I learned a bit about how to use Python and more about coding and web development in my session today.
I furthered my knowledge in Blender and how to model within blender. Continuation of yesterdays work.
Today I took part in learning a lot about how to use Blender and what modeling looks like inside of Blender. Blender is such a large software with a lot of uses mainly in 3D work.
Today I learned a lot about what it means to be a donor and how impactful donating can be. Donating or being a donor is someone who participates in the act of giving back in mainly the form of money or clothing etc. Donor can also refer to surgery or in a medical standpoint. All forms of donation are really important as we provide support for so many people across the world.
One thing I mainly focused on out of the things I learned today at Techie Youth was Niche websites. While learning what is mainly necessary for a niche website you want to appeal to a small specialized section of our population. Topics that are centered like growing flowers in indoors can appeal to a small population of people but can be important in building a community for those people.
I mainly learned about the contents of photography and how to copyright your work correctly and what occurs in the state of copyright infringement. You must earn data and learn how much was made and how many times something was viewed under the legalizations of your copyright in order to take back the money you rightfully earned, but what handed to someone else unrightfully.