Log of what of Aaliyah Lolagne has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Adobe Illustrator - Techie Youth Day 4

Today with Techie Youth I learned a lot about working digitally with Adobe Illustrator. I have worked with AI prior to today, but I never really got an in-depth lesson on how to use it. After learning about AI I can say that I actually would rather work with photoshop, but I can see why many may choose AI over photoshop.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Becoming An Entrepreneur - Techie Youth Day 3

Today at Techie Youth I learned about entrepreneurship. I created an Executive Summary for an idea that I’ve had in mind for a while now. I learned about the pros and cons of Entrepreneurship and what exactly an Entrepreneur is.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

Mental Health- Techie Youth Day 2

Today at Techie Youth I learned that there is more than one way to take care of your mental health. The way that I’d like to utilize is meditation. I have tried to meditate before but it didn’t work out, but today’s unit gave me the motivation to try again. I also learned that working a 9-5 job is definitely not what I want to do in the future.

Tue. Jul. 5, 2022

How To Stay Productive Working At Home- Techie Youth Day 1

The link for the youtube video was not uploading through the youtube type, so here it is;
