Log of what of Eileen Urena has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 19, 2022

Social Network Community Organizing - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Social Network Community Organizing

How to earn with social network community groups and theme pages

Organizing a community group or theme page on social networks like Instagram, TikTok or Facebook with a large following can be very lucrative. The necessary prerequisite to earning any income is building a following so that you become the gatekeeper to this community, and in ideal cases build a monopoly on access to this community demographic. Considering that, it is important to be aware that there is a large upfront time/effort-investment with no guarantee of success in this income-path. However, if you do succeed to get through the initial hurdle and build a substantial following for your page/group, then the pages often start promoting themselves virally and your time will become free to spend on selling sponsored promotions to your community.

Thu. Aug. 18, 2022

Fundraising - I learned this at Techie Youth! By Eileen Urena


How to fundraise

Approaching your donors

Methods of online fundraising

Getting media press coverage

Recruiting volunteers for help

It may be beneficial to have some help on your hands. But with being on a tight budget, you may have to find volunteers.

These volunteer platforms are dedicated to connecting people to nonprofits and can help you reach a wider audience, bringing in more people.

How to find work as a fundraiser

How exactly do you find work to do in this field? As an initial step, try searching for the role on any of the common job search websites. For a more targeted approach, try searching job websites that are specifically for non profit roles.

Many fundraisers work as consultants; an initial step to getting consulting fundraiser work is adding your profile to Upwork so potential employers can find you.

Wed. Aug. 17, 2022

Identifying positive role models and mentors - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Identifying positive role models and mentors

Role models

Throughout our education and career journey, it is important to have someone to look up to. Dedicating some time to identifying positive role models is beneficial not only in the short-term but also might provide you with long-term inspiration and motivation.

The main quantities that you may want to consider while identifying a role model are:

Inspirational - are you inspired by this person and their achievements?

Positive ethics - do you respect the person’s moral beliefs and consider their values important?


Complimenting role models are mentors, people who offer to teach or give help, advice and support to those less experienced. For a mentorship to be successful and beneficial, the mentor and mentee must form a personal connection be able to openly discuss topics of significance, such as applying to university, looking for a job and deciding on your career path. If you identify someone whom you would like to have as a mentor then take the initiative and begin correspondence.

Remember that having a mentor will also require time and effort on your part. Here are the most important things you should remember while participating:

Don’t be afraid to ask questions - your mentor is here to help you and guide you.

Be open-minded and willing to not only share your experiences and expectations but also listen to your mentor stories and advice.

Mentors are usually professionals and you should respect their time by always coming to your scheduled meetings prepared and on time.

Be ready to work individually following your mentor’s advice to achieve your goals.

Tue. Aug. 16, 2022

Financial awareness & financial management - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Financial awareness & financial management

The vast majority of people have no idea how much they pay in expenses and how much money they actually earn at the end of each work day after accounting for expenses.

Net income

To estimate your true net-salary you need to also account for the cost of transportation to and from work as well as all other necessary expenses incurred for your job, such as required clothing or uniforms. There are many online tools that can calculate your net salary, for the USA, some include:

Salary Calculator for the United States

Take-Home-Paycheck Calculator

Cost of living

Try out this Cost of living Estimator to estimate your daily cost of living, which is largely dependent on the city that you are currently living in. Since the cost of living differs between countries and cities, if you work remotely, you might consider relocating to a location with lower cost-of-living, while earning an income online from companies/clients in affluent geographies. When researching where to live, keep in mind that while the average salaries in New York, Tokyo and San Francisco are among the highest in the world- so are the rent and living costs.


One of the best ways to improve your financial management skills is to create your own personal budget. Budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for your money, it aims to ensure that you will always have enough money for both necessities and things that are important to you. Following a budget or spending plan will also keep you out of debt or at least, help you work your way out of it.

Mon. Aug. 15, 2022

Writing - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena


Whether you are creatively motivated, or are good at explaining steps to achieve a task, using language to reach broad audiences is a skill that can earn you money and make a living. A major benefit to becoming a professional writer is that a degree is typically not required for most roles. It is likely that you can find a writing job that you love without having a literature degree, formal study or taking additional education. Experience is not a necessity for most writing jobs, but to demonstrate your skills, it is necessary to have a writing portfolio, or at least a writing sample in the style of writing that matches the job that you are applying for. Creating a portfolio can be done completely on your own by writing samples of the kinds of writing that you enjoy, or you can volunteer to be a contributing author at established resources as a means to build up your portfolio.

Writing skills

The skills required for most writing jobs include accountability and reliability, meaning that your manager is able to count on you to meet deadlines and fulfill the tasks asked of you. It would be expected that you have a great understanding of language and grammar as well as a passion for what you are writing about. It can be very evident to an audience when a writer does not put their all into a piece of writing. If writing is something that you enjoy then you can find a way to make it your career.

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Providing Services, Exchanging Your Skilled-Time for Money - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Providing Services, Exchanging Your Skilled-Time for Money

This unit is focused on learning service-oriented skills that enable you to exchange your skilled-time for an hourly wage. This unit consists of services that you can charge for and can be learned relatively quickly.

While the specifics of every job might be different, there are several universal prerequisites that you will need for your at-home customer service gig no matter what company you join, including:

Quiet work environment

High-speed internet connection connected to an ethernet cable (not wireless)

Landline phone

Up-to-date operating system on your computer

Ability to download and use specified software

Basic computer skills

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Music Production - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Music Production

In modern times, many genres of music can be entirely composed independently using your computer, without the assistance of a band or production crew.

The barriers to music production are extremely low; one person and a computer is sufficient to produce really amazing music (requiring musical talent too.)

Any musically-talented individual is capable of creating music of this nature without the need for expensive production studios or teams of people. It does not matter what life-challenges you are facing either, anyone with musical talent can create music.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Selling Art Online - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Selling Art Online

Selling art online can be a profitable endeavor, both if you are an artist seeking to sell your own work or if you are simply an admirer of art who wants to make a business of selling other people's works.

Avoiding art scams

Art scams are ways to exploit an artist who is eager to succeed and may be convinced that the scammer is sincerely offering a useful service or purchase. As soon as you are asked to spend money, it is critical that you research very thoroughly to determine if you are being scammed.


Galleries should never ask you to pay for presenting your art. These type of galleries are termed “Vanity” galleries and are not reputable.

Art competitions

Art competitions may be an attractive momentary “feel good” for artists trying to break into the art world.

Sat. Aug. 6, 2022

Mastering the job interview & getting hired - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Mastering the job interview & getting hired

Once you have gotten the opportunity to be interviewed you will need to demonstrate interview skills to your recruiter.

Having a good interview will leave a lasting impression on the interviewers and put you near the top of the list for potential candidates to obtain the job.

The typical steps to being hired are:

1. Send in your resume and cover letter requesting the role

2. If step 1 is successful, the company will schedule a time to interview you

3. Go through the interview.

4. If step 3 is successful, the company will provide you a job offer.

5. You sign or acknowledge acceptance of the offer, and fill out any other paperwork provided in step 4

6. Communicate with the company any necessary details that were not outlined as of yet.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

How to get paid - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

How to get paid

After getting a job you will need a place for your place of employment to send money to, this means opening a bank account, usually a checking account.

Checking account

A checking account enables you to deposit check based payments that people give you, as well as writing checks to pay other people. It is important that to know how to write a check correctly.

Some banks also include additional features such as Zelle and other tools for direct-transfer of funds between people. Zelle and similar competing products work similar to PayPal, enabling you to send money to people by entering in their phone number or email address and the amount that you wish to send. The recipient would need a Zelle account to accept the funds. Money sent by Zelle transfers instantly and is typically irreversible, like giving that person cash.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Trading stocks - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Trading stocks

The two primary types of stocks are common and preferred stocks, however there are several other types.

Types of orders (ways to buy/sell stock)

Stocks can be purchased and sold in a variety of ways, each way having it's own purpose and use.

There are many other order types as well, including:

Short sell orders

All-or-None orders

Fill-or-kill orders (FOK)

Immediate-or-cancel (IOC)

Buy to cover

Good till cancelled

and many more.

Terminology for trading stocks:

The first term you need to learn is "ticker symbol". Every listed stock has its own ticker symbol, allowing for clear organization of each and every transaction in the stock market.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Earning income by living a jet setter lifestyle - I learned this at Techie Youth today!

Earning income by living a jet setter lifestyle

Want to earn income by travelling to fun places and doing fun activities? There are many ways to do that.

Social Influencer

One of the most common methods is to use social media to earn income from the sharing of your adventures and interesting stories.

Travel vlogger

Travel vlogging is a great way to earn income while travelling on a budget.

Travel photography and literature

Travelling will provide you with unique chances to capture the beauty of the world and expansive range of people inhabiting it.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Productivity apps - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Productivity apps

Proficiency with the productivity apps is an expected skill for virtual assistants.

Google Sheets is great for organizing, analyzing, and viewing data, as well as managing accounting and calculations.

Google Docs is ideal for any writing assignment or essay. It allows for many users to share and collaborate ideas, edits and suggestions.

Google Slides enables the creation of presentations; it is free and competes with Microsoft PowerPoint. Google Slides gives users a professional and useful platform to create presentations.

The Gmail platform allows users to create an email address and send emails.

As a virtual assistant, it is important to adopt a professional writing style in your emails.

Google Drive is an online cloud storage where all your Google documents get stored. It allows users to easily share these documents with others as well as organize all the documents.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Virtual Assistant - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Virtual Assistant

A VA handles clerical concerning day-to-day administrative duties, and should be technically savvy having experience with a variety of SaaS products like G-Suite, Facebook, LinkedIn, Salesforce and Zoom.

Being a virtual assistant encompasses many different tasks; these tasks can be divided into multiple categories.

There are many different virtual assistant opportunities available for you to choose from, depending on what you enjoy doing.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Learning Microsoft Excel for business analysis - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

Learning Microsoft Excel for business analysis - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By Eileen Urena

The most basic skill employers often look for in candidates is proficiency in Microsoft Excel. Excel is used to record, manipulate, and analyze. Statistical data and is used by many statisticians across multiple fields. Excel is not free, most of its functions are available in Google Sheets, a free alternative to Excel.

Sat. Jul. 23, 2022

Quality Assurance - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By: Eileen Urena

Quality Assurance - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By: Eileen Urena

Quality Assurance testers and technicians work by testing software for businesses or companies. There job is to make sure that the software, and hardware, works the way that the client expects it to. QA testers can be hired for both new projects and upgrading or fixing legacy existing applications.

Many professional QA testers utilize the Software Testing Life Cycle to improve the results of their QA efforts.

Software Testing can be majorly classified into white box testing and black box testing.

Different types of testing are:

Intro testing (Smoke and sanity testing, Regression testing)

Website and content testing (Link checking, W3C validation, Responsive testing, Compatibility testing, Usability testing, Accessibility testing)

Performance testing (Stress testing, Load testing)

Functional testing (Equivalence partition testing, Unit testing, Security testing)

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Earning Immediate Income Now - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By: Eileen Urena

Earning Immediate Income Now - I learned this at Techie Youth today! By: Eileen Urena

One of the immediate options on how you can earn an income fast is by working online!

Anyone with a working computer and good working Wi-Fi can earn money!

Some of the specific qualifications are as stated: physical location, and certain skills like fluency in a foreign language. Still, there are many ways to earn immediate income online for virtually everyone.

Some other ways to earn money online are as listed below:

Getting paid for taking surveys, focus groups, and tasks.


Reviewing music

Write greeting cards

Mock juror

Translation jobs (those who are bilingual)

Transcription (where you listen to audio clips and type out the text spoken in them)

Ghostwriting (where you are hired to write content for someone else)

Other sources for quick cash

Procuring objects with resale value for free or very cheap

Selling items that you may already have

Providing short-term services utilizing your current skills/abilities

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Life as an AI Researcher & Machine Learning Engineer | Technology | J.P. Morgan

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

💵 PROFIT MODELS: Ways to Make $MONEY$ in Your Startup - Ginza, Tokyo, Japan 🗾 銀座東京日本 Monetization

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Picking role models that matter | Toku McCree | TEDxZurichWomen

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

🤝 How to MASTER NETWORKING at Events and Make Strategic Contacts! (Intrepid Aircraft Carrier, NYC)

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

HOW TO BE HAPPY & Get Life Satisfaction, Career Advise for Leaders & Aspirers, San Francisco Coast