Log of what of Abiyag Rahman has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

What i learned today- 8/12/22

Today, I learned about how you can earn money by Blogging and writing for your own website. Creating the text-content for your own blog, website or other content-rich Internet destination requires passion and dedication. Guest blogging is another great way to expose your written content to more people. Writing content for other people's sites allows your content to be seen by an entirely new audience, and if you have captivated the audience then they may subscribe to your blog to read more of your content. The process is straightforward, find blogs similar to yours that are from bloggers who have a bigger following than you and then propose them to write content for their blog. Writing SEO backlink content is another option for writing jobs. Search engine optimization (SEO) backlinks are a promotional tool to get your website listed higher in search rankings. SEO backlink content is essentially an article or other text-content designed for the primary purpose of sending traffic to other websites from specific keywords that are linked with the article. If successful, this associates the linked-site as being a relevant authority for that keyword. Building backlinks requires a good strategy and time to slowly expose your content to more and more people. Technical writing is different from any other type of writing. It has limited literary creativity and is primarily focused on providing detailed descriptions and instructions. Examples of technical writing include instruction manuals, product specifications and installation guides. This kind of writing requires a lot of practice, since it can be difficult for writers to transition from creative to technical writing.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

What i learned today- 8/11/22

Today, I started learning about various types of writing that are potentially profitable and able to be performed remotely. Magazine/Journal writers typically write articles for one or a small few magazines on a regular basis, or write contributing articles for many different magazines that are in the same niche without any guaranteed continuity. To become a journal writer, you typically need to have studied a specific topic extensively and become an expert in the field. Journal articles are typically longer, contain lots of statistics and charts, and require more time to write than magazine articles. Authoring books is another option for writing jobs. Writing and publishing a book can be done independently, or through a traditional publishing process that involves agents, editors and publishers to get your book out to the public; there are unique benefits to both routes. Copywriting is also another writing job. Writing copy involves a different skill set than creative writing. Copywriting is geared toward marketing a product or service for a company, so the writing must be persuasive, clear and concise. This can involve writing short advertisements, mass emails, or other forms of raising brand awareness. Copywriters help entrepreneurs and visionaries share their story, business and brand in a big-way online through engaging written content and authentic marketing practices.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

What i learned today- 8/10/22

Today, I learned about Procuring objects with resale-value for free or very-cheap. People give away objects of value for free all the time. If you live in a big city then you can likely procure new items for free day-after-day. Items to resell for profit can be found for free or for very-low cost on Craigslist, OfferUp, Facebook Marketplace and similar websites. eBay frequently has items of value that get very little or no bids, and if there is no reserve-price set then you can buy them for cheap. You can also Procure minimal-cost items from garage sales to sell online for a profit. Another arbitrage model is to procure items that are not represented well, perhaps they are dirty or broken, or just poorly photographed, and then repairing or cleaning them, and taking good photos and/or adding a video-review of the item, and then reselling them for a greater profit then the cost of the item. A common model is to buy inexpensive cell phones that work but have a cracked screen, repairing the screen and then reselling them. Selling used objects that you already have can be a viable option for earning quick money. I also started learning about Writing jobs. There are a variety of different potential entry points for turning a love of writing into a career, nearly all of which can be performed remotely from anywhere that you have a computer.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

What i learned today- 8/9/22

Today, I learned about how you can earn income online. Anyone with computer access and Wi-Fi connectivity can earn money. Some of these opportunities require specific qualifications such as physical location or certain skills like fluency in a foreign language, but there are ways to earn immediate income online for virtually everyone. Amazon Mechanical Turk and ClickWorker are ways to earn money immediately by doing random online-tasks. The income earned from these "micro gigs" is relatively small and may be more suited for people who live in countries where the US dollar has a stronger value than their local currency. Many writers need someone to help them to correct grammar and improve the readability of their content. If you have strong literary skills and like to read then this is an easy source of income involving reading text-content and correcting mistakes. You can also earn income by listening to music, only about 90 seconds per song, and then submit a detailed review about the song. Get paid to write greeting cards for any occasion and exercise your creativity! From birthdays to holidays, draw from your personality and sense of humor to write original sentences for card companies. Mock juror is another job you can do online. As a mock juror you will assist lawyers by reviewing legal cases and giving your opinion on how you would rule. Translating is also a good online job. If you are multilingual, online translation may be a good way to put your skills and knowledge to work. Avid book readers may consider freelancing for US Review of Books; they pay freelance writers for writing book reviews for specific publications.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

What i learned today- 8/8/22

Today, I learned about how to exactly spread the word about your cause of Fundraising. One way is to get your local media to cover what you are campaigning for. To do this, first you have to get them interested in what you are talking about. Most nonprofit story ideas are not breaking news, and may not appear relevant and newsworthy at first. However, experts such as Katya Andresen, who wrote a ground-breaking book on this topic several years ago, suggest the following tactics like making it exclusive, Involve a big name, Play up the stakes, and Be part of the solution to overcome our stories' shortcomings and to make them appealing to a reporter. In some instances, you may be required to write a press release. These are compelling stories that are sent to the media that can capture their attention. Using social media is expected as part of any non-profit marketing strategy, and is necessary to reach larger audiences and a greater number of media outlets. Sometimes, it may be beneficial to have some help on your hands. But with being on a tight budget, you may have to find volunteers. Volunteers are essential for nonprofits. In a sector where we usually have more work to do than we have staff to do it, volunteers boost our power, lighten the load, and exponentially increase our impact. Best of all, they do it because they believe in the cause and want to help.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

What i learned today- 8/5/22

Today, I learned about the Methods of online fundraising. There are many methods to fundraising. Crowdfunding is proving to be one of the most popular ways for nonprofits and individuals alike to raise money for causes, projects, or events that they care about. Crowdfunding is an increasingly popular option for any small business looking to raise money. It's one of the most accessible ways of financing a new idea or product. But launching a successful crowdfunding campaign isn’t as easy as setting up a page on Kickstarter or Indiegogo and waiting for the money to roll in. Peer-to-peer fundraising or virtual events are a type of fundraising that many nonprofits pair with fundraising events like walkathons, marathons, and in-person events that need to be transitioned to virtual. One of the most traditional ways to raise money online is through the tried-and-true online donation form. In many cases, donation forms allow you to brand your page and create special fields to capture specific, related information. In this day and age, technology has become the basis of many people's lives. With that social media has been a great way to communicate and reach out to others. Another popular fundraising method is social media campaigns. This can be relevant in reaching a younger, widespread audience and creating more engagement for donors. We all see these people on social media that have huge followings. They are able to impact their audience and bring coverage towards a brand simply by posting on their accounts. Another way to fundraise is by hosting an online event to which donors can engage together in. Whether this be a virtual game night or talent show, there are many ideas that can appeal to a certain audience. Another method into online fundraising is reaching out to companies. These companies are able to make larger donations while also benefiting by doing public good.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

What i learned today- 8/4/22

Today, I learned about Fundraising. Fundraising is the process of building relationships with people, companies, and other organizations who might want to support your mission by donating money to your non-profit. Fundraising requires patience and determination. The best fundraisers seek to build long-term relationships with their donors to provide an ongoing source of funding for the organizations they are working with. Nearly 80% of the money that is donated to charities comes from individual donors. For this reason, you should focus most of your fundraising efforts on raising money from people, not corporations, foundations or other non-profits. Fundraisers work primarily for nonprofit organizations, including educational institutions, religious organizations, health research foundations, social services organizations, and political campaigns. Fundraisers typically need a bachelor’s degree and strong communication and organizational skills. Employers generally prefer candidates who have studied public relations, journalism, communications, English, or business. The median annual wage for fundraisers is $60,660. One way to approach donors is to write your own fundraising appeal. A fundraising appeal is the first impression your donors will have of your cause and ultimately determine whether or not they choose to support you. Once you have figured out what you want your cause to be through the fundraising appeal you have made, you can summarize this into a simple pitch to give either over the phone, through email, or in person. We have all been on the receiving end of a cold lead cold call. You get a random call asking for you to sign up for something or join a program, these can be classified as cold calls. Although this is a common method used in approaching new customers, there are better ways to go about this. A warm lead on the other hand is someone who has shown interest in a product or service either by following your company on social media, signing up to your email newsletter, as a referral from a friend or previous client or some other expressed interest. Warm leads are more friendly and therefore, can be more effective.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

What i learned today- 8/3/22

Today, I learned about Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is the capability of a machine or computer device to emulate human intelligence, acquire from experiences, adapt to the latest information and operate humans-like-activities. Automation, robotics and the use of sophisticated computer software and programs characterize a career in artificial intelligence (AI). Candidates interested in pursuing jobs in this field require specific education based on foundations of math, technology, logic, and engineering perspectives. Working with artificial intelligence requires an analytical thought process and the ability to solve problems with cost-effective, efficient solutions. It also requires foresight about technological innovations that translate to state-of-the-art programs that allow businesses to remain competitive. Additionally, AI specialists need technical skills to design, maintain and repair technology and software programs. You can also get jobs with zero experience and sometimes without a degree. Python is the most-common programming language used for AI applications. Knowledge of Python is expected from anyone working in AI and machine learning.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

What I learned today - 8/2/22

Today, I learned about Specialized services you can do and earn money. These services are not universal and may only be a fit for people with specific talents/abilities. These services include Voice acting, selling stock photographs, video and audio, Artistry, Online modeling, Website design and Graphic design. Voice-over is a production technique where a human voice is used in a radio or television production, within a film or cartoon, theater, video game or other media. Selling stock photographs and stock video footage are professional-grade media that have usage-rights sold to whomever wants to use them in their project, typically on a royalty-free basis. The media can be of anything so long as there is someone interested in buying the usage-right; common stock images are of popular landmarks, nature, events, activities and people. If you are artistically inclined, you can sell your work online. This can be done in many different ways - for example, either creating artwork yourself and selling it online or working by commissions, meaning that the creation of a piece is requested by someone else and you create it for them. Artwork may be commissioned by private individuals, businesses or organizations. Models typically have the role of promoting, displaying and advertising commercial products, most-often clothing, but may also take on other roles such as posing as a photographer's subject. Some types of modeling work can be performed remotely by shooting your own photos and video, although it is more commonly an in-person role. A web designer's responsibility is to construct the overall look and feel of a website, including creating the graphical images. Web designers are similar to graphic designers, but specialize in designing websites. Graphic designers produce imagery for use in all types of media including online, magazines, brochures, fliers, posters, package-design and billboards.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

What I learned today- 8/1/22

Today, I learned about Providing Services, Exchanging Your Skilled-Time for Money. Learning service-oriented skills that enable you to exchange your skilled-time for an hourly wage. While the specifics of every job might be different, there are several universal prerequisites that you will need for your at-home customer service gig no matter what company you join, including Quiet work environment, High-speed internet connection, Landline phone, Up-to-date operating system on your computer, and Ability to download and use specified software Basic computer skills. There are many opportunities for you to earn income from writing and publishing texts or media. A blog writer or ghost author is hired by a literary magazine to write articles, texts, or speeches. A digital content creator is in charge of compiling and distributing this information to audiences online. An exciting aspect about virtual writing is that you can work entirely on your own terms and you will have a level of individual freedom to express yourself in your work. Tutoring online can also be a good source of income, as you can earn money from helping students gain skills and knowledge in a more personalized way than in traditional classrooms. There are plenty of opportunities online to get paid for partaking in scientific and social experiments and research. Pay rates for online researchers depend on their experience and which areas they have skills at.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

what I learned today- 7/29/22

Today I learned about Microsoft Excel for business analysis. The most basic skill employers often look for in candidates is proficiency in Microsoft Excel. Excel is used to record, manipulate, analyze, etc. statistical data and is used by many statisticians across multiple fields. Excel is not free, but most of its functions are available in Google Sheets, which is a free alternative to Excel.

I also learned about Data Analyst. Data analysts collect and process data. Their main job is to use data to help a company make informed decisions regarding operations. A data analyst plays an important role in the success of a company. A data analyst and a business analyst may seem quite similar, but there are significant differences between them. Data Analysts focus on designing and maintaining the database, deriving patterns and trends to finally obtain useful and actionable information from the data which is then used to make important data-driven business decisions. Business Analysts on the other hand are excellent decision-makers with keen business insights. They have a clear picture regarding the objectives of their organizational goals with a deep understanding of its process, allowing them to think critically regarding business strategies. More than education, employers of data analysts tend to look for candidates who have mastery of computer skills, like Python, SQL, and R language.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

What I learned today- 7/28/22

Today I learned about the many different types of roles people may have as a Virtual Assistant. There can be many different types of jobs a virtual assistant can get, oftentimes they have to do multiple types of things. I also learned how to make a portfolio website on Wix. People make their own portfolio website on many applications like Wix, Fiverr, and WordPress. They do this to promote themselves when they apply for jobs. They can write about themselves, including their resume, past work experiences, projects and many other things in their portfolio. I also started learning about being an Analyst. An analyst gathers, interprets, and uses complex data to develop actionable steps that will improve processes and optimize results. The most common analyst roles that can be performed remotely are Business Analyst and Data Analyst. Business analysts are the problem solvers of a company. Their main job is to offer guidance and advice on business requirements and potential solutions to improve the company's performance. There are two different types of business analysts: an internal analyst and an external analyst. While both types of analysts work with a company to help solve a problem, the primary difference lies in how they are hired. An external analyst is a contractor, an outside perspective brought in to help solve a problem, who leaves after the problem is solved. An internal analyst is a company employee who works within the company and continues to work with the company. There is a strong job market for business analysts. Business analysts can have degrees spanning many different majors such as finance, accounting, business administration, economics, statistics, political science or sociology.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

What I learned today- 7/27/22

Today, I learned more about how to be a Virtual Assistant. Possessing graphic-creation skills is a beneficial asset. Canva is a popular website that lets you easily design aesthetically pleasing social media posts, posters, logos and more. Literary skills are an important skill to have. There are several variations of the English language, the most prevalent being American English and British English. When working remotely you may have clients hire you from all parts of the world, so you should be familiar with both dialects. You should also be able to Proofread things. As a virtual assistant, your employer might task you with proofreading their documents, emails or letters. It is important that you have strong editor skills, and are able to pay attention and detect even small grammatical mistakes. Having good Data entry skills can also be beneficial to you and could increase your chances of getting hired for a good job. Many companies have a lot of data to manage, so data entry is a good skill to have. A virtual assistant job is all remote and virtual meetings are imperative in facilitating proper communication between you and your employer. Good virtual meetings require preparation to ensure the background, lighting and audio quality are satisfactory. There are many applications where you can host or join group meetings online.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

What I learned today- 7/26/22

Today, I learned more about how to be a good virtual assistant. I learned about the types of jobs they do and what skills are needed to get a virtual assistant job. Transcription skill is a very important office skill. Transcription is essentially writing down exactly what you hear. It can be difficult at first given the speaking to typing speed, but with practice it gets faster, and you can become proficient in transcription. Telephone skills are also very important because you have to know how to professionally talk to people and assist them. Email management also helps a lot as it will help you label email and keep emails organized. Proficiency with the productivity apps is also an expected skill for virtual assistants. You have to be proficient in productivity apps like Google Sheets, Google Docs and Google Slides. Google sheets is great for organizing, analyzing, and viewing data of any kind, as well as managing accounting and numerical calculations. Google Docs is ideal for any writing assignment or collaborative essay. Google Slides enables the creation of presentations. Managing social media for companies is a common virtual assistant task. Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are the most common and popular social media platforms.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

What I learned today- 7/25/22

Today, I learned about Commodities. Commodities are raw materials that are used to produce finished goods, including agricultural products, mineral ores and fossil fuels. In terms of financial markets commodities are physical goods that are bought, sold and traded in markets. Commodity trading​ covers the buying and selling of a large range of instruments including oil and gas, metals such as gold and silver and soft commodities like cocoa, coffee, wheat and sugar. There are many commodity trading strategies. Most commodity trading strategies use technical analysis, moving averages, and other metrics to decide when to enter or exit a position. A risk is often synonymous with commodities. Commodities are the most volatile asset class, stocks, bonds, and currencies tend to have lower variance and more liquidity than commodities. The main reason why commodities are a risky proposition is that they trade on futures markets that offer a high degree of leverage. It is important to know how to manage risk well in order to thrive in the commodity market over the long term. When you trade commodities, it is critical to not only be careful of the risks of investment losses but also of various types of common fraud. It is common for scam artists to target the less sophisticated investor, promising unrealistic return rates and very little risk. Everyone invests in the stock market for one reason, to create wealth. But in order to do that, not only do you need to understand how to make money in the stock market, you also need to understand how to lose money in the stock market. I also learned about being a Virtual Assistant. As a Virtual Assistant, you will perform various administrative tasks, including answering emails, scheduling meetings and making travel arrangements.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

What I learned today- 7/22/22

Today, I learned how you can be a good option trader. Options trading can be complex, especially since several different options can exist on the same underlying, with multiple strikes and expiration dates to choose from. You have to find the right option that fits your strategies to get maximum profits. Covered calls are the safest options strategy. These allow you to sell a call and buy the underlying stock to reduce risks. A covered call is a kind of options strategy that offers limited return for limited risk. A covered call involves selling a call option on a stock that you already own. An options contract is an arrangement between two parties that grant rights to buy or sell an asset at a particular time in the future for a particular price. However, because options traders can also use options to speculate on price or to sell insurance to hedgers, they can be risky if used in those ways. If you do your research before buying, it is not riskier than trading individual stocks and bonds. In fact, if it’s done the right way, it can be even more profitable than trading stocks. Options contracts can be used to minimize risk through hedging strategies that increase in value when the investments you are protecting fall. Options can also be used to leverage directional plays with less potential loss than owning the outright stock position. Determining the appropriate amount of money to invest in an options position allows the investor to unlock the power of leverage.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

What I learned today - 7/21/22

Today, I learned that it takes a lot of practice and strategies to succeed in the forex market. You can’t make decisions based on emotion, you have to look at the facts and make a decision. There are many risks in forex trading as well. Various risks can contribute to huge losses, so having a solid understanding of the types of possible risks is very important. Using leverage in the foreign exchange market may result in losses that exceed a trader's initial investment. The differential between currency values due to interest rate risk can cause forex prices to change dramatically. There are also other risks, like counterparty risk, transaction risk, and country risk. Other than trading risks, you should also be aware of all kinds of scams. Forex scammers tend to target beginners or uneducated traders. The best way to avoid being a victim, and avoid getting scammed, is by getting a good Forex trading education before you enter the markets. I also learned about REITs. REITs, or Real Estate Investment Trusts, are trusts who’s portfolio’s investors can invest in by buying shares of the companies’ portfolio. Since equity REITs are publicly traded, they can be purchased similarly to a stock on stock exchanges. REITs are an alternative to buying real estate directly. They also offer some of the most attractive features of stock investing. I also learned about Options. Options are an asset class that belongs to a group of securities known as derivatives. A derivative is an asset with a price that’s dependent on the price of an underlying investment , like a stock or a bond. Unlike stocks, you can’t hold onto your options forever. Options contracts can last one, two, three, six, or twelve months. When you invest in stock options, you essentially purchase the right to buy or sell shares of an underlying stock for a set price at a future date. There’s no direct ownership of the company at all, while when you buy a stock, you are buying a part of a company. You also can’t earn dividends with Options.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

What I learned today - 7/20/22

Today, I learned about blockchains. A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. Blockchains are different from a typical database because blockchains store data in blocks that are then linked together through cryptography. There are many advantages of a blockchain, like Cost reductions by eliminating third-party verification, it is harder to tamper with because of decentralization, and transactions are secure and efficient. Few disadvantages would be the technology cost associated with mining bitcoin, Low transactions per second, and data storage limitation.

Cryptocurrency is actively traded continuously and has no concept of after-hours trading. The most-popular method to buy cryptocurrency is to purchase it from Coinbase, the largest US exchange for buying and trading with USD. The cryptocurrency sector is loaded with scams. There are also cryptocurrency taxes. You must add the cryptocurrency part when you’re filing taxes each year. There are lots of markets where you can trade many different types of securities. Forex, ETFs, Futures, and Options are some examples. Forex is a combination of the words foreign exchange, and is essentially trading money between foreign currencies to convert your money into an increased value currency.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

What I learned today- 7/19/22

Today, I learned about the stock market and how it works. I learned about the history of NYSE and NASDAQ. The NYSE is an auction market that uses specialists while the Nasdaq is a dealer market with many market makers in competition with one another. I learned about when we should trade. Timing is very important in order to profit from trading stocks. You have to buy and sell at the right time. Prices of stocks go up and down all the time. I also learned how to read the stocks chart. The chart is very important because this is where we get to see what’s happening with the stocks value. You can track the value of a stock annually, monthly, weekly, daily or intradaily. It teaches you to identify spikes and trends and how to determine whether there is support for a stock. The chart also shows stock split and when it occurs. Also, ticker symbols are important because every company has a unique ticker symbol. Robinhood is a very good application to buy and sell stocks. It’s a free App that helps you figure out trends and what you should invest in. There are risks to investing as well. For example, short selling. A short sale is a transaction in which the seller does not actually own the stock that is being sold but borrows it from a broker-dealer. They invest on the falling market price. Markets have both price rises and falls. This means that focusing on just the price falling limits the range of profit potential. The loss potential is also limitless because the stock price can increase limitlessly while it can only drop to zero. Inflation is another risk. Concentration risk also causes a lot of people to lose a lot of money because they invest too much in one stock.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

What I learned today - 7/18/22

Today, I learned that every company should launch a new business with a minimally viable product. A minimum viable product/MVP, is a product with enough features to attract new customers and validate a product idea early in the product development cycle .Many new businesses fail because they try to overachieve from the start. You should dream big and start small. You must also be open minded and flexible with your product. Customer feedback is super important and the products should suit their wants. The goal of MVP is to start a new business with as less money as possible and make profit so it can grow. It’s also very important to be hands-on with your business. You must be involved in whatever is happening and be active. In order for people to work with you, you need to show that you are dedicated and professional. Having clients to sell your products is another vital part of having a successful business. You must win them over so they choose your products over other companies’ products. Staying silent in a competition for clients can be very beneficial to you. If your competitor keeps on talking and blabbering everything, the client will just zone out and not care, but when a silent person suddenly gets up and speaks, everyone will listen and be attentive. Knowing the value of products and negotiating is very important. If you don't know the value of a product and the seller knows that, they can sell a cheap product to you as a very expensive product. Negotiating is a good skill to have, whether you’re the buyer or the seller. You must learn to maximize profit in whatever you sell.

I also learned about investing. There are many ways people invest and earn money. I also learned about the risks of investing. You must be smart about it and research first.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

What I learned today- 7/15/22

Today, I learned that branding your company is very important in order to successfully start a start-up. Choosing a company name is very important, and we must choose it carefully. Our company’s name shouldn’t be the same or similar to a competing company’s name. Same goes for the Domain name. We must learn to avoid trademark infringement. Coming up with a catchy slogan and good logo is also an important part of starting a business. Logos also cannot be similar to other competing companies. We can design our own logo or hire a professional to make it for us. Having a copied logo could get you in trouble. The company your logo was copied from could file lawsuits against you. Obtaining funds for start-up is another key part of having your own business. You can get funds from friends/families or angel investors. Angel investors are high-net-worth individuals who provide financial backing for small startups or entrepreneurs, typically in exchange for ownership equity in the company or a larger amount of money in return.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

What I leaned today- 7/14/22

Today, I learned about how to start a start-up with good planning. We must know how we will do everything before we start. There must be a plan to make profit or else there’s no point in starting a business. There must also be contingency plans and other products/source of income. Value proposition is very important. We need a target audience/customer. We’ll need to figure out what product we’re going to sell and to whom. We need to show why our product is better than existing products. The products should either solve a problem, improve something or introduce something brand new. Competition is very common and most inevitable in businesses. Competition can also be beneficial. You can sell the same products for a cheaper price which will result in more customers. Many times, big corporations might decide to enter a new business field and try to buy small companies. An Exit strategy is also very important to have a successful start-up. Choosing a co-founder/partner is crucial to having a successful start-up. It’s important that we choose a partner wisely. It’ll be very difficult to handle everything on our own. A partner should have a specific role and qualities that help you and vice versa.