well today I've learned websites to establish income-earning assets with nominal operating costs and also how to make your own money by doing spreadsheet
Today I was just scrolling threw how to sell art work and it was really interesting learning how people sell there art work online
Well today I’ve learned about how people with little funds can live much better than someone wealthy with proper financial management and life skills.
Today I was learning how to go properly on an interview with respect so I can get hired mostly I was learning about jobs and interviews that was interesting to me because I can teach my daughters these things when they get older so these proper ways to go on an interview were great suggestions
well today I've learned a little something on how to make money online but I was really trying to make up the assignments that techie youth claim I'm not doing work online can be fun in so many ways especially when you are traveling or on a vacation
Today I've learned something about writing and how to write journals I also was shown an app called Grammarly that helps people fix their grammar when they are writing sentences or writing period right now as I type this I'm using the grammar app and its very helpful
well today ive learned how to create art work how to sell art a work and many different things about art and one of the most thing i like about selling art was that it dont always have to be perfert and it always takes pratice and time but i also learned how to start a business with art work well im not a fan of doing art but these few videos i watch was interesting today about art
today ive learned to develop apps on andriods ios apple products on tablets also on mobile devices also what i learned yesterday was how organize large themed commun ties on social networks
Today ive learned about different ways to stay healthy just by doing exercises also how to keep your body and mental health functioning right but what video i did love and is one of the reasons why im writing this blog was this is what really happens as you start exercising as i was watching the video it told me a lot of things i didnt know that really helps just by exercising
well today i basically learned how to be stressed free and also how to handle my stress and be happy in different ways one is the way you think about doing things also being comfortable with loosing and gaining because the impotant thing is being okay with going throught things as long as you know how to get through it
Today ive learned how to create my own app also how to publish my own app in many ways .
Today I learned about music and how to make resume in a professional way so that the employers will hire you also I’ve just learned a lot today
i ddint learn nothing because i dont know how to use this app and this app is very aggravating everything is taking me everywhere and i dont know what im doing this is a bad app