Log of what of Aaron Ayuso has learned at Techie Youth

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Music Production

Today at Techie Youth I learned about about music production. I learned how to make money by being a musician. For example they showed a music in a week. They went day by day on what they did, they showed them recording, producing the music, and what they do during that day. Also other way to make money is earn streaming royalties through digital distribution, make money playing gigs, sell band merchandise online, collaborate with brands and other musicians ell beats and samples, and teach music classes and sell lessons.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Monetizing Mobile apps

Today at Techie Youth I learned how to monetize mobile apps. I learned about one method is by running in-app ads. Another way paid app Monetizing Your App with a Download Fee. App Subscription Model to Bring in Consistent Revenue, affiliate marketing for your app, monetizing through In-App Purchases, and app Transaction Fees. There is data that shows that apps that do the make a lot doing these methods.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Web Development

Today at Techie Youth I learned about web development. I learned that you have to sign up for a free website builder, choose what kind of website you want to create, customize a template or get a website made for you, choose your starting point, drag and drop 100s of design features, get ready for business, and publish your website and go live, and drive traffic to your site.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Mobile Apps (IOS &Andriod)

Today at techie youth I learned how to develop mobile . I learn that you have to generate an app idea, do, competitive market research, write out the features for your app, make design mockups of your app, create your app's graphic design, put together an app marketing plan, and Build the app with one of these options, and Submit your app to the app store. Additionally I learned create the app for andriod and apple store.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

Robinhood Setup

Today I learned about Robinhood at Techie Youth. I learned that Robinhood is a investing app that you can use for investing in stocks, NFTS, and crypto currency. I learned how to setup an account. They taught me what to do when investing and starting up. They informed me what is the safest way to invest for started. I followed what they told me to invest to and I did. This will help me make money overtime.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

How To Sell my own product

Today at Techie Youth I learned where to sell my own product. The first placed I learned about was Ebay. I learned that I have to Identify my own product, choose between Auction-style and fixed-price selling, set my listing duration, Price my item, and set up shipping options. Ebay is a common website people look for to buy something cheap, so I can use this website to help make money fast . Becoming a seller with good reviews will allow people to trust my product and believe I wont scam them.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Adobe Illustrator

Today I learned about adobe illustrator at Techie Youth today. I watched a in depth tutorial on this graphic design tool. I learn that can use the graphics you create with Illustrator in any size digital or print format, and be confident they'll look exactly the way I designed them. I learned a bunched of the commands. For example, for commands like undo,redo,cut and many more. Adobe Illustrator is very known I am excited to use to help create anything that comes in mind.

Sat. Jul. 16, 2022

Solidworks 3d Product software

Today I learned about the software Solidworks at techie Youth today. The program look the most challenging of them all. There were many videos with this software. After watching all the videos I learned how that there are multiple 3d editing sofware that are used to edit different type of 3d products. They all have different commands. The solidwork software is the most difficult of them all. Learning this software would benefit you the most if you were interested in 3d editing/ producing.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

3D Products Blender Software

Today in techie youth I learned about another software I can use when creating a 3d product. The software I learned about today is called blender. The benefits of this software is that it is free, ideal for curvy blobby shapes , and used for art and game development in certain fields. In the videos I was taught short cut commands to do actions faster and was told many tips.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

3D Printing Products

Today I learned about 3d printing at Techie Youth. They introduce me into creating a 3d object in a free software called Tinkercard. They are teaching how to use this software and learn the basics of it, so I can create any 3d object. It seems difficult, but when you get a hang of its pretty easy.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

Start Up Business

Today I learned about start up business today in techie Youth. I learned to do when starting up business. I learned how to plan out is if it good to start a business. Also one way they told me to think of it is like a relationship. For example the stages of a relationship. Additionally I learned how to make a slogan and they show website that can generate slogans for you.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Physical and Mental Health

Today at Techie Youth I learned about mental and physical health. I learned that mental health is very important and always keep it top priority. I learned that you don't lose weight when being physically but things like energy and stamina increase .

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

Learning What to do when Doing an Interview

I learned several thing about interview today at Techie Youth. First Thing I learned what not to do an a interview. Also, I learned how to present my self in a interview. They showed me how to dress properly for an interview, what to bring with me when going to interview. Additionally I watch a MOCK of an interview and saw what would most likely happen an a interview. Also they taught me how to prepare for an online interview and setup my camera for the interview.