Log of what of Connie Wang has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 19, 2022

Fundraising 8/18 & 19

“Fundraising is the process of building relationships with people, companies, and other organizations who might want to support your mission by donating money to your non-profit." The money that comes from fundraising is from people not companies. Fundraising is all about building relationships and connection with the people that support you and helps you in the long term.

There are 4 main steps in Fundraising

1.Prospecting - Finding people who are interested

2.Cultivation - Communicate with them to form a bond

3.Asking - Ask to make a donation

4.Stewardship - Continue building a stronger relationship after the person has made their first donation

Fundraising Tactics

Asking in-person

Asking over the phone

Fundraising events

Direct mail (fundraising letters)

“Donate Now” buttons on your website

E-mail fundraising


Board fundraising campaigns


Walk-a-thons and other “participatory” fundraising events

The 2 main things you need before you start is a plan and supporters

Wed. Aug. 17, 2022

Quality assurances

There are 6 phases of Software Testing Life Cycle

1. Requirement Analysis - The first stage of the software testing life cycle is requirement analysis (STLC). The quality assurance team is aware of the requirements, such as what will be tested, throughout this phase. The quality assurance team interacts with the stakeholders to better understand the requirements in depth if anything is missing or not clear.

2. Test Planning - The most productive stage of the software testing life cycle is test planning, where all test strategies are laid out. The testing team manager calculates the projected cost and effort for the testing activity during this phase. Once the requirement gathering phase is over, this phase begins.

3. Test Case Development - After the test planning step is finished, the test case development phase begins. The testing team records specific test cases during this phase. The testing team also prepares the necessary test data. The quality assurance team reviews the test cases after they have been prepared.

4. Test Environment Setup - The setting of the test environment is crucial to the STLC. In essence, the test environment establishes the parameters in which software is tested. The creation of test cases might be started concurrently with this autonomous activity. The testing team is not involved in this process. The testing environment is created by either the developer or the client.

5. Test Execution - Test case development and test environment setup are followed by the test execution step. In this phase, the testing team begins running test cases that were prepared in the preceding phase.

6. Test Closure - Last stage of STLC which it analyzes the testing process.

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Business Analyst

The majority of analysts are business analyst and a data analyst. Business analysts analyzes the business role and speaking to the different people in a company and see what everyone is trying to achieve and determines if what their doing is a good use of their time. They analyze all the factors of a business and maximize the amount of money a company makes by increasing efficiency and production. A data analyst gets their information from data and numbers. For a data analyst needs a technical skill and need to be good at computers. Analyst is a job/career role. You will most likely work of someone else.

8/11 & 12

some other things I learned was Business analysts need some basic coding experience. They need to gain experience. To gain experience you can create it. An example of this are case studies. A business analyst deals with business problems everyday and have to use tools to solve the problem. Some tools that use are Microsoft tools such as Powerpoint and Microsoft Visio. Get tips from other business analysts to improve your knowledge. Learn from other people is a big factor in a analyst. Another big part of getting a analyst job is building your resume. Wording your resume is a big part in helping you get a job with the skills you have.


Editors and Directors have to work together to have a good final product. Bad Ideas leads to Good Ideas. An example of this is when the director of the movie "Arrival" wanted a scene where Amy Adams is dreaming in the alien language. The director was thinking of putting together scenes they already had to make a new scene. The editor however did not seem to agree it would work. But the editor trusted the director and it didn't work at first. All they needed was a few tweaks and that's exactly what they did and turned a bad idea to a good idea.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Robotic information

I learned about ways to create robotic stuff, you can DIY it. I also learned more about the output/inputs of it and also the LED stuff. I also learned from some website useful ways to utilize in creating one.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Digital Artwork

I learned about different programs that can be used for digital artwork there were some with subscriptions and there were some that was free. This is helpful for me to explore the different options I have for drawing as it's something that I enjoy a lot and hope I can learn more about.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Important parts of technology

Today I learned about the part where in pc is useful, as there’s less resources for pc and it’s getting more expensive it’s important to know which parts in pc is reusable and you can even sell it. I don’t have much knowledge on pc and I do buy new ones every few years so it’s useful for me to know which parts I can keep and use it in future instead of just throwing the entire thing out.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Profits for internet

Today I learned about how to maximize your profit online I also learned more stuff about robotics. Robotics is an optional class in my school and I always had some sort of interest in it but I never really knew much about it, I learned a lot about which made me want to sign up for the class when I have the chance to in the future.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

A new software

Today I learned more about the 3D project how to create a more advanced looking one I also learned about a new software which is Adobe, there’s a lot of stuff you can do on them photoshopping/editing video and more but it does have a subscription you need to pay but it is free for the first month if you never got it before.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

More ways of income

One thing I learned was about online tutoring how to earn money, I was always interested in teaching kids in person but due to covid a lot had happened to learning more information about online tutor helps me a lot to understand how to earn an income and if I really want to explore that area.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Different ways to earn money via online

One thing I learned was that one way to earn an income is to 3D creation, you could use some softwares to help brainstorm the item you want. 3D creation is a fun idea because there’s different ways you can change the item to the way you want it to be, for example in the video there’s different patterns you can make it or change the way it look from the outer part. You could also collaborate with a friend or someone on the project, I also learned how to import/export on the website. blender.org is also a free website that we can utilize for 3D projects. Another thing I learned was how to earn an income using domain names as well.