Today at techie youth I learned a domain server system works by resolving names to numbers and resolving domain names to I.P. addresses. The root server is the top or the root of the DNS hierarchy and there are 13 sets of these servers strategically set around the world.
Today at techie youth I learned when to move on from being a web developer. Moving on means you have already built over at least a dozen micro-components without Javascript. Additionally, you have built at least 5-10 single and multi-page websites and you're comfortable with css fundamentals, positioning, flexbox, grid and media queries.
Today at techie youth I've learned the difference between a bid price and an ask price. A bid price is the highest order price for traders that are buying. In other words, its the highest price a trader is willing to pay to buy something. An ask price is the lowest order price for traders that are selling. Its the the lowest price a trader is willing to receive to sell something.
Today at techie youth, I learned when it comes to trading, the share price entry is $362 and the call strike price is $380.
Today at techie youth I have learned that when buying options you can make money from an increase in implied volatility, which means the option prices are increasing broadly. But, you can lose money if you buy options and implied volatility decreases.
Working today at techie youth has taught me that the "long call strategy" is the most simple form of a call option strategy. Long call strategy is a substitute to hold "Stocks" or "Index" by limiting risks to the money paid initially.
Today at techie youth, something I have learned about strategies and key mechanics is to use the plan of attach for opening positions and when using mechanics, refer back to the optimal rules of process over time. Six strategies include, short strangle, credit spread, ratio spread, iron condors, diagonal spread and finally, broken wing butterfly.
Something that I have learned today is that just because a stock has options that could potentially be traded, doesn't mean it should be traded. People are meant to sick to highly profitable and active stocks due to the range of nice option markets. I also learned that great option markets have high open interest and volume.
Something I have learned at techie youth today is that using the cryptographic protocol the benefits include having zero payment, its 4 times faster and it can be used for everyday use. I've also learned that bitcoin mining is the process of confirming transactions on the blockchain.
Today at techie youth, I learned that every entrepreneur with a massive success rate has ask so bad multiple failures in their past that brought them to where they are today in this moment. I also learned that we have the ability to create an inclusive company culture and work environment, rather than feeling stuck in an uncomfortable situation with a
boss or coworker.
Something that I have learned today at techie youth is that licensing is especially common in
tech and media industries. Patent-holders are able to give other people the right to use their technology for a fee. Something that is needed for an exit strategy are “key players in tiers”.
Something that I have learned today is to one person is able to start a campaign for a fundraiser all by themselves and eventually digress into inviting others to join in and help out.
Something I have learned today at techie youth is how to create a linkedln profile which will kickstart my way into connecting with other techie youth members and open myself to more career opportunities
I have learned that staying in shape helps to operate a business one day because you have more energy throughout the day and will be able to think clearer since you are creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself. When a person learns to be healthy, their hands-on leadership improves thus, if they create a business, they'll more likely to be successful.
Something I learned today from Steve jobs is that in order to get what you want, you can not be afraid to ask for help even if you do view yourself as an independent person. The worst thing the person could respond back with is saying no in which you find another way to turn that no into yes. You can not be afraid of failure because if you are, you'll always remain a dreamer and will never know the feeling of actually accomplishing something you never thought you could.
I have learned that the ultimate advice I could take right as a 19 year old is to not pay attention to what others are doing and especially do not compare where you are at in life with another person whose at the same stage as you. You never know how difficult the other persons life could be even if their life appears as if its the high life. Everyone goes at their own pace so I learned that I need to keep that in mind next time on social media viewing another 19 year old with their own apartment already.
Something that I have learned today at techie youth is that if you want to end up working on a beach, make sure its a career that you enjoy because if you don't enjoy your career it will just feel like a regular miserable 9-5 job that you must always show up for. You want to feel content whenever you step into work, not like you're dreading the day and repeating your days over and over again.
Something that I learned today was to preserve your time by buying things that will help you in the long run not hurt you. Also, in my best interest to not buy things such as cars just because there the newest versions but invest in the cars quality.
What I have learned today at techie youth ranges from a whole lot of things. I'll explain what I have learned from role models/mentors. I have learned that we as people shouldn't have this holistic viewing of whomever is our role model because it sets this idea that we as their mentees can never live up to how much our mentor/role model has done with their life. For example, I know that my mom is my role model but I don't have this unhealthy viewing of her that she can do no wrong because at the end of the day, that is not only hurting me but, also my mom.