Building connections in life is good for your well-being in the future and right now. We build connections with everyone, doesn't matter if we are talking to them as a friend or colleagues. We still build those connections with them which is the good part about life. By building those connections you can also get opportunities handed to you because of networking. Networking is so important in our day of age because we can get many benefits from it. Those benefits can help us set for life with the jobs we get. If you ever get an opportunity to do something you should always say yes because you never know how it might benefit you.
Life isn't always about doing everything fast you have to take your own pace and your own timing so that you can reach your goals. I watched a video today where a 22-year-old girl didn't know where she was gonna head in life but she has someone to call and asked for advice. He said to do what she feels will make her accomplish things. You have to take time for yourself when you are stressed out. It doesn't matter if its a day or a week if you don't take time for yourself then it will make you feel more stressed out and you can't reach the goals you had been wanting to reach.
Taking risks is really challenging but it puts you in a position where you know you can get so much out of taking that risk. We live in a society where remote jobs are so common now because of the whole pandemic. This made it easier for people to work from home. It also made people's lives easier and more convenient. There are millions of remote jobs in the United States that pay well and you get that money just from working at home! You can do tasks for the job at your own pace and you are not in an office which can get tiring at times. You can spend time with your family, and focus on both your mental and physical well-being. It really pays off for everything. Remote jobs are everywhere online, you just need to have certain requirements and it will be convenient for you at times.
If you want to reach a goal or something in life, you always need to have confidence in yourself to reach this goal. You either have small or big goals doesn't matter we all need that confidence in ourselves to achieve that goal. This is an example of what I learned today at Techie Youth, if you don't have confidence in yourself, you can't get that job that you really want. It shows the employers that you aren't someone who speaks up or someone who can take a lead on something. You need to be able to present yourself in a manner where you are confident and have many skills and can do tasks. You also need to show that you can learn from others and put that onto yourself and solve to your problems. Finding a job may seem really hard in the real world since I am still young but the tips I had learned today it does make me feel confident.
Today I learned how to write a resume easily and conveniently. Resumes don't have to be so much about yourself and your work. It just has to be the basics. Resumes give an employer a brief understanding of what you can do, also the cover page helps with that. Employers don't want you to write so much in your resume because they just won't give you the job. They want you to be brief but also straightforward with what you are going to do. The resume that I wrote was straightforward and went right into my achievements and also what I do. The videos provided by Techie Youth really helps me organize my resume and made it exact. This will help me in my jobs when applying in the future.
Podcasts are a source of entertainment for everyone. Today I learned so much about podcasts. I just knew podcasts were something you would listen to. But I never really realized that you can earn money when making your own podcast. Your podcast could about anything you want to talk about like if you like bees you could talk on your podcast about that and others might also have the same liking as you so they would wanna listen to it too. When people are doing things such as going to work or just chilling they want to listen to a podcast so they can earn money by uploading on different sites such as Spotify and iTunes. This is the site that the majority of the people use so it's good to upload it there. I learned today how you can earn a small amount of money depending on how many listeners you have and it can also be fun. It can be like a side hustle that can benefit you.