Log of what of Jessica Wong has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Friday: Last Day

Today, my final lesson, I learned about different online careers. I learned about how much people would pay just to hear about the other person's experience regarding what they do. I learned being an online tutor is possible and makes money as well. Teaching online is very possible thanks to zoom, teams, etc. All the video recording software make doing anything online possible.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Update on learning

I just started to trade Ethereum and I am still not confident about my knowledge in Crypto. I don't understand how it can just go up and down based off of popularity. I don't use my social media to check crypto but I am starting to just to research about crypto. Before this, all I knew about crypto was the meme coins like dogecoin. Not the best experience but after these lessons, I learned to never trust those type of crypto ever again.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Wed: Learning About Stock Photo

Today, I learned how a small hobby such as taking photos can allow me to earn money. I can sell basic photos as a stock photograph and sell them for a price. There are many apps out there that would advertise the selling of photos. Another thing I learned is how to build my video editing skill. With video editing being a learned skill, I can join the world of social media.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Tuesday: Learning something else

Today, I learned mostly about becoming a virtual assistant for other people. As of right now, it seems fairly easy to become a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant is someone who helps another manage meetings, answer emails, set appointments, etc. I never realized how easy it is to become a virtual assistant for someone else. I can become one even without experience.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Monday: Learning Commodities

Today, I started learning about commodities. There are three major categories for commodities: agriculture, energy, and metals. Commodity trading is where items that fall under these categories are bought and sold. They are highly volatile and it can be a little complex trading commodities as it depends on the season and weather and much more. The most basic and known commodity trading is oil. We see prices go up and down depending on society.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Friday: Continuation of Options

Options are a large category to learn. Today I watched parts 1 through 5 about option trading strategies. I learned about all the different types of spreads that are possible, I learned how to look out for certain spreads as they can basically predict what will happen next. For example, the bull call spread is when you assume the price of a stock will be within a certain range. If it is below the range, you don't gain anything, in fact, you can lose money. If it is above the range by a small margin, you gain money.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Thursday: What Did I Do?

I realized, after reading articles about options again, that I had a misunderstanding of options. Options are basically contracts that allow us to buy at a certain point and/or sell at a certain point. It is less risky compared to stocks. This contract has an expiry which means that they can buy at a certain price before it expires. However the risk of this is that they have to pay for premium. Meaning the fluctuation of the stock does not affect them. This can be a good and/or bad thing.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Wed: What Did I Do?

Today I went more in-depth about trading and learned about options trading. Options trading allows us, users, to put a certain price in, so it will buy or sell once it reaches that price. For example, I currently have a sell on Ethereum once it hits around $1,400. Options trading is great because we wouldn't have to always watch the chart because the price changes 24/7and the desired price can happen while we are sleeping.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Tuesday: What Did I Do?

Today I started learning about REIT, which is basically investing in real estates. There are 5 different types of REITs. There is retail, residential, healthcare, office, and mortgage REITs. REITs basically mean that we invest in real estate, and in return we get monthly payments and/or rent from the people in them. I see these types of investments a lot on tiktok. I also want to get a residential REIT to make some passive income.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Friday: What Did I Do?

Today I continued my learning about blockchains. There is so much that goes into blockchains and they are incredibly useful and important. Blockchains help protect both the seller and user from scams and/or frauds from trading cryptocurrencies. They have this thing called "Safe Contract" which basically means that if they promise a specific amount for a specific item, once they get the item the money is automatically sent to the seller. If they don't get the item, the money is put back into their account. This prevents disputes happening because it is a "safe contract".

After learning about blockchain and passing the quiz, I started to learn about trading cryptocurrencies. Now, I already do trade cryptocurrencies. I already have the apps RobinHood and CoinBase. The reason why I started learning about trading is because I do not know what I am doing. I just buy what I am told by other people. Hopefully as I continue learning about trading crypto, I will understand what I am doing.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Monday to Thursday: What Did I Do?


On Monday, I learned about digital good. How hobbies can turn into money and how simple resources online can be turned into money as long as I put my time into it. The digital asset I was trying to sell is the process of removing background from photos. This is a small little side job as it won't be something that would make a lot but I can make some money out of it. On Fiverr, I plan to make a package where I remove 10 picture's background for the price of $5. The reason why I chose $5 is because it is the lowest I can go. This isn't all I learned from digital goods. I learned about NFTs and I learned how to make money using clickfunnels. With time, I can make passive income from ADs for other sites like clickfunneling.


On Tuesday, I learned about music production and how I can start it with almost no equipment. I can create YouTube videos with non copyrighted music and receive passive income from views once it is posted up. From research, I can see that a lot of people listen to rain sounds to go to sleep. So if I find a good rain sound and a nice picture to go with it, I believe I too can get lots of views which turns into passive income for me.


Today, I learned mostly about becoming a virtual assistant for other people. As of right now, it seems fairly easy to become a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant is someone who helps another manage meetings, answer emails, set appointments, etc. I never realized how easy it is to become a virtual assistant for someone else. I can become one even without experience.

Another thing I learned was how useful survey apps were. They are a time killer but I can make money overtime from it. I would do survey apps right now, but some of them depend on location and because of where I live, I don't get much surveys.

Besides virtual assistant, I finished my learning about how recycling can get me paid. How many people buy reusable boxes nearby the area and how I can recycle printer toners from companies and make a cash out for those at $25 online.


Today, I went more in-depth about stocks, cryptocurrencies, and started learning about blockchaining. For both stocks and cryptocurrencies, I took both their test and passed it within two tries. I learned that stocks were an investment. I already have stocks but I never bought a full stock. My portfolio contains common stocks like Tesla, Amazon, Apple, etc. It is mostly tech companies because I believe technology is leading the world right now and it will continue to do so. That is why I will hold those stocks long term.

For Cryptocurrencies,

I just started to trade Ethereum and I am still not confident about my knowledge in Crypto. I don't understand how it can just go up and down based off of popularity. I don't use my social media to check crypto but I am starting to just to research about crypto. Before this, all I knew about crypto was the meme coins like dogecoin. Not the best experience but after these lessons, I learned to never trust those type of crypto ever again.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Learning about remote jobs

Today, I learned mostly about becoming a virtual assistant for other people. As of right now, it seems fairly easy to become a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant is someone who helps another manage meetings, answer emails, set appointments, etc. I never realized how easy it is to become a virtual assistant for someone else. I can become one even without experience.

Besides virtual assistant, I finished my learning about how recycling can get me paid. How many people buy reusable boxes nearby the area and how I can recycle printer toners from companies and make a cash out for those at $25 online.