Log of what of Fawaz Baksh has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

What is an app?

A computer program or software application that is made specifically to run on a mobile device, such as a phone, tablet, or watch, is known as a mobile application or app. Via contrast to desktop applications, which are created to operate on desktop computers, and web applications, which run in mobile web browsers rather than directly on the mobile device, mobile applications are frequently intended to run on mobile devices.

The public demand for apps caused a rapid expansion into other fields such as mobile games, factory automation, GPS and location-based services, order-tracking, and ticket purchases, leading to the availability of millions of apps today. Apps were initially intended for productivity assistance such as email, calendar, and contact databases. Internet access is required for many apps. Typically, app stores—a type of digital distribution platform—are where users download apps.

Since then, the abbreviation "app," which stands for "application," has grown in popularity. The American Dialect Society named it the "Word of the Year" in 2010.

Native apps, hybrid applications, and web apps are the three main categories of apps. Applications that are native to a mobile operating system—typically iOS or Android—are made just for that platform. Web apps are typically executed through a browser and are created in HTML5 or CSS. Web technologies like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5 are used to create hybrid apps, which have the same functionality as web apps but are housed in native software.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted programming language. Code readability is prioritized in its design philosophy, which makes heavy use of indentation.

Python uses garbage collection and has dynamic typing. It supports a variety of paradigms for programming, including functional, object-oriented, and structured programming. Due to its extensive standard library, it is frequently referred to as a "batteries included" language.

Python was created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s to replace the ABC programming language, and it was originally made available as Python 0.9.0 in 1991. New features like list comprehensions, cycle-detecting garbage collection, reference counting, and support for Unicode were added to Python 2.0, which was published in 2000. The 2008 release of Python 3.0 was a significant update that is not entirely backwards compatible with previous iterations. Version 2.7.18 of Python signaled the end of Python 2 in 2020.

Python consistently ranks as one of the most popular programming languages.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

What is a Java?

In order to have as few implementation dependencies as feasible, Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language. Because Java is a general-purpose programming language, compiled Java code can run on all platforms that accept Java without the need to recompile. This is what is meant by the phrase "write once, run anywhere." Regardless of the underlying computer architecture, Java applications are often compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM). Although Java has fewer low-level features than either C or C++, it has syntax that is similar to each of them. Unlike most traditional compiled languages, the Java runtime has dynamic capabilities (such reflection and runtime code change). According to GitHub, with 9 million developers as of 2019, Java was one of the most widely used programming languages, especially for client-server web applications.

James Gosling created Java at Sun Microsystems in the beginning. It became a fundamental part of Sun Microsystems' Java platform in May 1995. Sun first made available under proprietary licenses the original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries. Sun had relicensed the majority of its Java technologies under the GPL-2.0-only license as of May 2007 in order to comply with the requirements of the Java Community Process. Although Oracle provides its own HotSpot Java Virtual Machine, the majority of users prefer the free open-source OpenJDK JVM as the official reference implementation.

Java 18 is the most recent version as of March 2022, whereas Java 17, 11, and 8 are still in long-term support (LTS). While Oracle will continue to maintain Java 8 with free public upgrades for personal use indefinitely, it delivered the final update for the legacy version Java 8 LTS in January 2019 for commercial usage. Other vendors have started to provide OpenJDK 18 and 8, 11 and 17, which are currently undergoing security and other updates, in free builds.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

What is JavaScript?

Along with HTML and CSS, the computer language known as JavaScript, or JS, is one of the foundational elements of the World Wide Web. 98% of websites will utilize JavaScript on the client side by the year 2022 to control webpage functionality, frequently integrating third-party libraries. A dedicated JavaScript engine is available in every major web browser and is used to run the code on users' devices.

JavaScript is an ECMAScript-compliant high-level, frequently just-in-time compiled language. It features first-class functions, prototype-based object orientation, and dynamic typing. It supports event-driven, functional, and imperative programming paradigms and is multi-paradigm. It offers application programming interfaces (APIs) for using the Document Object Model, regular expressions, dates, and standard data structures (DOM).

There are no input/output (I/O) features like networking, storage, or graphics capabilities in the ECMAScript standard. In reality, JavaScript I/O APIs are offered by the web browser or another runtime system.

Originally only used in web browsers, JavaScript engines are now essential parts of some servers and a wide range of applications. Node.js is the most widely used runtime system for this application.

Even while Java and JavaScript share the same name, syntax, and standard libraries, the two programming languages are separate and have very different designs.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

What is Kotlin?

Cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference is called Kotlin (ktln). The JVM version of Kotlin's standard library depends on the Java Class Library, and Kotlin is made to work seamlessly with Java.  However, type inference enables its syntax to be shorter [failed verification]. Kotlin primarily targets the JVM, although it may also be compiled to JavaScript or native code using LLVM (for example, for front-end web projects using React) (e.g., for native iOS apps sharing business logic with Android apps). JetBrains is responsible for language development costs, and the Kotlin Foundation is in charge of trademark protection. 

Google declared that Kotlin is now its preferred programming language for Android app developers on May 7, 2019. In place of the default Java compiler, Kotlin has been available since the release of Android Studio 3.0 in October 2017. The Android Kotlin compiler generates Java 8 bytecode by default (which is compatible with any subsequent JVM), but the programmer can choose to target Java 9 up to 18 for optimization or to enable more features. It also has bidirectional record class interoperability support for the JVM, which was first introduced in Java 16 and is thought to be stable as of Kotlin 1.5.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

What is SwiftUI?

Swift is a computer language that was created by the open-source community and Apple Inc. Swift was created as a replacement for Apple's previous programming language Objective-C, which had been mostly untouched since the early 1980s and lacked modern language capabilities. Swift was first released in 2014. A crucial component of Swift's design was its ability to interact with the vast corpus of Objective-C code created for Apple devices over the past decades. Swift works with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks. It has been a part of Xcode since version 6, which was released in 2014, and was created using the free and open-source LLVM compiler framework. It makes use of the Objective-C runtime library on Apple platforms, allowing C, Objective-C, C++, and Swift code to coexist in a single program.

Swift has features that address some common programming errors like null pointer dereferencing and provides syntactic sugar to help avoid the pyramid of doom. Swift was designed by Apple to support many core concepts associated with Objective-C, particularly dynamic dispatch, widespread late binding, extensible programming, and similar features, but in a "safer" way, making it easier to catch software bugs. Swift supports the idea of protocol extensibility, which Apple touts as a significant shift away from what they refer to as "protocol-oriented programming" paradigms and which can be applied to types, structs, and classes.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

What is app development?

The act or process of creating a mobile app for a mobile device, such as a personal digital assistant, business digital assistant, or mobile phone, is known as mobile app development. These software programs are created to function on portable electronics like smartphones and tablets. These programs can be provided as web applications using server-side or client-side processing to provide a "application-like" experience within a web browser, or they can be pre-installed on phones during the manufacturing process. Due to the fierce rivalry in mobile software and changes within each of the platforms, application software developers must also take into account a wide range of screen sizes, hardware requirements, and settings. Revenues and new jobs related to mobile app development have been increasing consistently. According to a 2013 analyst analysis, the EU's 28 nations (including the UK) employ 529,000 people directly in the app sector, 60% of whom are mobile app developers.

Mobile user interface (UI) design is a crucial component of the development process for mobile apps. Constraints, contexts, screens, input, and mobility are taken into account while designing for mobile devices. The interface of a device includes both physical and software elements, with the user frequently at the center of interaction. Users can influence a system through user input, and the system can show the results of their manipulation through device output. Limited attention spans and form factors, such as the size of a mobile device's screen for a user's hand, are limits for mobile user interface design (s). Mobile UI contexts provide indications based on user involvement with a mobile app, such as location and scheduling, which can be exhibited. The basic objective of mobile UI design is to create an intuitive, user-friendly experience. Mobile corporate application platforms or integrated development environments support functionality (IDEs).

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

What is music monetization?

Simply said, music monetization is a technique for musicians to earn money online. You presumably already understand the term "monetization" in the context of social media or video income, yet it occurs across a wide range of businesses.

Monetization in the music business can be a little challenging. An artist must be the rightful owner of the royalties in order to profit from a song. When a music is sold or otherwise monetized, royalties are the sum that is given to the song's owner.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

What is a music producer?

A record producer is the creative and technical leader of a recording production, controlling studio time and mentoring performers. In popular genres, a record producer generally creates the very sound and structure of the song. The director of a movie and the art director are analogous to the record producer, or simply the producer. On the other hand, the executive producer uses business acumen to make the recording endeavor possible, while an audio engineer manages the equipment.

The producer may or may not select all of the artists depending on the project. When using exclusively sampled or synthesized instruments, the producer could be the only artist.

On the other hand, some artists produce their own work. Some producers operate the equipment throughout the project, including preproduction, recording, mixing, and mastering. The predecessors of record producers were "A&R men," who could also perform entrepreneurial, creative, and technical roles but frequently exercised scant creative influence as record production was still centered, into the 1950s, on merely improving the record's sonic match to the artists' own live performance. Some producers are their own engineers, operating the technology.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

How to make money on Snapchat

Allowing other companies to sponsor your stories is the easiest method to make money on Snapchat. This is comparable to letting marketers fund stories on Instagram and is most frequently utilized by influencers.

In essence, a company or influencer consents to send a message to their audience that includes an advertisement or link for another brand. For instance, Shaun McBride, a well-known artist on Snapchat, collaborated with Disney to use his Snapchat stories to advertise the movie Frozen.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

How to make money on Instagram

The most well-known method for Instagram producers to monetize their work is probably through brand partnerships. Find a major or small brand that shares your values (this is crucial because appearing inauthentic if you work with a company that has nothing to do with your usual content or even directly contradicts it).

Partnerships with businesses can take many different forms. For example, you might be compensated for creating an Instagram post that highlights a certain product or provided with free goods in exchange for content. Start by creating a few free posts that highlight some of your favorite things, such as restaurants or beauty products. When approaching brands, you can then use those posts as examples.

Many beauty influencers do this.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

How to sell art on Etsy

You must set up an Etsy shop in order to sell your artwork there. Once your shop is set up, you may post your products there (be sure to include good images), begin selling them, and begin marketing them. Fortunately, Etsy offers a range of tools to assist you in reaching the correct audience with your art.

Etsy charges a minimal listing fee in terms of fees. If your artwork is sold, you'll be charged a 3 percent transaction fee plus $0.25 for payment processing. If you wish to advertise your products off-site or on the Etsy platform, there are additional fees.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Risks of trading options

Options contain no assurances, just like other instruments like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds do. Be mindful that you could lose your entire investment, and sometimes much more.

The full premium you pay as an option holder is at risk. However, you run a significantly bigger risk when you write options. Since there is no upper limit on how high a stock price might increase, for instance, writing an uncovered call exposes you to an unlimited risk of loss.

Your potential financial losses as an options investor are typically fewer than if you had bought the underlying stock or sold the stock short because initial options investments typically demand less capital than analogous stock positions.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Options trading strategies

A variety of options strategies are possible by combining any of the four fundamental option trade types—possibly with varied exercise prices and maturities—with the two fundamental stock trade types (long and short). While more complex strategies can combine multiple deals, simple methods often only combine a handful.

A specific risk profile to changes in the underlying security is frequently engineered using strategies. For instance, purchasing a butterfly spread (long one X1 call, short two X2 calls, and long one X3 call) enables a trader to profit if the stock price at expiration is close to the middle exercise price, X2, while minimizing the risk of a significant loss.

A technique called a condor is similar to a butterfly spread but uses different strikes for the short options. It offers a higher chance of profit but a lower net credit than a butterfly spread.

If the final stock price is close to the exercise price, selling a straddle (selling both a put and a call at the same exercise price) would be more profitable than selling a butterfly, but it might also result in a big loss.

The strangle, which is similar to the straddle in that it is likewise made up of a call and a put but with different strike prices, lowers the net debit of the trade while also lowering the risk of loss.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

What are stock options?

Depending on the type of option, an agreement known as an option gives its owner, the holder, the right—but not the obligation—to purchase or sell an underlying asset or instrument at a specified strike price on or before a stated date. Options are often obtained through a purchase, as payment, or as a component of a complicated financial transaction. So they are also a type of asset, and their value may be dependent on a complicated interaction between the value of the underlying asset, the remaining time before expiration, market volatility, and other variables. Options may be exchange-traded in live, regulated markets in the form of standardized contracts, or they may be traded over-the-counter (OTC) between private parties.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

What is forex?

A worldwide decentralized market for trading currency is the foreign exchange market. For every currency, exchange rates are set by this market. It covers all facets of purchasing, selling, and exchanging currencies at established or current rates. The market there is the biggest in the entire world.

The bigger international banks are the key players in this industry. With the exception of weekends, financial hubs all over the world serve as the focal points for trading between a variety of different types of buyers and sellers. Due to the fact that currencies are usually traded in pairs, the foreign exchange market establishes a currency's relative worth rather than its absolute value by establishing the market price of one currency when purchased with another.

By allowing currency conversion, the foreign exchange market facilitates international trade and investments. For instance, it enables a company in the US to import items from EU members, particularly those in the Eurozone, and pay in EUR even though its revenue is in USD. On the basis of the difference in interest rates between two currencies, it also encourages direct speculation, evaluation of currency values, and carry trade speculation.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

What is data analysis?

Inspection, purging, transformation, and modeling of data are all steps in the process of data analysis, which is used to find relevant information, support inferences, and uncover patterns. Data analysis is utilized in several fields of business, science, and social science and has many dimensions and methodologies. It includes various techniques and goes by many different names. Data analysis contributes to more scientific decision-making and more efficient business operations in the modern business world.

Business intelligence refers to data analysis that significantly relies on aggregation, focusing mostly on business information, while data mining is a specific data analysis technique that focuses on statistical modeling and knowledge discovery for predictive rather than just descriptive reasons. Descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis (EDA), and confirmatory data analysis are three categories of data analysis used in statistical applications (CDA). While CDA focuses on validating or refuting existing hypotheses, EDA focuses on identifying novel features in the data. While text analytics combines statistical, linguistic, and structural techniques to extract and categorize information from textual sources, a type of unstructured data, predictive analytics focuses on the application of statistical models for predictive forecasting or categorization. These are all different types of data analysis.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

What is an analyst

An analyst is analyzes a certain topic, whether it be a business or economics. A business analyst (BA) is someone who uses data analysis to analyze, understand, and document business processes, goods, services, and software. A business analyst's job is to assure increased business efficiency through their understanding of both IT and business operations. A financial analyst is a professional whose primary duty is to conduct financial analysis for both internal and external clients. Securities analyst, research analyst, equity analyst, investment analyst, or ratings analyst are some possible job titles for the position.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

What's Augmented Reality?

When items in the actual world are supplemented with computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes spanning many sensory modalities, such as visual, aural, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory, this is referred to as augmented reality (AR). A system that combines the real and virtual worlds with real-time interaction and precise 3D registration of actual and virtual items is what is known as augmented reality (AR). The sensory information that is superimposed may be harmful or beneficial to the surroundings (i.e. masking of the natural environment). This experience is so completely integrated with the real world that it appears to be a realistic component of the setting.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

How to create a video game

Creating a video game is not as hard as one may think. There are multiple softwares such as Unity, Stencyl, and Game Maker Studio. These softwares all you to pick a concept, start building upon it, then refine it until you have a game you are satisfied with.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

What’s a sales funnel?

A sales funnel, a.k.a. a purchase funnel, is a consumer-focused marketing model that illustrates the theoretical customer journey toward the purchase of a good or service. It helps salespeople turn prospects into leads. Increasing the efficiency of the sales funnel is among the top priorities in sales. After all, a good sales funnel can provide the sales team with information about prospects' thought processes, challenges, and decisions.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

I learned how to create digital art.

Digital art is art made through digital technology like the Adobe Suite. It has the potential to be sold as NFTs and make lots of money.

To make digital art, you can start by sketching outa rough drawing on paper and scanning it to your computer. Next, open it in a program like GIMP or Photoshop and create new layers for each part of the drawing, like a face, hair, or background, so you can adjust each part without messing up the rest. Keep doing this with every aspect of your creation.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Entrepreneurship through invention

Today I've learned about entrepreneurship and one of its routes: inventing. I looked into 3D printing as a main aspect to creating things to sell. 3D Printing offers an advantage where it can be inexpensive compared to other options of creating something but it could also take longer or be even more expensive.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

How to be a leader.

Today I learned about leadership. The most important qualities of a good leader include integrity, responsibility, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, influence, and positivity. "Management means convincing people to do things they don't want to do, while leadership means inspiring people to do things they never thought they could do.

Tue. Jul. 5, 2022

How to save money

A valuable thing I learned today is how to save money. Most of it all comes to not buying unnecessary things. These unnecessary things can include new cars, new technology, and fast food or coffee. By saving money and living below one’s means, you would be able to achieve financial independence more quickly.