Today at Techie Youth, I learned about the different types of analysts. The first one is a business analyst (the problem solvers of a company). I learned they play an important role in the success of a company by "offering guidance and advice on what requirements and solutions" to improve a company’s performance. Then I learned about the similarities and differences between an external analyst and an internal analyst. I enjoyed the transparency Techie Youth showed by showing me how much business analysts can make.
The next one is data analyst and how they collect and process data. Their main job is to use data to help a company make informed decisions regarding operations. Finally, I learned the differences between a data analyst and data scientist.
This is my last day at Techie Youth, but I enjoyed every day. I learned so much about how to make money, including ways I didn't know were possible. Thank you.
Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to create an AI business. To create it, I had to learn the basics of big data business opportunities, about potential business applications for big data analytics and IoT, how to accelerate business growth with artificial neural networks, and how to identify business opportunities through big data first. Then, I learned keywords such as Predictive Analytics, Customer insights, Marketing opportunities, and Effective production management. This further helped me on how to boost marketing with Natural Language Processing and how to start a robotics company.
Today at Techie Youth, it was all about learning skills. I began by learning the fundamental principles of how to build an AI system and algorithms. Then I learned about Natural Language Processing (NLP), which is is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables machines to understand the human language. Finally I learned how to import, analyze and predict using machine learning in Python, how to get a machine learning job without a degree, and how to build a successful NLP project.
Today at Techie Youth I learned about artificial intelligence and machines and how they are the future of tech. I learned how to access ample business and job opportunities. I got to experience a day-to-day life of an AI Machine Learning Engineer at J.P. Morgan.
I also focused today on learning the technical skills. Python is the most-common programming language used for AI applications so to have learned it through Techie Youth amazed me. I learned variables, types, lists, basic operators, string formatting, loops, dictionaries, and even how to install Python on my computer. Afterwards, I learned how to get started working on machine learning projects and how to build an AI system.
Recruiting was a packed unit so I made sure to understand every single part of recruiting. Today, my focus was on recruiter software, such as applicant tracking systems (abbreviated as ATS). I learned how they work and how they allow for better organization by using their pre-programmed ranking and sorting systems. I also learned tips from other recruiters who suggest using keywords from the application to add to your resume. Some ATS I explored were ClearCompany, Zenefits, and EddyHr.
Then I geared towards Specialty recruiters. These are recruiters that focus on a specific niche that they are experts in. Some different markets for specialty recruiting include legal recruiter, management recruiter, military recruiter, sports recruiter, technical recruiter, sales recruiter, and much more.
Today at Techie Youth, I learned about talent acquisition, which is to identify future business needs and build talent pools to fulfill those needs
I was able to see a day in the life of a recruiter and the marketing tips they used, such as enhancing their employer brand and creating candidate personas. By doing this, I was able to see them secure the best talent for companies.
I also learned the importance of resumes and how recruiters use resume screening to decide whether to move a candidate forward – usually onto an interview – or to reject them. Then, I learned how to offer a job to an applicant, how to write a contract/sample contracts, and how to announce a new employee. In addition, I learned that recruiters actually research your online identity. I didn’t realize how much stays on the internet, even after you delete certain posts/comments.
Techie Youth also taught me the other side of recruiting, such as how to create a resume, how to create a cover letter, and how to prepare for phone and online interviews.
Today I learned how to help job-seekers find employment while helping companies fill their vacant roles. In other words, I learned how to be a recruiter. A recruiter is someone who finds qualified candidates for a job opening and works to meet the demands of both the employer and the employee throughout the hiring process. They meet with the hiring manager after the organization opens new jobs and attract reliable candidates to this manager. I learned how to write a good job descriptions, how to use powerful vocabulary words, what an exclusive search is, salary expectations, and the skills needed (listening, communication, confidence, etc.) I also checked out LinkedIn, Pinterest, Indeed, Handshake, and Glassdoor to see what recruiters have put out.
It must feel emotionally rewarding to help others who've been struggling finally achieve their goal.
Today I learned how to raise funds for non-profit causes. First, I learned all about “the fundraising funnel,” which is the process for turning new contacts into lifelong donors to your organization. Then, I learned every step of fundraising: “Prospecting”, “Cultivation”, “Asking”, “Stewardship”. I enjoyed learning about the common fundraising tactics, such as asking in-person and over the phone, fundraising events, direct mail, and crowdfunding.
The most interesting part was reading how to approach donors by writing appeals. Techie Youth gave me a lot of tips on what to keep in mind when writing them a letter o talking to them in person. They then teached me the differences between cold, warm, and qualified leads.
One of my favorite articles that Techie Youth recommended to me was the one about how to build authentic donor relationships. Finding out the 7 touch rule showed me the importance of investing in the relationship between me and donors.
I love hearing about the impact fundraising can do.
Today I finished learning how to earn money with social network community groups and theme page. I was focused on learning how to create a following to build a community. TechieYouth has specifically used to Facebook and Twitter today. They explained EVERYTHING from explaining when these networks were created to the features offered to the most followed celebrities to how to effectively use them. Then the quizzes allowed me to further review all the information I learned from the videos & articles. I love how simple TechieYouth made these links because for someone who hasn’t used either platform, I was able to understand it pretty easily.
Today I learned how to earn money through social networking. I tend to use social media to communicate with my friends or see what they’re up to, but Techie Youth has taught me how to use it for marketing. Instagram, for example, allows you to make money through niche pages, such as fashion or travel accounts. I learned different tips, such as improving the editing and captions on posts to receive good engagement.
I appreciate how Techie Youth includes everything you need to know about each social media site/app. I am able to understand about everything on Instagram, TikTok, WeChat, Facebook, and more!
Today at Techie Youth I learned about stocks. I learned who shareholders are, why stock prices change, the average return on investment, etc. I also learned the differences between common stocks and preferred stocks. I love learning about finance because that’s what I study at school. There's so much to study, such as types of stock trades, types of orders, trading options, REITs, Forex, and Commodities, but Techie Youth simplifies it and made it easy to understand.
Today interested me so much, especially researching all the unique types of stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other investments.
Today at Techie Youth, I learned all about how to create my own niche website which I did! I learned how to prepare content, how to create high-quality content online, how to write content for affiliate websites, how to find writers for blogs, and how to get website visitors.
My favorite part of the day was using my creativity to create an actual website. Although not easy, I used what I learned today from Techie Youth plus what they taught me about nomad traveling to focus on a specific (niche) topic that is Nomad Traveling with Pets.
Today at Techie Youth, I learned how to make money by selling digital goods, such as ebooks, images, PDF downloads, and online courses. I also learned about the benefits of selling digital goods, such as low overhead costs and high profits margins (due to no recurring cost of goods). I learned about the unique types of business models: Freemium long-tail profit, Recurring-revenue subscription model, Open model, and the Multi-sided platform model. Throughout the day, I enjoyed learning new vocabulary like “domain”, “intangible assets”, “cryptocurrency”, “copyright”, and “affiliate marketing”. My favorite part of today was completing my assignment by creating a PDF (digital good) and posting it online to sell. I was very excited to share what I created with those who are interested!
Today was a more eventful day at Techie Youth. I began the day learning about checking accounts and going through some great recommendations. This information was helpful as I had to open one for my summer job. Then, I learned about selling products online, specifically using 3D printing, robotics, laser cutting, and wearable-technologies. This unit taught me everything from planning to how to use a 3D printer to where and how to sell my product. This inspired me to create a product for disabled children. With the information I learnt today, I was able to plan out the business from scratch.
Today at Techie Youth, I learned you have to be happy with what you do as a career to truly enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy it, its best to have a plan to begin the life you want.
Remote work is a great option for people who want to try something different in the workplace. It adds enormous independence and grants you the ability to choose your own work environment. In some cases, you can also set your own schedule. A lot of companies are transitioning to remote work permanently.
Some remote work includes Virtual Assisting, Bookkeeping, and Graphic Designing.
However, like every job, there are disadvantages. People tend to have trouble adapting to different time zones or end up overworking themselves.
Discipline and self-control are essential for remote work. Most work-from-home opportunities also require internet access and a distraction-free space. When meetings occur, companies tend to use Zoom, Google Meet, BlueJeans,, Skype or other video platforms. I'll be sure to keep these tips when I continue to try remote learning.
7/21/22 - didn't blog yesterday, sorry for the inconvenience
Today I learned about the important of time management and productivity. I was shocked to learn so much. I really enjoyed the TedTalk by Lauren Vanderkam, especially her example about the water leak and prioritizing when "you don't have time". I also learned how valuable time really is. Sometimes, it's better to use money to save time and stress. An example would be to spend money on workers or movers, instead of using your own time to do all the work. You might not do as good of a job and end up stressing out. Another thing I will take with me for the rest of my life is the art of multitasking. Not everyone can do it, me included, so I should try to avoid it. It lowers my quality of work and I don't want that.
Today, I learned about identifying positive role models and mentors. This topic spoke out to me because I don't have a support system to rely on. I learned that there are people who want to help others that may be early on in their career. Thanks to Techie Youth, I know that I should find a mentor naturally, but also have research done before questioning any potential candidates. I also learned that I need to make sure I have something to bring to the table. During the unit, I learned how to properly email a mentor and reviewed mentorship programs recommended by Techie Youth.
I also learned about earning income without staying in one place. What interested me the most about today was learning about nomadic traveling. I watched videos and read articles on how people make money while traveling, using YouTube, affiliate links, Patreon, etc. These people also make vlogs, create blogs, and capture photography, It interested me so much because their job is to literally travel and I never thought that was possible. I would be sure to use Couchsurfing if I ever go on a trip alone to save money and meet new people.