Log of what of Lindianna Lopez has learned at Techie Youth

Thu. Aug. 18, 2022

test on social media networks & niches

i re took the social media test. i learned about instagram &’ their niches . how to get paid on social media

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

dvd players &’ radio quality

i learned about dvd players . the different parts of a dvd player . i also learned about restoring antique radios . not only that i learned about poor audio quality made great .

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Arduino projects

i learned about 17 cool Arduino projects fir DIY enthusiasts. a few of the cool projects are , Led controller , Hot Glue Led Matrix Lamp , Arduino Mega Chess , robot arm with controller , Per trainer , Rfid reader for security &’ , an audio spectrum visualizer

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

adobe illustrator

i watched a 3 hour video about adobe illustrator and how use it . some of the things i learned was drawing with lines & shapes , grouping and arranging, drawing with shape builder tools , drawing a custom logo &’ , how to use the brushes.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

3D printers & its uses

i learned that a 3D printer can be used for anything . also that it is one of the technological marvels of our time. not only that people buy them for various reasons. you can also make money using your 3D printer

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

selling computer-designed objects

I learned about selling computer designed objects & technological crafts . i learned that in a typical day you have to make new orders , ship them out , respond to customers & continuously make new products . some of the things you have to ask your about your craft is what’s are things the people want ? , what is the popular trend you can hop on ? & what’s is something you can invent to help the world ?

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

being a video editor

i learned about becoming/being a video editor & how to establish your video editing environment . i also learned that you have to have a great start up to grab people attention & bring more Recognition toward your work

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

health & results

i learn about physical health & the results of exercising. when you exercise even though you ming not be seeing the results PHYSICALLY. there are still results on the inside of you body & it’s also beneficial . not only that i learn about sleeping &’ how long you should sleep . i learned that. you should sleep atleast 7 hours so you can grow & be fully energized & rested .

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

what’s priority & what’s not

i learned about time management today & how multitasking works . i learned that when someone says “ i don’t have time for this “ it MOST LIKELY means “ it’s not a priority to me “ & that kind made look at certain situations & people differently because i got told that a couple of times and just took it as that person being busy . however a person who wants to make time will & that’s a big thing i had learned today.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

money hungry people

i learned that people will be so money hungry that they’ll chase you down to by their product or item once you walk away. i also learned that you should respect people.it’s a part of success because being disrespectful won’t get you too far or where you want to be

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

instagram & money making

i learned different ways to make money through instagram &’ how the following matters . what i mean by the following matter i mean , it can improve your chances of getting noticed but companies that’ll pay you to promote their products

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

niches and pintrest

i learned about niches & that pintrest lets you make your own pin board & its easy. how ever pintrest doesn’t pay you . i also learned about different kind of pinboards such as self care , home decor, quotes , lifestyle etc etc

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

assignment on my business

i learned that there are plenty of ways for you to make money online . & i learned about the entrepreneurship ( which was a perfect fit for me ) & i had to do an assignment where i explained my businesses , my resources etc .