today i completed the providing service assignment and uploaded my service portfolio. I also watched a few videos and started learning about stocks and cryptocurrency.
today i was able to start the wix website design. i also watched a 2 hour wordpress website builder tutorial just in case i wanted to create my portfolio with wordpress. For the wix website i will be creating a graphic design portfolio.
Today i reviewed some of the content from yesterday in order to start my website portfolio. i learned that i can sell photos for money; also by using your unique traits like your voice you can do voice acting. I was able to figure out certain actions on wix and more.
today i was able to learn more about freelancing and what i could provide in return for money. I was able to learn about different service jobs such as transcription jobs and i also visited the website called wix in order to start my assignment and figure out how the website operated.
I learned that I could use Xcode to build an app. I also completed the campaign assignment today. I did learn some of the SwiftUI tutorial and it took about approximately 45-50 minutes but shortly after I tried to download the app developer applications on my laptop & I did not have enough disk space. So I will not be able to complete the app development assignment. I started the providing service section instead.
Today i learned about twitter and completed a quiz about the twitter portion. I also learned some information about pinterest. i read articles gaining more information about social media and watched attached videos about each social media platform,
for today i completed 2 quizzes about social media. i took the Facebook and Wechat quiz. i learned how to get more of an audience on facebook and how the two apps are similar. Wechat allows you to add your card information and more. I also watched videos about the 2 apps.
Today i gathered more information to start the assignment. A guide on how to build your business brand, how to get your logo, how its important to include at least 2 sentences of your business mission to gain the interest of customers when they are visiting your website etc.
Today i was able to learn about potential steps i'd have to take if i would become a business owner in the future. I learned that theres is value proposition, how to learn things about your competition, how to look for your competition, identifying your target audience/ target market etc. I watched videos about owning a business and pursuing entrepreneurship as a career. I took quizzes on the information that i learned, but i still need to go back in order to pass one of the quizzes about entrepreneurship.
Today i started the entrepreneur section in order to learn if i could potentially own a business in the future. I learned how there are myths about entrepreneurship, how to start, what it is and more. Earlier in the day i also started the writing section to learn about how writing could potentially make you money. i downloaded grammarly and read a few articles about how writing is beneficial and can help make a person in interest money.
Today i was able to finish one of my elective projects which was the Video editing project. I also tried reviewing some of the website elective work again since i needed to redo some of the quizzes about website development and video editing. I was able to mess around with the video editing and become as creative as i wanted. I used slow motion, fast forwarding and text animation on things that i've learned to finish my project. I learned how to land a online project job/ get a better chance of getting a remote job and more.
Today at techie youth i learned how video editing can be beneficial to a person interested in editing. For the day i also learned and started my video assignment project for video editing. I played around with editing stock videos since i was not available to record myself. (i should be done with the editing project by tomorrow.) I learned how to animate texts, how to cut scenes, slow down and fast forward videos and more. Today i mostly watched many of the included tutorials and took down notes about certain softwares such as premiere pro.
Recently i switched to the video editing elective because i wanted to learn how video editing worked. i learned about various programs like premiere pro, final cut pro and more editing softwares that were free. Basic editing skills were taught such as learning how to cut, slowdown, change the lighting of a video and more.
Today i learned how to video edit and the process of how clips are put together in a strategic way such as the L and J method in order to make a dialogue scene flow. I learned how editing can become a good source of income on the side and much more.
today i learned about websites such as wordpress and what you could do to build a website. During the process of learning about websites i learned about sql and how its a program language that should be learned if you own a business, are a freelance graphic designer etc.
today i learned the fundamentals of website designing and development. I learned that a website developer creates the codes and structures of a website and designers are responsible for how the website looks.
I learned how to manage my time better in order to earn money in hopes of gaining financial freedom. I learned that time could be very useful and to use it wisely (for example) not spending 2 hours watching tv that doesn’t benefit you.
Today i was learning how to earn money online. From gaining remote job opportunities to learning how to perfect a job interview and more. Most importantly i learned how important it is to keep up with your public image because employers tend to look up a potential employees name and social media.
Today i learned the basic essentials and steps about techie youth since i started the program a little late. i started to learn about website development since that interests me the most. I learned about HTML, CSS and Javascript when learning how to develop the basics about a website.