Log of what of Mohamed Osman has learned at Techie Youth

Mon. Aug. 15, 2022

How to make digital projects products and sell them

I learned how to make digital projects products and sell them as well as little projects at home. Things like a gaming chair that's connected to a gaming control that reacts to shocks and vibrations that will be sent to the chair. And then there's ways to reuse a old charger to create a new working one as well as a toaster out of a vhs.

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

how to use inscape to create a design or text

I learned how to use inscape to create a design or text. Using inscape to create drawings, step by step tutorials and what controls to do what. Then using the board Arduino and setting it up and connecting it with your computer.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

i learned a full tutorial on how to use adobe illustrator- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today i learned a full tutorial on how to use adobe illustrator. Things like what controls are which and important tools you can use to edit and how to start a project. And how to use different shapes and how to import fonts for texts into it.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

i finished the 3d printing section and how to use social work through the videos.

i finished the 3d printing section and how to use social work through the videos. Software's like tinker card where you can create 3d shapes as well as coding. As well as the software blender where you can make anything 3d like text or items as an example a piece of food. Then the controls as in moving around an item zooming in or out to bigger the item. As then moving an object making it actually bigger and creating more space and using proportional editing to scale and grab

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned how to make your own site and put it up online. Then got into svn and how to make and manage your money

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

learning about HTML - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I  learned more about web development and how to make money from your websites. Also i started learning about HTML , how  to edit photos and more.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

How to make web press site and web design- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned about word press and what it is. How to make web press site and web design, how to get clients for that business and make money off it.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

How to become a virtual assistant and how to start and get paid- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned how to be a online nomad and travel the world without even having money. Even as finding flights for cheap and what to do and not when booking a hotel. There's certain apps and websites for cheap hotel rooms and places to go. Then you how to become a virtual assistant and how to start and get paid. I seen many different ways and how much you can get paid.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

how to make money on social media - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned how to make money on social media and how to start magazine freelance writing.Then when writing a journal how to think before and get started.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Using social media for business purposes- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned how to edit photos using lightroom as well as using social media for business purposes. Like instagram ways to grow in followers, market and learn about instagram. Then there's instagram insights and what they can do.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

What a mentor is and how getting one can help change your career- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned about what a mentor is and how getting one can help change your career. Then how to find the right one and contact them to get them to be your mentor. As well as what a digital good is and how you can make money selling them.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Saving and investing, ways to fix your health and well being- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned what to do with your money such as saving and investing, especially things like excess money you are getting or have. Then learning time management and how to use your free time productively and even make money from that. As well as multitasking to get the important things done and have time for your personal needs without wasting time. There's ways to fix your health and well being to have a better and longer life.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

How to be a boss and to network while being influential - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today I learned things like how to be a boss and knowing how to act like one for example when to say no and how not to be taken advantage of. Hot to set up group meetings and how to control them, How to network, being influential and places to network for example Quora, group meetings and Facebook. Then salaries and how they differ in places and how to create a budget to be able to begin to afford things based on your salary. 

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

How to be a leader, standing out professionally and getting ready for a job interview- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned how a job interview goes and how to prepare for it. For example how to clean things in your name that's on the internet and what questions might they ask you in the interview. As well as what to wear and how to look professional during it. Then how to negotiate for your salary to get a better deal with more money. And how to be a leader, standing out professionally and how to ask for what you want. 

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

Using PayPal, square, and Zella to use and process money- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today I learned about remote jobs and whether it's the best decision for me. Also how to enjoy your life while having a job as well as using paypal, square, and zelle to use and process money. Specifically how to make and connect a paypal account to a bank account and make that online. Then I learned about linked in and tips on how to make a profile which I started working on. Then I have to start making a resume. 

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

I have finished and submitted my video assignment-I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I have finished and submitted my video assignment. So tommorow ill be starting something new

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Topic for the project

So i found my topic which is climate change, and how it affects the world negatively and ways we can fix it. Then i spent the day outside to get some footage, which i barley found any good ones so i think I'm going to use some clips from online. Then im just going to start editing.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

How to do wedding and real estate videos- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today I learned how to shoot and edit weddings and real estate videos. Then I saw a bunch of editing packs with templates with transitions. Then it was sound effects, music I can use and how to edit sound packs.Finally i started the video assignment right now i'm trying to choose which free editing software to use then i'm going to try to go outside to shoot some clips if i can't, i'm just going to use some from online.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

How to start working as a freelancer and how to get your clients- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I had to finish watching the crash course for premiere pro things like the shortcuts then I had the small test on it. I learned how to start working as a freelancer and how to get your clients. There's a lot of sites to find clients and work. Then you have to come up with a price for your work and know how much to charge. As well as making your own portfolio with your work so people can see examples then the difference the cold call, the backdoor and the referral.                                                                                         

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

how to use the software called capcut and hitfilm express - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

I learned how to use the software called capcut and hitfilm express and settings to use on them. Then I saw what to do when starting a new project and how to prepare and save it. Things like not using your main pc to save an edit but to get a portable drive for all edits, even better if you have multiple places to save an edit. Basically just how to start as a beginner to editing ,

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

How to use final cut software- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

so today i learned how audio is one of the most important things to a video and how you can make an edit better just by the audios you add on or move around. I also saw a video on a couple of video editing software's that are free someone can use if not wanting to pay for other software's which can be expensive. And then the differences between software's DaVinci Resolve an Adobe Premiere Pro, how each one is different and can be better for you. Then i seen a tutorial on how to use final cut and steps you can use within it for edits and audios. As well as a couple of things you can get or use like templates on the tutorial for the edits.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

How to get started in video editing- I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Today i learned about the difference of a freelance editor and a staff editor. How each one has its own cons and pros and which one can be for you. As well as ways to get started to become an editor and earn income. Also things like cuts and transitions while editing how each one is different and can effect each clip. Examples are the J and L cuts