Log of what of Elijah Creel has learned at Techie Youth

Wed. Aug. 17, 2022

Turning new things into technology .

Many people use technology for many different reasons . We have computers , tablets , and even many resources to help us in todays day and age . We look and observe many things that can happen off technology

Mon. Aug. 15, 2022

Art prices and specialties.

Art has its great qualities, it gives us the ability to express ourselves. Through that expression, we communicate by drawing on our own unique emotions, thoughts, and experiences. When we see and study another's art, we are seeing the world through their eyes. When you create, you are letting the world see yours.

Sun. Aug. 14, 2022

Cresting successful sales

Creating successful sales has its ups and downs. Many sells can lead to companies investing in you are buying your products. Creating a website can be useful for clients due to the fact of making selling a products easier for people to purchase.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

The way communication is changing Techie Youth.

Over the past years, communication has changed over the years. We have now updated cell phones, tablets , and even computer systems. Over the past years, many people in the 1800s used communication thru pagers, writing letters, and even sometimes thru old school phones.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Crypto is the new way of investing Techie Youth.

Many people decide to invest in cryptocurrency. Crypto are powered by block chain networks. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger made up of expanding blocks of data. One common way cryptocurrencies are created through a process known as mining, which is used by bitcoin. Mining can be an energy intensive process in which computers solve complex puzzles in order to verify the authenticity of transactions on the network.

Sun. Aug. 7, 2022

Perfect platforms to get your name out Techie Youth.

In social media today there are many different ways to get your name out. Instagram, tic-tok ,twitter are some different examples that you are able to show your talent. Social media is one of the best ways to promote yourself. If you are an artist or a photographer, it is best to post your work on there so that people can see your creative skills, and also you can start to get a following.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Learning how to create and make resume Techie Youth.

Today in techie youth I learned how to create resumes and format a document the right way. Resumes are a great way to showcase your past work when applying to jobs. It is essential for an employer to look thru your resume to see what experiences you have and approximately how long you were working on your previous jobs. Sometimes on a resume putting down references is also a great way whether its personal or not just to have an advocate for you describing the type of person you are and what are some details about you.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Job inquiries Techie Youth.

Many jobs come with specific qualifications. Most times when jobs are interested in you, they look for your qualifications and skills. Many times, when jobs hire you, they also do background checks to make sure nothing comes up. Usually, if something were to come most jobs would either deny your application or still move forward depending on what the situation was. Many times, jobs have specific requirements in terms of education requirements and also how much experience you have in that particular field.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Learning how to create portfolios Techie Youth.

Learning how to create portfolios are a wonderful thing. Most times, creating a portfolio enlist many different things. It is mostly used, when applying for jobs or creating special events. I learned how to put together a portfolio when I was writing about my passion and my dream career. It is also a great way for jobs to see the skills that you maintain and also how creative you can be. Learning new skills are also important for you because the more knowledge and skill you have the better chance of creating a bigger portfolio

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

The way art is sold and manufactured Techie Youth.

Many people love to create and invent art. Art has been around since the early centuries of time. Many people have jobs and career in the art industry which many love to do. One of the most famous art painting is the Mona Lisa, it is so famous because its an oil painting in the style of realism by Renaissance icon, Leonardo da Vinci. People buy famous artwork because it has emotional value to them, many others seek it as an investment, or even sometimes to support their local artist.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

The benefits of becoming a web developer Techie Youth.

Becoming a web developer requires you to have good skill and knowledge when dealing with computers. It is a career that offers you good pay and many different benefits. Some positive benefits in Web Development are being able to work remotely either at home or wherever is most convenient for you, opens the door to being able to learn new skills, you can also extend into other regions/countries. Web development consists of the labor behind developing a website for the Internet or intranet. They deal with programming source code development, database optimization, and markup language using web programming techniques.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Leaning about the useful ways of cryptocurrency Techie Youth.

Learning about crypto currency can change the way you think about stocks and money. A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, or crypto is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it. Many people rely on cryptocurrency to invest for long term store of value. Many people may question themselves to what is the purpose of using cryptocurrency? It's a peer-to-peer system that can enable anyone anywhere to send and receive payments. Instead of being physical money carried around and exchanged in the real world, cryptocurrency payments exist purely as digital entries to an online database describing specific transactions.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Different ways to trade and becoming successful Techie Youth.

There are many smart and effective ways to trade when coming to stocks. A stock option is the benefit in the form of an option given by a company to an employee to buy stock in the company at a discount or at a stated fixed price. Some ways to pick a good stock option is by devising a strategy, establish option parameters, formulating your investment objective, and lastly by determining the volatility. To become a successful options trader, you should also be able to manage risks, are very good with numbers, learning patience, and also knowing how to develop a trading style.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Different ways to create websites Techie Youth.

Creating websites can be fun and interesting. When people create websites, it can be used for many things such as marketing skills, allows you to target a wider audience, helps to generate business, and also helps build credibility. Many professional companies create websites for different purposes as selling products and services, posting and finding information on the web , communication with one another , and also gaining knowledge .

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

The best way to start pricing and inventory Techie Youth.

Sometimes when starting your own business, it may be hard starting out. The best way is to sort out what is the best way to price your items and to know how much inventory will be in stock. You should always calculate how much it will cost you to make the product starting from A-Z. When selling on retail sites its always best to find out how much you will be investing and how much the site will charge you after a sale is made. The hard part me be a little competitive when people start to sell similar items similar to yours. You should always search on google for the product that you are making, and also to explore the prices from other vendors.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Successful ways to creating your own sales websites Techie Youth

There are many different ways in in creating a sales website. Having an E-commerce websites has its positives and negatives. Some of the positive benefits of having your own sales website is that you are able to run your business from anywhere, sell products globally, create customer returns, and lower set up and running costs. It gives you the power to control how the store looks and how the customer gets to experience it. Having returning customers are also a great thing due to the fact that loyal customers contribute to the largest chunk in your revenue. In order to build loyal customers, you need to have a client database, something you can only get by having your own store.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

The perfect way to edit and take photos Techie Youth

Today while learning in techie youth, I have learned that there are many different ways for people to take & edit photos. Many people use photo editing to sharpen or soften the image of a photo, make color changes or even to add special effects to the image. The importance of editing is to remove the errors , improve your work flow, and enhance your language and style. Sometimes even when people take professional photos , sometimes the client may not like the way the photo was taken, so they tend to edit the photo to the best of their needs. Some of the basics of photo editing are to crop your images and to clean them up, adjust exposure and white balance, sharpen images, and to finalize and share. Many people also learn editing by watching youtube videos , social media, and even go to school to learn more.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

The different ways of investing Techie Youth

In techie youth today I learned they're multiple ways to invest, save and to use your money wisely. One of the ways to invest is when you see a great opportunity to take it and to take action. Always to invest by facts and not emotion, meaning that it is important for us to have detailed facts on what we are investing in and not to do it by emotion just because it will make you happy. Don't sell unless the business fundamentally changes meaning that until you see growth positively that's making a good impact in your business it's always good to sell it if wanted to.