Log of what of Jason Li has learned at Techie Youth

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Entrepreneurship and Last day

Today is my last day at techie youth and on this day I continued my topic in entrepreneurship, which was the same as yesterday. I finished up what I didn’t get to finish and also moved onto new topics such as branding and also on things like startup and exiting strategies.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Coding and Entrepreneurship

Today I finished a small topic on website coding which was on Java and the such and went to the next topic, entrepreneurship. There I was given advice and tips on whether or not it would fit me and on things such as how to be a leader, decide if you’re fit to be one, and the mindsets of leaders.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Website and Coding Development

Today I looked into the basics of coding, looking at how hard it is and also on things like python and the such. I played a few of the interactive games with teaching included. Those were fun.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Finishing Up Cryptocurrency and Moving to Website Development

I finished where I left off yesterday on the topic of cryptocurrency and realized that I had finished the subject! I read the article which was about risks and security analysis. After that, I just moved onto the next topic of my selection, web development. I just took a couple sneak peaks at it and looked at a bit of a video I found on it.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Trading and Commodities

Today I learned more about trading on the topic of cryptocurrency and also about something else, commodities. I learned about what it meant itself, and on it's risks. Things like frauds and scams are something to be aware of when it comes to commodities. I learned about how to trade it in general, plus there were many advices from specialists.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Cryptocurrencies and Trading

Today was a day of learning about trading in the topic of cryptocurrency. I learnt about the risks on trading cryptocurrency, stuff with frauds and the such. I learned some new terminology as well. There were also many tips and advices on how to raise my values as a starter and basically a noob at stocks. That was really helpful and interesting.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Trading Cryptocurrencies

Another day of continuing my research and studying on cryptocurrency. Today I followed up and finished one of the topics, which was about coinbase, something I did yesterday. After finishing up that, I went ahead and started diving into the topic of actually trading the currency, and learned things on Forex, and REITs. I was given advice towards the future of the two and on how to avoid scams and the like.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Cryptocurrency Continuation

Continuing on from the previous day, I continued my research and studying on cryptocurrency, this time on Coinbase, and also something called forex, which is the terminology for basically trading online. I read and watched about the tips and also the risks with forex.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Cryptocurrency and Technology

Today I continued my studying on cryptocurrency and also websites that are involved in its category. I learned about coinbase, blockchain, and also bitcoin. Overall information here and there, but I mainly focused on the articles that talked a lot towards future related concepts on these cyptocurrency. How will they fare in the future, will it go up? is it worth? these questions were for the most part talked a lot in the articles I read today.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Stocks and Cryptocurrency

Today I learned and checked up on stocks and the many terms revolving in it. I studied some of the terms and had gained a little bit of insight on how to actually read and understand stocks. Other than that, I only also did some other studying on e earnings and other information on cryptocurrency.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

continuation of web development

Today I continued to learn about web development. Throughout the videos and articles, I saw and read today. I continued to learn more about coding websites and learned even more about WordPress and SQL. Today I actually learned a lot of new stuff that was really interesting. It caught my eye more than I thought it would. Either way, I learned about word press today which is basically a management system. that was something very interesting that I learned about. Something else I learned about was SQL technology. SQL technology is a service provider. There was a long video that showed SQL vs NOSQL that was very interesting since it gave two different perspectives.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

Web development

Today I continued to learn about web development. Through out the videos and articles I saw and read today. I continued to learn more about coding websites and learned even more about html. today I actually learned a lot of new stuff that was really interesting. It caught my eye more then I thought it would. Either way I learned about adding pictures to websites to make them pop more so they are more eye catching. Picture actually attract a lot of people towards pay attention to you website which is actually really interesting and true. I know it’s true because I don’t think anyone wants to open a website and see full on paragraphs and paragraphs of information.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Web development

Today I learned about web development and how it works. Though out the videos and articles I saw and read today. I learned a lot about HTML and through out the process they covered a lot of the information. I knew a little bit about html But not a lot. So today I actually learned a lot of new stuff so it was really interesting. It caught my eye more then I thought it would. Either way I learned about HTML and that without html no website will start since it’s the most major part of coding for a website. It was interesting learning about it

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Social community organizing

These past two days so Monday and Tuesdays I’ve been learning a lot about social media. I’ve learned about Different social media apps in the social community organizing and how they all work. I’ve learned about their privacy setting , and all the terms and conditions that all of the social media apps have. Something i found interesting was that all the apps that techie youth has focused on showing are the extremely popular apps. Which is smart but i think they should also show a few social media apps that weren’t as successful so we can see where the things went wrong and were they went right. I have glanced through the assignment and it seems confusing but I will probably start the assignment tomorrow.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Stocks and Cryptocurrency

Today I learned and checked up on stocks and the many terms revolving in it. I studied some of the terms and had gained a little bit of insight on how to actually read and understand stocks. Other than that, I only also did some other studying on e earnings and other information on cryptocurrency.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Music and Stocks

Today I finished the rest of the music section that wasn’t finished the previous day. After finishing it, I decided that my next topic I wanted to learn was about stocks, and that’s what I did. I learned the intros and beginners tips on stocks, as well as things like what exactly are stocks, the risks, and benefits of investing into these digital gambles.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

The Wonders of AIs, and Learning about How to Make an Earning off Music

Today I mainly just surfed through the articles about AIs and also watched the videos of them all. There were statements on the positives and future aspects of AIs, as well as some possible dangers. I watched some interesting stuff and then after finishing that, I moved onto my next topic, music. I learned about how to earn money online using music as a platform, and gained some tips with that. I learned a bit about how to produce music using my laptop, as well as how to earn money with music. It did say that you'll either get money, or not, but still, nevertheless, information is information.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

Fashion Wearable Tech

Today I learned about wearable tech, and some art stuff like bleach illustrations. The rest of the time was used to look at wearable tech and clothing lines. There were information and tips on how to start one, as well as some other videos showcasing DIY options.

Sat. Jul. 9, 2022

Fashion Wearable Tech

Today I learned about wearable tech, and some art stuff like bleach illustrations. The rest of the time was used to look at wearable tech and clothing lines. There were information and tips on how to start one, as well as some other videos showcasing DIY options.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Illustrating Services

Finishing up the subject of laser cut products, I learned about Adobe Illustrator, which I did in segments of 3, since the video was 3 hours long. Next up were Inscape, LibreCAD, CorelDRAW. After that, I touched upon the topic of robotic products, which gave me some information on Arduino, retrofitting, and some other stuff. My last thing that I did for the day was learning about E-Earn, which was about learning how to make money with screen printed garments.

The duration of the last video was 1 hour long, but for some reason it says that it's only 1 minute, 1 second, for the content duration on the usage page.

That was all I did today.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

3D Printing Objects

Today I continued where I left off the previous day, finishing the rest of the videos that were related to Blender, then I moved on to the next parts which included learning about AutoCad and Solidworks. After finishing the videos on those two, I moved onto the articles which basically talked about online tips, and some suggestions on what and where to look at. Lastly, once I was done with those articles, I went to the next section about 3D printing objects, laser cut products. There, I found a continuation of AutoCad, and something else called Inkscape.