Log of what of Bianna Chen has learned at Techie Youth

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Selling Digital Stuff

You can really sell almost anything is what I learned today. From trading cards like Magic of the Gathering to Crypto which is similar to digital currency, you can do a lot. For example, you can trademark idea that you have and sell them to companies. These can make a lot of money especially if it is popular enough you can earn loyalties for the products when it is produced year after years. You can also get commissioned to work on an idea by companies. You can even sell domains. Overall, you can generally sell anything and there are means to do that.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

How to Make money with the digital assets

Yesterday, I learned how people make digital assets and what type of assets you can sell. Today, I learned how you can sell the,. It's almost like running a business but there are a lot of sites that can provide a lot of the services for you and bring you costumers depending on what you are selling and they deal with certain aspects of it.

You also need to have a business model and strategy when you want to sell something. Furthermore, you need to have a marketing strategy. If you have a website you can even advertise specific stuff on your website with pop up ads. Overall, today's learning was more focused on how to sell and what to do.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Digitally Created- And Used- Items

I was really surprise I never thought about selling assets. I have prior experience with Unity, a game making engine and I have previously used sprites and other such assets before but I found out that there is a market for that. You can make something that is custom or just make a set on your own and hope it would sell. Furthermore, you can sell noise, sound effects, and recorded lines for game developers to use and buy.

There were more things that I have interacted with before but never thought to make a profit out of it. For example, Making filters for certain apps like Instagram and Snapchat can be very profitable especially since I use all these a lot without even thinking too deeply about it.

Sun. Aug. 7, 2022

Making things to sell

You can sell a lot of things that you make. Crafts could be shirts that you print in house or clothes that you designed. For example, you could use bleach to paint permanent designs on your shirts and have embroidery machines stitch custom designs on apparels like hats and hoodies. Having more colors mean you need to charge more.

Furthermore, when selling things, you have to give yourself a baseline of how much things would cost for you to produce, pay your wage for the time you spent and also the cost of production. That is going to be the vale of your product.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

2D Editing Software

Today, I learned a lot about 2D making software. They take a longer time than I expected to make certain designs because they recommend that the designs and such are made by vectors instead of pixels which is good for having the design be more versatile and so you wouldn't run into problems with enlarging designs. Furthermore, I think it's pretty interesting that a lot of these softwares use shapes to build their designs and work around them to match what they are looking for. Overall, it was pretty interesting.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

3D modeling software

There are many different softwares that support 3D modeling. The one that I was more interested in is Blender because the program has a lot of features that can do a multitude of things. This includes animation and building other features for film. I tried it out- it was pretty difficult to use at first and there are a lot of hot keys that I learned to use and wasn't used to. For example, to change perspectives, you have to press down on the middle of your mouse.

Overall, I am still learning how to use blender. It is pretty difficult because there is a lot of choices that you can accidentally click and the software is sophisticated but I'll manage.

I also started learning about laser cutting which is for more 2D objects; but still something that can be tangible art. You can outsource it or make it in house but it ill cost a pretty penny. Usually, you want the design to be sophisticated enough that you could actually justify having the cutting work done by a laser cutter (since it costs a lot) and also make the most of the material you are working with.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Editing Tips and Tricks

Today, I learned a lot about the precess people go through in their editing careers including how they get clients, how they use the programs to edit, how to edit. There is a lot of thought going in how how to edit, including technology that tracks where people look when watching a film. There is also a lot of different programs people can use to edit, most popularly Premiere Pro. Some have their pros and cons and many of them are structured similarly, with the film itself being shown in the middle of the program. Many of the more advanced ones cost a lot of money.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Web Development and Video Editing

Today I learned more about web development and how to work with HTML and CSS. I created really basically website formatting by following the tutorial video. I also learned about what makes a website more secure, as well as how to make my website (once it is coded up) to appear on the web (basically get it registered).

Furthermore, there are many different career paths that are relevant to web developers. There are data related career paths such as data analysts, scientists, engineers, and architects as well as analysts. These all make a lot of money have ties to web development and web design which are actually two different interconnected subjects.

In terms of video editing, it was interesting to see and I learned that the director and editors would meet up and sit there to edit together and make decisions on the clips they have over a period of time.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Web Development!! Day 1

I have been putting this course back for a long time now as I signed up to Techie Youth in hopes of learning coding and I got distracted for far too long. Anyways, I started the Web Development course and watched a super long detailed video about what to learn to become a Web developer as well as what types of things in this field there are.

Right now, I am learning HTML and CSS by following the tutorials. It's pretty fun, I learned how to code simple things and about what I can do with the skills I am trying to achieve. Such as: How to get a job once I am good enough, resources on how I could learn more, what I should avoid, and the different types of developers there are.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Different Things to Consider for making a business and Music Making

There are a lot of things to consider before even starting the business. Exit strategies are one example of this, This is actually very interesting as there are many things you can do as for an exit strategy such as "acquisition" which is being bought out by a larger company or going public and making a portion of company stock purchasable. Exit strategies come when the companies goals are met- speaking of which, a company usually has a motive (what they are working towards) that could change.

Another thing to consider during when making a exit strategy is if you still want shares in some kind of ownership over the company and also how much you need the money (liquidy). When making a business, trademarks are also important because branding is something that clients are going to know you for. There are whole processes for this, wether its just generating one or paying someone to make it and going to through legal processes to own it.

In terms of music, music theory helps a lot with making music and I learned how some people would make music on their computers. One example is going through the steps define the vibe (energy) --> bass --> drums --> add melody --> fill in the gaps

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

What to consider when starting a business or startup

Today I learned more about what are some essential things to do and consider when starting a business. The product you try to deliver needs to be at least one of these two things: they solve a problem for people or they provide someone happiness. To make a business plan possible a person needs hard skills like coding and making the product and soft skills like communication and being professional.

I also heard some really good advice which is to not team up with your friends on projects just because they are friends. This is important because I often do that especially in school where friends would just expect to be part of my team without really saying it explicitly even though I know they aren't the best teammates.

I also learned about many types of profit models and how Starbucks because as popular as it is today. When making a business is to dollar-ize everything: time, storage, electricity, materials, mess ups, website, ad costs, everything that you would need to run your business. You also need to consider ho to are going to outdo competitors- what makes you stand out to talk with others about your ideas to widen your perspective.

Last thing is: your interest should last you at least 7 years because you want your business to do well and live a long life so if the business you start doesn't have good morals or goals, ditch it.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

How to Get a Job and Make Money with Ideas

Today, I learned about how to ace an interview, get connections, make a cover letter, find opportunities and much more. Overall, it was more focused on finding a good job though. Body language and public speaking are very important to making a good impression. Furthermore, public speaking is a skill that is very important because it sells people into agreeing on what you are trying preach. Reputation is also important as it is important to not be someone that is seen as a bad person by others.

Other than that, when job seeking, it important to look out for scams. This is especially important when applying for a remote job so make sure to do your research on the companies that you're interested in.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Goals and How to make money online

There are a lot of things important to making money online. There are many ways to make passive income which is important if you want to travel and have more autonomy over your life. It allows you to travel or stay at home while still being able to make money. Things such as podcasts, writing e books, drop shipping, making a course can just sit there hen you are done setting them up and money comes when you wait. Making Youtube videos and vlogging can also make money.

Furthermore, when making an online business, it is important to understand how to work with money and payment methods such a checking accounts, how to cash out checks and many other types of payment methods. Overall, remote/online jobs have a lot of pros but also you have to be wary of the cons like not having a schedule to stop working and also risking people pirating your work.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

How to Manage Time, Money, and What My Priorities are- and Execute It.

There are many ways to make money, you just need to dedicate your time and energy to it. I helps when you do things that you love but you should be good at it. Furthermore, if you like to travel, it is best to work at a more remote job- that way, you can bring your work with you when you travel. Investing also helps a lot.

Another thing is time management. Time is wasted a lot of the times. To avoid this, you need to pay attention to where you are spending your time and scheduling helps a lot. There are a lot of things that can boost you to success like taking on mentors, I learned how to get a mentor today including the mentor-mentee etiquette, , how to present myself and that maintaining mental and physical health is important.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Improving Quality of Life

Today I started one of the recommended intro units which is improving the quality of life. I watched a lot of videos today, starting with financial planning, budgeting and getting the most out of my time and money. I also learned about bargaining and how to make deals, along with many other opportunity grabbing methods.

Furthermore, in budgeting, things like cost of living, resale value, consumables, and smart purchases- basically objects that that I buy to use- could be resold to get my money back. The videos also included how to spend and move your money around. The part of the unit that I am learning right now is Time management and how important it is to utilize time. There was this TED Talk that explained how we see time and decide to use it.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Learning Python, How to Build an AI, and Music Making

Today, I continued from where I left off from yesterday. Continuing to learn the basics of Python. I really like the concept of Classes in code, out of every unit, this was the easiest to understand. However, modules were the hardest, even now I don't understand how they work- at the very least, I can say I understand the concept of it. After that, I moved on to learning how people actually build AI technology. There are many sites that I looked at that allows people to practice and go onto competitions like Kaggle. I didn't do any of them because my knowledge in coding isn't sufficient yet but hopefully I will be able to in the near future.

For beginners, most of the articles recommended supervised, trial-and-error, type AI building through Python. The code was very confusing but the explanations were really well documented, which is one of the traits previous articles advised coders to have.

Eventually, I moved onto the topic of Music Making as I wanted something fresh. I learned that music could be made through a computer program and that music making is widely accessible to people now. I mostly watched and read articles that were more inspiring that informational so far. For example, I watched and artist called Leo who documented his music making, making one song every day of the week for 5 days. Overall, this was really inspiring.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

AI Technology Types and How to Build Them

Today I learned about many types of AI and how they work. The most relevant subcategory of Ai Technology is MI, Machine Learning. Within that, there are many different sub groups that work differently and many different functions. For example, there is supervised algorithms and semisupervised algorithms.

Furthermore, algorithms in general have a lot of types and usages. They are fundamental to making AIs. There are also many skills that one need to know in order to make AI, especially if they want a job without a degree. Skills and knowledge on calculus, statistic theories, coding will all increase the chances of someone getting a job in the AI field.

I also started learning Python after reading many articles of people who have actually worked with AI. Although my hours didn't log correctly on this site when I was learning it, I learned how to build simple sentences through Python and did the Python exercises. I was not able to complete it today so I will continue through the site tomorrow.