I learned about developing apps but to start off, an app has to be successful in getting clients. This is possible by looking for jobs on Stack Overflow. This new site I learned about is a tech forum to both ask and answer questions other programmers have. There is also GitHub which is generally used to save and share code I will be working on. I understood more about iOS development which is something I currently used and it is run by Apple. Furthermore, I read many guides about Andriod development as well to get a more inclusive knowledge of development as Android powers almost all non-Apple products.
Today’s unit was “Virtual Assistant.” I read about how to develop the necessary skills to be a virtual assistant which demonstrated to me the diversity of such a profession. I delved into the many different categories of skills for virtual assistants such as scheduling where I learned how to use Google Calendar and social media skills with platforms like Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook.
Today I focused on the Music Production unit which allowed me to revisit my passion for music. I first learned about the career role options in music production such as a disc jockey or selling music online. The use of technology is extremely important in the contemporary world and I was able to learn how to create music on the computer. I learned techniques for creating objectively good music with beat making and other musical elements. My music knowledge is only limited since it has been quite some time since I learned music but I was able to watch videos on creating chord progressions and making catchy melodies. Most importantly, in order for music production to succeed, I learned tricks of the stock music industry such as editing and titling their tracks. Lastly, I learned what Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) was which are the basis of music production and are used for music-creation software to make music.
Today’s unit focus on fundraising. I have also been appealed by such a topic because I always wanted to delve into fundraising. To begin, I learned how to fundraise through the importance of approaching donors. There are different pitches to give to them through emails and phone calls and even “elevator pitching.” I learned about cold versus warm leads. There is also the process of persuading donors with strategies such as delving into the more emotional aspect. In addition, there are many methods of online fundraising and I learned about crowdfunding which can help me reach a large population with a simple online platform.
Today, I started a new unit called “Niche Informational Websites.” I learned what niche websites were and the pros and cons of creating one. I was educated in creating a niche website that is appealing to the public’s eyes by knowing about trends and using a more broad niche to have a higher chance in succeeding. I also learned about technicalities such as what SSL and WordPress is. Furthermore, I learned about how to create content and learned the methods for gaining the most benefits from a niche website. I learned about monetizing and it was all about growing and how to make money.
Today, I decided to delve into the Writing unit since I am a big fan of writing. I learned what characteristics of what a typical magazine and journal have, and learned about the typical salaries typical writers make. I have thought about writing a book and learned about the process of publishing once, and learned about self-publishing. I learned what a query letter is and the typical income of booker authors. I got a deeper understanding of what blogging is and what bloggers do as I personally have some blogger friends.
Resuming the selling of the technological crafts unit, I finished the crafting section by learning about wearable technology. I learned how to create professional-looking screen-printed garments at home as well as what “bleach drawings” are. I also learned about on-demand garment production which is really important to have knowledge of. I learned how to create objects on Computer Aid Design (CAD) which is a class of computer software that enables you to design objects on a realistic scale. I then began exploring through units including the “Selling Arts” unit which I will dive into more later. I mainly just learned about art scams. I may not sell art in the future, but it is just interesting to learn especially since I personally know people who sell art online.
I learned about laser cut products and the steps to take before laser cutting such as designing and modeling. There are a multitude of software packages for laser cutting such asInkscpae, AutoCad and LibreCad. I learned that robotic products and learned a but about the basic fundamentals of electronic engineering. Although I so not intend to pursue an electronic engineering path, I think that this section was quite interesting and I think a lot of the information is just important to know. I also learned about retrofitting electronic products which was a nes term for me. Finally, I watched a few videos about digital art and drawing digitally seems quite entertaining.
I started the “Selling Computer-Designed Objects and Technological Crafts' ' unit and focused mainly on 3D-printed products. I learned about what to consider when printing such as the additional fee for customized products can be a profitable upsell. I learned about how to use Tinkercad as well as Blender. A few years ago, I learned how to use Autocad and that knowledge has been revisited from watching the Autocad tutorial videos. I also learned what Solidworks was and how to utilize it. All this 3D printing knowledge I learned today is important for the future in order to create and sell creative products using technology.
I learned that “shoestring startups'' are businesses that start with nearly no money. I watched multiple videos about startup funding, learning how much money I need to start a startup and how to be agile with it. I also gained more useful knowledge on how startup funding works. I obtained a deeper understanding of profit margins and calculating customer acquisition costs. Such calculations in addition to estimating venture costs, profit margins, and spending timelines are crucial in planning a new company. Furthermore, I learned what minimally viable products (MVP) are that help minimizes a company’s launch costs until achieving profitability. I also spent a considerable amount of time reviewing videos on getting sales and clients. Inevitably, psychology plays a role in tactics to win people over. The end goal is maximizing profit. I also watched multiple videos about hiring a team of employees that help effectively maximize productivity.
Today, I focused mainly on the Branding topic under the entrepreneurship unit. If I was to create a brand, using both my first and last name would not sound like a good idea because there can be many “Mandy Wong”’s in the world. I think the name “MinJie” sounds a bit more unique as that is my middle name as well as the pinyin of my Chinese name. This does sound a bit vain so perhaps I can think of another brand name in the future when necessary. Creating logos seems fun but I can only imagine myself being stressed about it since I am a perfectionist and there can only be one logo for a company. In addition, I also learned a lot of important business entity formalities needed in creating a business such as sole-proprietorships and what Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) are.
Under the Business Model section, I learned a lot about how I can make a business succeed. For example, the products or services offered mist either solace a problem to provide happiness. It has been advised to focus on a specific demographic that I am related to since it is within my interests and passions.I also learned about what specific qualities to seek within a co-founder and watched a video of a specific partnership between two co-founders that was successful in creating the social media platform, Instagram. Finally, I learned about exit strategies and that every business has one. They are plans of how the company; could reach its end through a positive and desirable income.
Learning about leadership skills, I watched videos on how I present myself as a leader and learned how to confidently make a presentation through speaking professionally in front of an audience. I have always been a nervous speaker in front of an audience but I hope to develop more public speaking skills since it is vital for people in leadership roles. I also focused on the “planning” section of the Entrepreneurship unit. I learned about profit models and revenue streams such as the long-tail profit model. In the “identifying your customer and market” section, I enjoyed how psychology plays a large role in the business world. The video of Jeff Bezos revealing his “secrets” to success and his mistakes was amusing to watch because it was engaging to see a multi-billionaire speaking like a human rather than an automaton.
After finishing up the Improving Your Quality of Life unit, I learned about the differences between mentors and role models and the best practices when sending an email to someone seeking that they will mentor me. I learned that a digital nomad is someone who lives by traveling from place to place and uses telecommunications technologies to earn an income. I started Entrepreneurship and learned what the word “entrepreneur” means and what it is like.
I started the “Improving Your Qualityof Life” unit and focused mainly on financial awareness and financial management. I think this topic is extremely to learn about so I am glad I learned about it today. I also delved into the section on time management to learn more about using my time productively. My favorite subtopic of today was about mental health since I am an extreme mental health advocate. I did not think the most common factor in stopping people from pursuing their goals is the fear of failure but in hindsight, that truly makes a lot of sense now.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
As part of the prerequisite unit, I was introduced to Techie Youth through some reading before watching videos about why I should work remotely. I learned how to accept credit card payments and cryptocurrency. I watched several videos and read several articles that taught me how to set up a good Linkedin profile, create a good resume, and create a good cover letter. In addition, I learned the importance of public image and how I can make sure that there is nothing in the media that is negatively associated with my name.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Today I resumed learning how to earn money online. I read several articles and watched a lot of videos that gave advice on a successful interview. Furthermore, I learned how to successfully work a remote job from learning about communication to conflict avoidance. Finally, I read about being more cautious in possible scams.