

Today with my quizzes and my summary that I created I learned how a business has a unique structure involving the process of how much you need to the trail and error of profits and revenue . It really has been a very educational experience learning about business and the different levels to it. With out business and company’s there wouldn’t be structure for everything we need .

Thu. Aug. 18, 2022

Revenue in a business

Revenue in a business is very important because the total amount of money brought in by the company's operations becomes measured over a certain amount of time. Generating a lot of profit from sales. Creating a increase of growth .

Wed. Aug. 17, 2022

Purpose in a business

It’s very rewarding when you do something with purpose because it makes you feel happy while doing it. For example can increase motivation and revenue. Including a big increase in market sales .

Tue. Aug. 16, 2022

What I learned Monday and Tuesday

Customers in a business is very crucial so well successful start because marketing comes in to play with customers being attracted to the business.Customers creat a big impact on sales and income for the business to keep running . It’s important to keep up with the state of the business.

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

What I learned today

Today at techie youth I learned that a business must have A good Business model to create a good structure and a successful business because without a valuable business model people will not see the value in the market. That they trying to connect with .

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

What I learned today from my quizzes

Today at techie youth I learned about how business ideas from my quiz are determined a customer becoming frustrated with an existing product or service and developing an solution to that product or service being done. Work toward these goals by example enhancing a website functionality, and ensuring that the marketing campaign loan align with the vision for the company. Responsibility and the effective ways that we can communicate it through the marketing strategies. By figuring out how much does the customer connect with the type of market.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

What I learned today

Today at techie youth I learned about how business ideas are determined in my quizzes today is by customers . A customer becoming frustrated with an existing product or service and developing an solution to that product or service being done. Work toward these goals by example enhancing a website functionality, and ensuring that the marketing campaign loan align with the vision for the company. Responsibility and the effective ways that we can communicate it through the marketing strategies.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Tuesday blog

In techie youth I learned Another focus in a business could be the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility and the effective ways that we can communicate it through our marketing strategies. Incorporating the right plan for customers

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Partnerships in a business

What I learned today is that who you partner with in a Business is very important it makes a certain impact on your business and how it runs. For example both people have to be interested in what the business has and what they want to show. Both partners have to be on the same page . If not it can have a negative impact on a business .

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Creating a summary in a business

Today I learned about how speaking about the purpose of a summery for your company and the importance for example it’s a form of persuasion. To show what you want your business to stand for and what you want to prove . To your target audience and market .

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Perception for what you want for your company

Today I learned about how perception about what you want for your business is extremely important . Those perceptions create people to view others in different ways. . People have pros and cons about other individuals . Worldviews are sets of beliefs and assumptions that describe reality. A worldview is a way of describing the universe and life within it, both in terms of what is and what ought to be.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Speaking about what you want to stand for

Today I learned about how speaking about what you want for your business is extremely important . It’s a form of expressing the importance of what you want your company to stand for . It’s important to be detailed but brief because two long of explaining can lead to not fully understanding what the person wants to express.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

What I learned today

Today at techie youth I learned that a business must have reliable people to help it have a strong foundation . The employees you have that you can turn to every day in order to make sure the company is on the right track. They are what you can trust in when things get hard. Must create a strong purpose to keep going .

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

What learned today about a plan for a business

Today at techie youth I learned that a business plan must have strong rooted beliefs. For example in community, versatility, and inclusivity to break down the barriers in the fashion industry regarding size and gender. We provide merchandise that consist of versatile silhouettes which come in unisex sizes, and remain coherent with trends by strategically selecting our colorways. There customers can be constantly searching for affordable clothes that gives them the freedom to safely express themselves. We assure that our merchandise is affordable and of high-quality in order for everyone to have the best experience

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Importance of product ideas in a company

Product in a business is very important helps retailers manufacture those connections, which direct future customers toward a sale. Product branding is very important to the success of a corporate brand. The product brings money to the company and how much people are more likely to buy it brings a increase of customers to the company and value as a whole.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Ideas in a Business

Today at techie youth I learned about how business ideas are determined a customer becoming frustrated with an existing product or service and developing an solution to that product or service being done. Work toward these goals by example enhancing a website functionality, and ensuring that the marketing campaign loan connect with the vision for the company. Responsibility and the effective ways that we can communicate it through the marketing strategies.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Formalities in business

Today at techie youth I learned about how business has formalities which are rules and guild lines . In a way boundaries that a business has to has. For example keeping records to keep track . Another is having respect for each team member . Formalities like these create a business to run smooth.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

analyzing in business

what i learned today from techie youth is how analyzing in a company is important. It's very important because you have to analyze how much money is coming in to create a stronger foundation for your business. Analyzing how much you started to how much your getting and making as a whole . Its Important to have people on your team monitoring.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

Goals in a Business

I learned that’s goals in a company makes the foundation stronger for example a goal I would come up with would be to strengthen the level of loyalty which will impact patronage, resulting in an increase in sales and overall satisfaction among our consumers. Through partnerships and collaborations . Creating a stronger unit to the business by increasing profit.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

The role of Profit in a business

What I learned today at techie youth is profit playing a role in a business . Profit plays a role by contributing in the cost of inventory to increase sales and overall health of the company . So the business can expand. Another example would be no negative risks being taken at the business that would create the company to fail or lose money .

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Hiring in a business

What I learned today from teachie youth is how hiring comes into play to keep the business on a good track . Hiring staff members can bring new ideas to business. For example say a staff member comes up with a idea for a shopping analysis this can be a great way to track inventory and collect data . An example of a shopping analysis could be On Amazon my shopping experience for my Wireless headphones for Beats by Dr. Dre - Beats Solo Wireless Headphones - Rose Goldwas a good experience because you can put a protection plan on the headphones which was a good feature. You get two days shipping free when you're a member . Another feature that came in handy was the reviews on the product. On BestBuy my shopping experience for my

Wireless headphones for Beats by Dr. Dre - Beats Solo Wireless Headphones - Rose Gold was a great experience because best buy is known for giving lower prices on electronics. Another feature that came in handy was the reviews on the product. Also best buy is well known for geek squad protection . which enhances your coverage for five years on any electronic.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

World views and perception on owning your own business

Today I learned alot about entrepreneurship and how outside views can affect a business by other people's opinions and views on the business. The world views us by Personality is defined as a stable set of traits that can explain or predict a person’s behavior in a variety of situations. Our personality affects the way we interact with others. Our personality comes from both environmental factors and some factors we are just born with .Values are the things we find important to us. If our values conflict with another’s, there may be miscommunication or other issues. Attitudes can be favorable or unfavorable feelings toward people, things, or situations. Our attitudes have a great impact on each other. If one person has a bad attitude, it is likely to be contagious. We can do many things to change our attitude, but all include making a conscious effort to be aware of our negative thoughts and feelings.Perception refers to how we interpret such as people, things, or events. Our perception is important to recognize because it is the driving force behind our reaction to things.Heredity, needs, peer group, interests, and expectations all influence our perception.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Branding and how money creates stability in a Business

Today I learned about branding and how branding is important to a business . It’s important because making a very strong impression on consumers also allows your customers to know what to expect from your company. Also money impacts a Business by creating a stable income for products to come in for the target market . I believe these are key components for a business to be successful . Expanding the brand will create more effectiveness.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

From my idea to my passion - what I learned today from watching one of the videos

Learning this from ideas to passion, and with my own personal experiences in speech therapy as an idea of wanted in my career , I have decided to pursue a career in Speech Pathology and turn that into my passion . I don’t really agree with the way speech therapists go about teaching their patients, their goals are more so to prevent stutters and remove impairments, but never really to teach patients how to cope with the emotional and mental distress causing the impairments to be triggered. I would like a system where speech therapists incorporate coping into their prevention methods. I feel like this would be more useful. With that being said, this is why I decided to take on the role of wanting to bring this form of support and training into the speech therapy of other patients with similar or the same impairments .

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

A realistic day in the life of entrepreneur involving creativity

I learned on Wednesday that a life of being a entrepreneur can involve creativity based on coming up with your on ideas but I thought about in a class room setting since schools are very different now . Creativity plays a role of benefiting process in learning and the application of new knowledge because freedom of expression becomes a big benefit Unlike the conventional teaching methods, the creative classrooms give them the opportunity to express themselves. Whether it is debate or classroom discussions students have the chance to come out of their shelves and become a part of it. This freedom of expression gives them a sense of goodness and happiness. Making some contributions in the learning sessions gives them a sense of satisfaction too. A creative approach to learning makes them more open with the puzzles that come their way and gives them a feeling of accomplishment and pride.

Creativity can stimulate imaginative thinking capability in students. That is why teachers promote activities such as open-ended questions, creative team building activities, brainstorming sessions and debates amidst busy curriculum schedules. Some teachers tactfully use these techniques to teach tough lessons to make children learn with fun and ease. Activities such as puppet shows will keep the students feel interested in the learning sessions and the flow of images in their mind gives them the pleasure of creativity. The open-ended questions will open them a world of imaginative thinking and they can come up with creative responses. This creates more brain storming.

The average attention or concentration span of a lower class kid is just a few minutes. The conventional teaching methods would be boring for them and they may lose their focus in the midway. Including creative teaching strategies such as storytelling and skits are sure to improve their focus and attention and the study time would be more productive . This Improves focus and attention The right mix of creativity along with curriculum helps students to be innovative and also encourages them to learn new things. Students can grow up to be good communicators in addition to improving their emotional and social skills. In fact, creative expression plays a key role in a student's emotional development.

In closing A large part of being a creative leader is being able to inspire people to generate and develop original and creative ideas. By facilitating creativity in employees, leaders can increase workplace satisfaction and build a team that works with enthusiasm and drive. Being creative helps you become a better problem solver in all areas of your life and work. Creativity helps you see things differently and better deal with uncertainty. Studies show that creative people are better able to live with uncertainty because they can adapt their thinking to allow for the flow of the unknown.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

How I learned about perception relating to a Business especially creating your own business

The challenge with perception in human relations is that we may not always understand someone else’s perception and assume their perception is our own. This is where disagreements and other communication issues can occur. You could be frustrated and short tempered . The halo effect is something I found very interesting because A halo effect or reverse halo effect can also alter our perceptions. The halo effect assumes that if a person has one trait we like, that all traits must be desirable. The reverse halo effect is if we find an undesirable trait in someone, we assume all traits are undesirable. Awareness of our own perceptions and what drives those perceptions is a key component to being successful at work. Creating a list on what I wanted to work on related to my own perceptions within myself .