Log of what of Kemberly Coby has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Virtual Assistant

Today I focused on the virtual assistant section. Throughout this section, I’ve learned many things. One thing I learned about was productivity apps. Some productivity apps include Google sheets, Google docs, Google slides, gmail and Google drive. I am very familiar with all of these productivity apps prior to reading and watching videos about them. I also learned about office skills. Some parts of office skills include email management and telephone skills. Managing emails is crucial and important in life. I have trouble managing emails and this helped me a lot with organization.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Music Production

Today I finished the end of the video editing section. To end things off, I learned about putting my skills to practice and how video editing can be useful for me. After this, I moved onto the music production section. I did not get to finish this section today however I have learned a lot so far. So far I've learned about Leo Moracchioli's process for creating a cover song. He created his cover song over the course of five days. I watched the video demonstrations for all five days Monday-friday. I slightly started on how to earn income from music but I didn't get too deep into this topic yet.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Video Editing Cont

Today I continued the video editing section. I didn't get to finish the section today but I was able to learn more about video editing. I was able to learn how to use adobe premiere. There are different premiere options that you can choose from depending on cost and the features that you want. I watched different videos to learn some hacks while using premiere. I also learned about how to work as an editor. As an editor, you need clients to help build your brand. There are many important aspects of this like email ettiequte and professionalism.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Video Editing

Today I learned about video editing. I was able to get through the first 3 slides of each part. First I learned about different ways to get paid for editing videos. Some social media platforms like Tik Tok involve posting different edited videos. If you get a high engagement and a lot of likes in these videos, tik tok will pay you for the content you are making. The same applies for the social media YOUtube. The next thing I learned was where to start with video editing. Though it may seem easy, video editing is not an easy task and it takes a lot to do. Next I learned about the importance of a video editing environment and what environments are good and what environments are bad. I watched many videos as this section was full of videos and that is what took up most of my time today.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Quality Assurance CONT

I completed the rest of the Quality Assurance section today. I completed most of the quizzes in this section as there was a lot. I learned more about Quality Assurance work as well as some Quality Assurance communities. Some Quality Assurance communities include Quality Testing Forums and software testing space groups. I also learned more about website and content testing like link checking and accessibility testing. Overall, I learned a lot today.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Quality Assurance

Today I learned about quality assurance. Quality assurance testers work to test different software for businesses and companies. Some quality assurance testers use a software called Software Testing Life Cucle to get the best results. Software testing is divided into the two categories of white box testing and black box testing. Black box testing is a testing method where the item being tested is not known to the tester. On the other hand, white box testing is a testing method where the item being tested is known to the tester. There are also mami different quality assurance testing. Some include regression testing, usability testing, and responsive testing. I didn’t get to finish this section but I definitely learned a lot from what I read and watched so far.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Quizzes and Immediate Income

Today I started off again by going over the quizzes that I didn’t pass. First I try to do the quizzes without reviewing the material. When I did this I did not pass any of the quizzes so I decided to take an alternate route. I decided that it would be more effective for me to go over the material first and then take over the quizzes. I then went over my new material then went back to take the quizzes that I didn’t pass. Even when I did this I still wasn’t passing the quizzes. I’m not sure why I am having a hard time with these quizzes but it was getting really frustrating after hours of reviewing material and repeatedly trying to pass the quizzes so I decided to stop doing this and give myself a break. Instead of doing the quizzes and reviewing material I decided to start a new section. I didn’t want to move onto a new section with critical information that would lead to me having to take a quiz so I decided to move on to the immediate income section. This section is optional and you don’t get any credits for it. There is also no quiz or assignment for this section that’s why I chose to do it so that I could relax my brain from taking so many quizzes. In this section I learned different ways to earn immediate income. One thing that I learned is that having a computer and Wi-Fi connectivity can help you earn a lot of money. There are a lot of websites where you can do simple things or do things in your interests and earn money for it. Many people are not aware about this so I appreciate Techie Youth for including this section because I was able to learn a lot.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

quizzes and going over content

Today I chose to go over the quizzes that I didn’t pass and go over the curriculum for those quizzes. The first quiz that I had to do over was the how to work remote quiz. I tried to take it again without reviewing the content and I failed again. I then went back to the curriculum and went over and went over it then I went back and took the quiz and passed. I did the same thing with both life quality time management and life quality healh. Reviewing the content again helped me a lot to pass the quizzes. Another topic that I struggled with on the quizzes was social themes. I went over the social theme of WeChat and retook the quiz and pass but I have other social themes that I need to go over as well. Today I learned more about all of these topics that I did not grasp the first time around. Tomorrow I hope to review more content and try to retake and pass as much quizzes as I can.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Art and Providing Services- What I Learned Today

Today I finished up the art section. I learned about different ways not to get scammed as an artist or as a buyer. There are many ways to get scammed with art and one of these ways are through vanity galleries. Vanity galleries are not reputable and artists have a lot to lose when they get themselves involved with a vanity gallery. I also learned about art competitions. Some art competitions can be a scam if they ask artists for money. Art competitions are supposed to be a way for artists to get their work out there and they are not supposed to be spending money to compete. After this section, I moved onto the providing services section. I learned different skills that can help you progress for a certain job. For at home customer service some skills include having basic computer skills and being able to use and download specific software. They also gave recommendations for jobs that are low skilled and easy to get though the tasks may be time consuming. After this section, I went back to my quizzes and tried to redo some of the ones that I didn’t pass. I wanted to know do the quizzes get graded right away because I’m not seeing a change when I retake them and I’m trying to figure out if it’s because I’m still not getting the right answers.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Social Media and Art- What I Learned Today

Today I learned about the rest of the social media platforms. I learned about Pinterest and Snapchat. I knew a lot already about Snapchat because this is one of my most commonly used social media platforms. I was able to learn a lot about Pinterest as I didn’t know much about it. After finishing thus section, I moved onto the selling art online section. I learned briefly about how to sell art online and how you can connect with clients and artists online and through social networks. This connected with the previous section of social media. I have not yet finished this section but I will finish it on Monday.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Social Media- I Learned This Today

I learned about more social media platforms today. I learned more about Tik tok, we chat, Facebook and Twitter. I enjoyed learning about we chat and Twitter the most. These were my favorites because I knew less about these platforms so I was able to learn a lot more than the ones that I am more familiar with. Learning about twitter encouraged me to make an account as I didn’t have an account previously. I enjoyed today’s readings and videos.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Entrepenuership and Social Community Organizing - I learned this today at Techie Youth

Today I finished up the entrepreneur section and I learned a little more about entrepreneurship and how to have a success business as well as what to do when things don’t go as planned. After I finished this section and took all the quizzes and completed the assignment, I moved on to a new section. The section that I moved on to is called social community organizing. I started off with the section about the social media app called Instagram. I learned how to edit my page and account. I also learned how to get more followers and how to keep the engaged. I also learned how to network to create a profit off of consistently being and posting on Instagram. Personally, Instagram is one of my favorite social media platforms and learning how to make beneficial use of it was very exciting to me.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

Entrepenuership- I learned this today at Techie Youth

oday I learned about entrepreneurship. Being a entrepreneur means starting or managing your own business. Startling a business isn’t easy and there is a lot that needs to be incorporated in order for your business to be planned correctly and be successful. Some parts involved in launching a nee business include a business model which is a plan that describes the product or service, the target, costs, and goals. Another part involved in launching a business are partnerships. Forming partnerships with other people and/or businesses are beneficial and can help a business thrive. This is a great way to network and shine more light to your business. I enjoyed learning about entrepreneurship today as I am an entrepreneur myself because I learned ways that I can improve my business.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Improving quality of life- I learned this at Techie Youth today

Today I learned a lot but what really stood out to me was learning about different factors that help improve the quality of life. Learning about these different factors helped me realize what I need to work on more vs what I already have down packed. One thing I need to work on is balancing my social life with my work life. I tend to prioritize work over everything and block out doing things that truly and genuinely make me happy. I need to work more on doing things that I enjoy as well. This ties into stress management which is also something that I need to work on. Sometimes I stress so much and don't realize that I'm even stressing and this is unhealthy. Overall, I will start working on things that will help improve my quality of life.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

Earning Money - I learned this at Techie Youth today

Today I learned how to earn money and factors that help you earn. I learned how to earn money through remote learning. Remote learning is a way to earn money virtually. It is convenient because you can still live your life and do things you like to do like travel without having to wait for your job's approval. Many things that influence you getting a remote job is having a proper resume and cover letter. Another factor that influences getting a remote job is the interview process and making sure that you nail your interview using proper interview techniques. It is easy to get scammed when looking for a remote job because many people want to work remotely and scammers take advantage of this. It is important to pay attention to close details when you are searching for a remote job so you don't get scammed.