Log of what of Ismaila Mohammed has learned at Techie Youth

Mon. Aug. 29, 2022

Web design and web development

Web design is refers to creation of aesthetic portion of web and it's use ability while web development is the practice of producing html , CSS, JavaScript for a website or web application so that operators can see and communicate with it directly. In my opinion one should pursue both design and development because both are awesome and interesting.

Fri. Aug. 26, 2022

Wasteful purchases

Wasteful purchases is a buying of items that has no resale value. Low resale value items are money consuming because of it market depreciation eg:cars, electronics , furnitures, clothes etc , those items will sell ow because of only few people demanding it., At the end you may not get half of what you spent while buying them.

Tue. Aug. 23, 2022

Web development

What is website, a website is a collection of multiple pages on internet.

Web development is process of creating a web page.

We have three types of web development

We discussed a little about frontend development

Html =hypertext markup language

CSS= Cascading style sheet


We have TAGs

Opening and closing tags but there are some tags that don't have closing.


<B>this is a boy </b>

The text will appears boldly on webpage

Processs of creating web page.

<html> </>


<tilltle>name of company web</>

<p>contain of your web</>


That's it for today , thanks you techie youth.

Sat. Aug. 20, 2022

Grant writing

Grant writing is process of seeking finding from private ,corporate or government to support your mission.It's highly competitive and difficult when demanding such supports for new project for the first time.

Nonprofit grants writing Do's and Dont's

Grant seeking is highly competitive,there is strong possibilities of being declined the first time you approach grant funders.

Don't: Submit a grant application cold.before submitting a grant application cultivate a relationship with the funders.

D: Get a green light to apply -before writing your proposals ,spend time on researching foundation current funding priorities and restrictions

Don't:Overlooks basics application instruction -One of the mistakes made is not adhering to funders specific propisals requirements.

Do:Match the foundation funding period -submittion of proposals within the foundation funding period to avoid disqualification .

Thu. Aug. 18, 2022

Social media influencers

Social media influencers are trust voice that drives conversations and actions within their communities .

Power of influencers

Social media influencers can takes your campaign to a level you cannot reach on your own ,they have power to expand ,raise awareness ,inspired actions etc.

The profile of an influencers






Tue. Aug. 16, 2022

Approaching your donors

Appeal is the act of approaching your donors in written medium.writing impressively makes your donors get interested in supporting you.

Element of a fundraising appeal.

1-Background -to makes people feel inspired to donate ,your writeup needs to be comprehensive ,such as your back story ,goal ,desire and out come ,where the money is going to etc.

2-Discriptive text and emotions -gives your donors a reason why they can donate to your organization .

3-Call to action- it's the most important part of the appeal,you have to let's them know their donations matters enough ,they are the pillars of your projects.

Mon. Aug. 15, 2022

Writing executive summary

Business plan will makes your business grows 30% faster rhan if you don't have one.Thourough business is necessary ,it's provides to readers with short attention grabbing.Executive summary is a brief overview of your business.a business executive summary should be short ,maximum of two pages .Executive summary includes ,name of business ,location ,mission,co-founders ,financial model ,market strategy ,target customers,brief history of the business etc.

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Branding a Business

Branding is the first steps to takes that can idenrify your products to makes it looks different from others.

Steps for Branding includes

1-Business name

2-Domain name

3-Company Email

4-Creating a slogan

5-Mission and vision statements

6-Company logo

7-Letter heading

8-Business cards

9-Website .

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

What's involved in launching a new star up business .

When starting a new business ,don't start production or rendering the services,go and figure out who are your business partners ,look for people with the experience of the type of business you want to start ,professionals who you can mploys and partner with ,then ,executive summary and team work.......with this yourm you can get to higher success.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Reasons for entrepreneurship.

We need entrepreneurshipe for the following reason

1-Income -: for person to get income and settle his/her own necessities ,you need to join entrepreneurship to achieve that.

2-opportunities-:entrepreneurships brings several means of living to society at large ,many people with benefits direct or indirect .

3-Life style:-as an entrepreneur you can live aa fully independent life without fear of supperior.

4-Jobs:entrepreneurship gives alots of people in society something doing to earn a living.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022


I learn how to negotiate today in training ,when you want to buy something,you need to consider how hungry you are to have it and how hungry is the seller to get your money ,if you are desperate to have that item ,then there are probability to can buy it at high price ,but if it's the seller that is hungry to get the money in order to settle some of his needs ,rhen there is high tendency you can get that item at cheap price.

In the case of salary negotiation ,don't rush to say the numbers you want to be pay by your employer,let them say it first ,before you start negotiating ,if it's below your standard .

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Identifying role model and mentor

Role model is famous person who somebody is inspired with his fame and achievement. Somebody can your role model without necessary knowing you in person,while mentor is person who has life experience and achievement and will put you through to achieve your goals too.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Time management

Time management is the way of consuming your time effectively and productively.

Whoever want use his/her time wisely need to have a planner of daily ,weekly or monthly routine......organizing ,planning prioriotizing ,implementing and coodinating help one to achieves his/her goals in life.