Log of what of Ciara Thomas has learned at Techie Youth

Wed. Aug. 17, 2022

Wednesday reviewing

There's no meaningful overview for today,rereading previous units as well as retaking quizzes.

Mon. Aug. 15, 2022

Retrofitting electronic products

I learned about Retrofitting electronic and how to keep them up to date.

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Laser cut products

I learned about laser cutting, which software to used, and how to model it

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Digital Art unit

Today I learned about creating and selling digital art as well as countless methods on how to turn your vision into art.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

3D Printed Products

I learned how to make profit off of 3D printing as well as the considerations, which software packages to use to create the 3D model and the outsourced printing.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Tuesday reviewing

I didn't learn anything today. I've pretty much just reviewed the content from yesterday.

So I can't elaborate and provide details on what I learned

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Reviewing Yesterday content

I didn't learn anything today. I've pretty much just reviewed the content from yesterday.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Selling Computer-Designed Objects and Technological Crafts

I learned the steps on how to Create and sell creative products as well as how to price the products.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Reviewing Entrepreneurship

I was reviewing my performance percentage for each unit, so today I was finishing up the entrepreneurship unit.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Reviewing Units

Today was like a reviewing day so I didn't learn anything. I don't know what else to add....

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Learning about Analyst

The 2 common analyst roles are Business and data analyst. Business analysts are the problem solvers of a company with their main job being to offer guidance and advice on business requirements as well as the potential solutions to improve the company's performance. Within the business there's 2 types of analysts external and internal. External analysts are a contractor that solves problems, while internal analysts are a company employee. Their salaries wage from $50,190 to $163,760, all depending on their level of business. As always when pursuing a career there are some skills needed such as computer knowledge, problem-solving skills, and communication skills. Data analysts collect and process data and their job are to use data to help a company make informed decisions regarding operations. The daily route of a data analyst consists of producing reports, spotting patterns, collecting data and collaborating with others. Their salary depends on their earning with the lowest is $36.3k and the highest being $77.2k

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Quality Assurance

This unit explains what quality assurance testers and technicians are as well as what they do. Their job is to make sure the soft and hardware works like it's supposed to. Testers can be hired for new projects and existing ones. To improve their results, professional QA testers utilize the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). The STLC has 6 stages, 1) requirements analysis, 2) test planning, 3) test case development, 4) test environment setup, 5) test execution and 6) test closure. Software testing are classified into 2 categories black box testing and white box testing. Black box testing method isn't known to the tester while white box testing is known to the tester. Quality assurance has many testes such as Smoke and sanity testing, Regression testing, Website and content testing, Performance testing etc,

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Hybrid Incoming- Creating Mobile Apps

I've learned the steps on how to create and develop mobile apps for apple and android devices. The average amount app developers make yearly seems to be up to $4100, but their salary depends on how much experience they have. A developer with more experience makes up to $78,914. Clients would be checking for certain skills when they hire you. Some skills acquired are multiple programming languages, diversity, commercial value, information security, communications, and analysis. In order to get clients, a developer would need to get referrals, attend events, build their social media platform etc.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Hybrid Income Source- Writing 2

Today I just finished up the quizzes for this unit, so today I don't have a meaningful overview because I didn't learn today.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Hybrid Income Source- Writing

This unit talks explains how a person can profit from writing magazine, articles, books, Seo content etc. For most of the required roles you don't need a degree to become a professional writer. You don't need experience to be a professional writer, but you do need a stablish portfolio. Using your own writing samples is recommended. To be a writer you'll need 2 of recommended skills, accountability and reliability. Whoever you report to needs to be able to trust you to meet the assign deadlines and fulfill tasks that's given. There are various types of writers such as Magazines and journals, Books, Copywriting, Blogging, Ghostwriting, SEO backlink content, Customer service, Transcription, A poet writer etc.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Fundraising Unit

The fundraising unit talks about raising funds for non-profit. This unit mentions how fundraise by approaching your donors, methods of online fundraising, getting media press coverage. It also mentions the different elements of a fundraiser and what they do, how you find work to do in this field.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant is an independent worker who assists with administrative, business development, social media, marketing or other tasks. To be a V.A you have to be technically savvy and experienced in SaaS products like "G-suite, Facebook, LinkedIn, zoom etc." They're responsible for responding to emails/calls, booking travels, and scheduling meetings. Their salary is based on location, depending on where you located virtual assistant get paid $20-80 per hour, approximately $65k-73k yearly. There are many different categories of skills for virtual assistants such as Travel Scheduling, Office skills, Productivity apps, social media Literary, Virtual meetings and E-commerce.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Providing Service

Today I've learned about providing services and how I can exchange them for an hourly wage. The unit gave a list of easy qualifying online jobs. The list consists of Writing and content creation, Online tutoring, Digital marketing, Online data entry, Paid research jobs, public relations and press releases, SEO services, Online ad campaign management, and transcription. Each job is time consuming

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Niche Informational Websites

I learned how to create niche informational websites to learn to build income earnings. I learned the pros and cons of building a niche website. This elective unit broke down the steps a person needs to take. As far as selecting a niche website theme, the Technicalities of setting up a new niche website, then create Content, get website visitors (use snippets to increase website visits) & Monetizing website traffic

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, that also goes by the abbreviation of AL, is the practice of computer recognition, reasoning, and action. AL simulations human behavior and is related to machine learning and data science. There are 6 branches of Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning, Neural network, Robotics. Expert System, Fuzzy Logic, and Natural language processing.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Becoming a video editor 2

Today was just a continuation from what I did yesterday being that I never finished. I did learn the 3 methods on how to find clients. First one is the cold call and it's when the editor emails people or submits letter to ads however the results may vary. Second method is the backdoor and it's when the editor offers free service build relationships with future clients. Lastly the third method is the referral, you get introduced to potential clients or jobs through friends or past clients

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Becoming A Video Editor

I've learned what it takes to become a video editor and how they get paid for it. This unit explains the benefits of being a video editor. There are 2 types of video editors, Freelancer and Staff. Freelancer picks their own project while negotiating their own hours. You don't need any experience to become a freelancer. They income is inconsistent. Staff on the other hand, they work on a fixed income, you'll need an established portfolio. There are 3 categories of an editor, Film, Commercial, and YouTube. They get paid between $14-80 hourly depending on what project their doing. Editors could make up to $35k-80k a year. The unit then explain the steps that has to be taking to get started etc.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

Selling Digital Goods

Today I've learned selling digits goods&, what it is, and the 5 steps taken to successfully sell products. First step is to create a digital asset such as (eBooks, webinars, etc.), then you select on the market that you'll like to sell your assets on, once that's done then look for a business model. Business models relies on certain technologies that not only better its product but provides helpful and meaningful customers experience. Next is trading intangibles which is basically the transaction. Lastly its advertising your products

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Music Production & Product Manager

Today I did a slight review of music production and I learned about product manager, the steps to becoming one & the things they focused on

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022


Today I learned about a couple of things like entrepreneurship and the 5 main initial steps such as Business model, Profit models, Customer and Market, Co-founders, and Exit strategy. I also learned the importance of financing & how to obtain its funding. The different methods to getting sales. How to maximize profit earned from selling product, etc. I even learned about cryptocurrencies & it's different trade markets. (Forex, ReITS, Trading options, and , commodity.

Tue. Jul. 5, 2022

What I learned Today

Today I've learned the independency of working online and I got a preview of entrepreneurship. I also learned the life skills to making the best use of any income I will earn in life. I review the importance of time & stress management.